Aimsigh faisnéis faoi nuashonruithe beartais, imeachtaí reatha, tionscadail, cistiú agus deiseanna forbartha gairmiúla leanúnaí, go háitiúil agus go náisiúnta araon.

Podcasts from the 2024 Portal Regional Day

The Arts in Education Portal

In a first for the Portal, we are entering the exciting world of podcasting! At the 2024 Spring regional Day that took place vin May, we recorded the two main presentations. Podcasts of these talks are now available to listen from your preferred streaming platform.

In the first episode we hear from Lorna Kavanagh, project manager at Kids’ Own Publishing, Sligo, teacher Triona O’Dowd Hill and artist Andy Parsons on their collaborative journey embarked with Triona’s class in St. Cecilia’s School, a school that caters for students with moderate to profound learning disabilities.

In the second episode we hear from teacher Karen Brogan and arts practitioner Leslie Ryan on a project involving 5 west Sligo primary schools where they explored themes within ecology and heritage through sculpture, sound and visual art supported through the Department of Education Creative Clusters inititave

It is hoped to continue with further series’ in the future with the presentation of recordings from our conferences and events including talks and discussions from teachers, educators, artists, creatives, curators, arts/education managers and academics. 

The annual Spring Regional Day is one of two gatherings in the Portal calendar for the Portal community to connect with each other at regional level to share and showcase practice in different parts of the country. We know not everyone can attend events such as this in person, by recording these talks it enables a wider audience to hear the insights shared during these talks.

The 2024 Spring Regional Day was hosted at Sligo Education Centre for the North West, including the counties Donegal, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo. Read our round up on the day here: https://artsineducation.ie/en/2024/05/29/arts-in-education-portal-regional-day-2024-roundup/




Bhun & Iar-bhunscoile