Teacher’s CPD: Arts & Wellbeing in MTU Crawford College of Art and Design

MTU Crawford College of Art & Design
Application Deadline: 24th April 2024
Applications are now open for the Level 9 Certificate in Arts & Wellbeing in MTU Crawford College of Art & Design. This is the first course of its kind in Ireland. The course is designed to offer professional development that guides you through the most up to date theories in Wellbeing and Positive Psychology. You will develop your own personal wellbeing at the start of the course, finishing with a resource toolkit of tried and tested arts and wellbeing activities and workshops, developed with your peers.
Completing this course has the added bonus of being an elective on the MA in Arts & Engagement in MTU Crawford, should you wish to continue your studies. Applications for the Certificate in Arts & Wellbeing and the MA in Arts & Engagement are now open through the Crawford and MTU websites.
This course is part-time over the duration of one year.
- One Academic Year (Part-time. 1 day twice a month in person, 1 evening online every 2nd week)
Fees €1700
Read more and apply here: https://crawford.mtu.ie/courses/certificate-in-arts—wellbeing–level-9-/