Aimsigh faisnéis faoi nuashonruithe beartais, imeachtaí reatha, tionscadail, cistiú agus deiseanna forbartha gairmiúla leanúnaí, go háitiúil agus go náisiúnta araon.

Blog 2 – Dr Jo Lewis, Artist & Arts Council YPCE bursary recipient

Jo Lewis
Creidiúint na híomhá: Jo Lewis

Ghnóthaigh Jo Lewis céim Bhaitsiléara Ealaíon sa Mhínealaín in Coventry agus céim Mháistreachta i Mínealaín sa Dealbhóireacht ó Scoil Ealaíne Birmingham. Bhí stiúideo aici i stiúideonna SPACE Londan ar feadh roinnt blianta, áit ar oibrigh sí agus ar chuir sí saothair ar taispeáint agus í ag reáchtáil na bialainne veigeatóra 100 suíochán, Heather’s, san am céanna, in éineacht lena páirtí.

In 2002, d’aistrigh Jo ó Londain go Co. Liatroma lena páirtí agus lena gclann óg gur chóirigh siad seanteachín cloiche, chun ‘saol maith’ a bheith acu.

Le linn an ama seo, ghnóthaigh sí PhD ag SOAS (Scoil na Staidéar Oirthearach agus Afracach) as a cuid taighde ar Ealaíontóirí Mná na Botsuáine. Tá an tráchtas s’aici anois faoi choimeád Leabharlann na Breataine.

D’oibrigh Jo ar an tionscnamh BLAST (Ealaín Bheo a Thabhairt chuig Daltaí agus Múinteoirí) agus theagasc sí i scoileanna ar fud chontae Shligigh. Le déanaí, le haghaidh na mionchónaitheachtaí seo i scoileanna, dhírigh Jo ar na daltaí a thabhairt amach faoin spéir chun ealaín a dhéanamh agus inspioráid a fháil. D’úsáid sí tírdhreach áitiúil mar chúlra chun tumadh isteach in éiceolaíocht na háite tríd an ealaín.

In 2023, bhronn Comhairle Ealaíon na hÉireann sparánacht ar Jo chun rud beag taighde a dhéanamh ar an gcomhéadan idir an ealaín agus an éiceolaíocht san oideachas scoile mar bhealach chun spéis a mhúscailt i measc páistí i leith a dtimpeallachta.

Using Art to explore and learn about Ecology

Interface Def: a surface forming a common boundary of two bodies, spaces, or phases.

Through time, the interface between art and science has been explored by many artists; it is that space where the two disciplines rub up against each other and inform each other’s thinking. Think of Leonardo da Vinci (engineering and art) 1500’s through to Grace Weir (physics and art) 2024.

It is an exciting dialogue that can offer numerous pathways into a science or a work of art. It connects the analytical brain to our emotions. Through visualisation the creative can be drawn into science and through imagery the scientist can be drawn into the emotional. In a time of increasing separation from nature it is important to find ways to link back in and gain a better understanding of our environment. By exploring facts about ecology through art, a deeper understanding and connection can be made. It is this that I hope to bring to my school workshops, I want the children to learn about the ecology that surrounds them through fun and creative art making processes.

Using this interface between art and science is a fantastic approach for teachers teaching at primary level under pressure to deliver so many subjects within their weekly class plans. By using one subject, art, to make sense of sciences means several subjects can be covered simultaneously.

Children love being creative – it is how most will connect with the world. Bringing science into an art class can help children to remember facts and, in terms of ecology, it can help them to explore elements of plant life such as plant structure and habitats that they may not have engaged with otherwise. The simple act of drawing a plant can give time to contemplate what its purpose in the landscape is, how it might reproduce, why it has certain properties. Well directed art projects can help children discover the answers to these questions through creative processes. This is the subject of my current research and I hope to disseminate this in future articles.

Photographs of Geevagh NS Co Leitrim. Bogland project. From IDing plants and fauna, through to drawing and plaster casting them.




Foirmeacha Ealaíne

Na hAmharcealaíona

