Opportunity for Schools: Creative Clusters Initiative Invite Applications

Creative Clusters
Deadline: 14 May 2021
The Department of Education are pleased to announce the opening of a new round of Creative Clusters. The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 14th May 2021.
Each Creative Cluster will receive grant funding of €3,000 per school over a two-year period to implement their project in the 2021–2023 school years (e.g. a cluster of 3 schools would receive €9,000 over two years while a cluster of 5 schools would receive €15,000 over two years). Clusters will receive 50% of the total grant funding in Year 1, with the second 50% being provided in Year 2. In addition, but separate to the grant funding, all successful clusters are further supported with: A fully paid Creative Cluster Facilitator; paid Teacher Substitution to attend training and meetings; room hire, travel & subsistence.
– Schools can apply as part of a cluster which may be an existing network of schools.
– A school nearing the end of year 2 of an existing Creative Cluster can reapply to be in a new cluster where the other schools in the new cluster have not participated before.
– Schools nearing the end of 2 years with Creative Schools are eligible to apply.
– The local Teacher Education Support Centre will have a key role in identifying and supporting a Creative Cluster for their local area.
– A total of 21 Creative Clusters will be selected nationally – One successful Creative Cluster per Education Centre.
Applications should be sent to the local full-time Teacher Education Centre (list at Appendix 1 of Guidelines document on Department of Education/DoE website).
Any queries, please contact your local Education Centre or email Arts in Education Administration mairevieux@edcentretralee.ie.
Creative Clusters is an initiative of the Department of Education, led by and in partnership with the 21 full-time Teacher
Education Centres (Education Support Centres Ireland – ESCI) and funded through the Schools Excellence Fund.
For further information go to www.gov.ie/en/publication/f0342-schools-excellence-fund-creative-clusters/