Early Years Workshop at The Ark: Little Bird & Shadowlands

The Ark
Dates: 10.15am & 11.45am, 7 & 14 December 2021
The Ark invites you to two Early Years workshops this December.
Little Bird
10.15am & 11.45am, 7 December
In this workshop you’ll hear the tale of a hungry little Robin who needs your help. Learn how to make a special bird feeder for Robin and his friends to hang in your garden or window box. Further details and booking information here
10.15am & 11.45am, 14 December 2021
Join artist Jane Groves and play in the light and the dark and all the shadows in between. Learn how to make a lantern to light your way. Create bright shiny stars to join our lonely star, and make the night sky dazzle and twinkle all night. Further details and booking information here.
Tickets cost €11.50/€9.50 per child with 20% off for members. These workshops are suitable for 2 – 4 year olds.
For more information, please visit www.theark.ie.