Have Your Say! A Survey on Music Education Opportunities in Fingal

Calling Young People, Musicians and Educators!
Have Your Say! A Survey on Music Education Opportunities for Children and Young People in Fingal.
Fingal County Council, in partnership with the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board, invite you to complete a survey that will help us understand your views regarding access to performance music education for children and young people in the county.
This research will support a submission to Music Generation, the national performance music education programme, to extend and enrich the partners’ commitment to children & young people in Fingal.
This step taken by the partners emphasises the importance of retaining support for arts and education initiatives now and in the times ahead as we build connections with one another and ignite hope and inspiration.
Your views are important to this process and will enable the partners to develop and deliver music education programmes that suit the needs of those aged 0 – 18 years, now and into the future.
There are three surveys to choose from:
We invite Children & Young People to complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FingalMusicYoungPeople
We invite Schools, Music Education Providers & Musicians to complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FingalMusicProivders
We invite the General Public to complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FingalMusicGeneralPublic
Should you require assistance or alternative mechanisms to complete a survey please email Fingal County Council’s Youth & Education Officer julie.clarke@fingal.ie
Be in with a chance to win!
Children and Young People are invited to enter a draw to win a gift voucher for one of Fingal’s Arts Centres – Draíocht and the Séamus Ennis Arts Centre, upon survey completion. See information within Children &Young People survey link.
Deadline for survey submission: Thursday 30th of April 2020.