FÍS Storyboard Storytelling Competition Announced

FÍs Film Project
Deadline Extended to Friday March 26th 2021
Irish primary schools are invited to enter the FÍS Storyboard Storytelling competition, a one-off Covid-19 special initiative open to all primary schools in the Republic of Ireland.
The FÍS Storyboard Storytelling competition provides an opportunity for pupils to visually interpret a story or concept or curriculum topic, use artistic media and different types of shots to convey that story in an imaginative and creative way.
A full brief, judging criteria and how to enter this exciting competition is available at www.fisfilmproject.ie. The brief provides suggested themes and topics, storyboard presentation tips, judging criteria and general competition guidelines for teachers.
Check out the supporting video tutorial ‘How to use storyboards to storytell’.
Entries will be categorised on the basis of class age / level and prizes will be awarded across a variety of categories.
Deadline Extended to Friday March 26th 2021
For further information go to www.fisfilmproject.ie