Hilary Heron at IMMA – free guided tours and workshops for schools

Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)
IMMA invites teachers and tutors from pre-primary, primary, secondary schools and colleges to bring their student groups to IMMA any time during opening hours. Teachers and tutors can book bespoke guided tours and talks focused on specific exhibitions, and can access related digital resources, such as study notes and videos.
Before the school breaks for the summer holidays, why not come and see some exciting sculpture? In IMMA’s Garden Galleries, Hilary Heron: A Retrospective celebrates the pioneering work of modernist sculptor Hilary Heron (1923 – 1977). Hilary Heron was a Dublin born sculptor who co-represented Ireland at the 1956 Venice Biennale alongside painter Louis le Brocquy (1916 – 2012).
She was a courageous sculptor who travelled extensively, absorbing cultures whilst pursing new modern ideals. She created works in wood, terracotta, steel, bronze and with welding, in this practice she was ground breaking, as there were few women welders in the 1950s.
Also on exhibition are a selection of artworks by contemporary Irish female sculptors, who like Heron, have represented Ireland in the Venice Biennale.
Book a Tour and Workshop
You can book a guided tour with a member of the Visitor Engagement Team, who will explore and tease out the artworks with your class. The tour is followed by a workshop in the Matheson Creativity Hub. A combination of both will take approximately 2 hours. To make a booking, please visit: https://immatours.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173590867/events/428615079
ZOOM Presentation
If you cannot come to see this exhibition in person, IMMA can bring it directly onto your smartboard via Zoom presentation. A member of the Visitor Engagement Team can present and host a discussion with your class group.
If you would like some more information or to book a session then contact joan.walker@imma.ie