#CreateAtHome: The Fighting Words Story-Starter for Primary School Writers

Fighting Words
Send Your Creative Writing to Fighting Words!
During this time when we might find ourselves with more time, it’s time for more stories! Fighting Words is inviting children and young people to write and share their writing with us..
Primary School Age Writers (Age 6-12): The Fighting Words Story-Starter
Fighting Words have invented the Story-Starter, which they hope will spark your imagination and help you get started on a story. You can change anything you want in the story – you don’t have to include all the ideas generated in the Story-Starter.
How do I submit my writing?
After you have written your story, ask your parent/guardian to send it to info@fightingwords.ie. IMPORTANT: Please include the words Primary Story in the subject line.
Happy writing!
For further infromation and submission guidelines go to www.fightingwords.ie/news/we-want-your-stories-send-your-creative-writing-fighting-words