Aimsigh faisnéis faoi nuashonruithe beartais, imeachtaí reatha, tionscadail, cistiú agus deiseanna forbartha gairmiúla leanúnaí, go háitiúil agus go náisiúnta araon.

Announcement of schools selected for new BLAST Arts in Education residencies and Creative Clusters

BLAST announcement

Department of Education

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has announced details of the 425 schools selected to take part in the innovative 2024 BLAST Arts in Education Residencies programme, as well as of 42 new Creative Clusters involving 138 schools nationwide. Both initiatives are part of the Creative Youth Plan 2023 – 2027. BLAST residency projects are creative collaborations between the artist/creative practitioner, teacher, children and young people in and with the school under the coordination of the 21 full-time Education Support Centres of Ireland (ESCI). Each residency is worth €1,100 which is fully funded by the Department of Education with the local ESC managing the administration of the Artist/Creative Practitioner’s 20-hour residency. BLAST residencies can be delivered throughout the academic year 2024/25.

The 42 new Creative Clusters announced will see schools come together over two years to work on a project of their choice. A Cluster may receive up to €15,000 in funding to help them bring their plans and ideas around a project of their choice to fruition, with support from a local facilitator and their local ESC, between 2024 and 2026. The programme is designed to help schools build a project of learning and activities which is tailor-made for their students.

Minister Foley said: “I am pleased to announce today details of the 425 schools which will take part in the 2024 BLAST Arts in Education Residencies Programme, as well as the schools to take part in 42 new Creative Clusters. The Government’s investment of nearly €1.2 million in these initiatives for 2024 represents the extent of its commitment to providing access to the arts for children and young people. We know the very positive benefits which can be reaped from opportunities to be creative and that is at the heart of BLAST and Creative Clusters. These programmes will support children and young people by equipping them with skills such as the ability to connect and collaborate with others, engage in creative and critical thinking, and practice inclusivity at every level.”

For further information see here.



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