Opportunity: Portal Documentation Award 2020

Deadline: Friday 24th January 2020
The Arts in Education Portal editorial team are pleased to invite applications for a documentation award. Through the award, successful applicants will receive services to the value of €5,000 that will support them in the documentation of a current or upcoming project and a €500 stipend.
The purpose of the award is to support the development of documented outcomes from Arts in Education initiatives in Ireland, which can be shared with the arts in education community and give insights into different processes of engagement. This is part of the Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee’s commitment to supporting and recognising the value of documentation and reflection as a key component within arts in education initiatives.
Two awards will be offered through this opportunity.
Outcomes of the documentation process will include: a project video, a project feature to be showcased on the Portal’s Projects/Partnerships, and the option of a critical essay, with a view to also presenting the work as part of the Arts in Education Portal National Day in 2020.
The process will involve meetings with the Portal Team and a schedule of 3 site visits over the course of the project to capture video and photographic documentation and support reflective processes among participants. The portal team will edit and produce a project video, and will liaise closely with the project partners to develop the content for the project feature. The critical essay would be sited in the Portal’s Reading Room, and is optional. The author and focus of the essay can be decided by the project organisers in collaboration with the Portal Team.
To be considered for this opportunity, projects must:
- Have started in autumn 2019 and continuing into Spring 2020, or be due to start in Feb 2020.
- Have a minimum duration of 8 weeks.
- Involve a professional artist working collaboratively within an educational setting (early years, primary or post-primary).
- Be underpinned by a strong ethos of collaboration and a commitment to excellence. Focus on the creative process, with children having an active and collaborative role
Additional criteria
- Successful applicants will be asked to ensure that relevant permissions/consent have been sought for documentation of participants.
- Please ensure your application has been approved by all project partners prior to submission.
How to make a submission:
- Background on who you are; your professional practice and your ethos or approach towards Arts in Education.
- An overview of the project – who is involved, how did the collaboration come about, what processes or approaches will take place, what is the aim or focus of the process?
- A statement of interest, explaining why documentation supports would be of value to this project.
Please send your submission to: editor@artsineducation.ie by 5pm, Friday 24th January 2020.