Aimsigh faisnéis faoi nuashonruithe beartais, imeachtaí reatha, tionscadail, cistiú agus deiseanna forbartha gairmiúla leanúnaí, go háitiúil agus go náisiúnta araon.

The Wintry Life of Plants & Animals – Teacher’s CPD at The Ark

A Visual Arts Approach - CPD

The Ark
Date: 10.30am, 6 November

Using The Ark’s Winter Light exhibition as inspiration, artist Liselott Olofsson will lead the group on an exploration of the season of winter through the use of visual arts.

This hands-on workshop delivered live through Zoom will encourage teachers to use art as a tool with their class to investigate, learn and discover seasonal changes in nature during wintertime, giving them tools and techniques to recreate a lesson back in the classroom.

The workshop will focus on the drawing, colour and construction strand of the curriculum, creating a 3D wintry diorama scene that reflects the winter activity of woodland plants and animals.

This is an event aimed at primary school teachers or other educators at the primary level.

For further information and booking go to ark.ie/events/view/teachers-cpd-the-wintry-life-of-plants-animals.



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