The Portal Team are delighted to announce the first of the of the two recipients of the 2024 Arts in Education Portal Documentation Award. We are very excited to be working with each recipient in the coming months to document their projects. These projects will be showcased on the portal as the documentation progresses.

Project title: Let’s Get Real

The project “Let’s Get Real” consists of creating an advocacy multimedia film with animated elements to share the learner’s ideas of home life, work life, relationships, health, and education and explore how laws and society is changing to make these human rights prevalent. There are five learners, working with Streetwise staff Ruth O’ Keeffe and Patricia Dooley under the guidance of artist Ana Colomer. The sound design is the result of a partnership piece with Oisín Ó Cualáin from Music Generation inspired by the learners’ work.

Using green screen technology and stop motion animation, they are trying to deliver an honest, personal message about themselves. There is nothing strange or supernatural in our film but quite the opposite, we just point and enumerate the small things that make us who we are. What we enjoy, what we do in our day-to-day routines, and our dreams and hopes for the future, simple things that others might take for granted, like going to work or enjoying a meal with friends.

The process consists of:

Storyboarding, green screen video telling the viewer about us and then creating animations to match the autobiographical video bites. These animations are made with tablets and stop motion studio, but each scene has a different background, elements, and props to accompany the narrative.

This specific creative & educational process has been led by the learners at their pace, to convey the message that is paramount to them & their peers.

Artist: Ana Colomer

Ana Colomer is a visual artist based in Ennis Co. Clare. Ana works as a community artist and arts educator. She is a tutor for LCYP, LCETB, a Creative Associate for Creative Schools, Arts Council, and an Associate Artist for Helium Arts. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts by Seville University and a H Dip.

Ana is a firm believer in the importance of a holistic approach when educating at any level, such as primary, post primary or in adult education settings. This holistic approach should have the arts at the centre of it, promoting different ways of learning and prioritising the wellbeing and the joy of creative thinking.

This is Ana’s third collaborative project with Streetwise. “This project is truly special, there is so much effort and love put into it through collaborative learning, and it offers an intimate insight into the lives of people currently living in Ireland with intellectual disabilities.”

Unveiling the 2023 National Arts in Education Portal Day Programme.

Ticket Booking Now Open!

We’re excited to be back with our 2023 conference taking place at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick on Saturday, 11 November 2023 in partnership with the Department of Arts Education & Physical Education. The event aims to bring together members of the arts in education and creative practice community from all across Ireland, to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired and continue interrogating best practice in the field.

The Programme will see a mix of presentations, smaller discussion-led sessions and creative workshops each addressing the special focus of ‘Seldom Heard Voices’ reflecting diversity and inclusion across school communities.

As previously announced The Portal Team is delighted to welcome guest speaker, artist/researcher Dr. Jill Goodwin, highly respected for her practice working with children labelled as having profound and multiple learning disabilities, who will deliver the conference keynote address.

View the 2023 Programme HERE


How to Book Tickets

Tickets for the 2023 National Arts in Education Portal Day are free but pre-booking is essential as capacity is limited. 

For further enquiries please contact events@artsineducation.ie.

Book Tickets HERE

Our Voices

During 2023 I took part in the Keystone art project. Once a week, Mitch and James, two successful artists, came to our school for a discussion, which later became activities and progress on the actual project. For the first few weeks we all got to know each other by chatting and discussing our favourite art forms. Something that stood out for me during these chats was our discussion of collaboration and what it meant to us. We all got to say what we thought, making the classroom environment very collaborative. We discussed whether people should have different roles within the project. I loved having these discussions and getting to know the artists, as it made the project a lot easier to work on.

Our first task was to write about somewhere special to us. I chose Lahinch as it is where I’m from and where I have spent many happy memories with my friends. We all shared our work with the class which gave us insight into our favourite places around the local area. Our second task was to record audio from somewhere in our area or community. I recorded the sounds of waves crashing on the beach as it is a sound that relaxes me, and I associate it with fond memories. We shared our sound recordings in class. After more discussion, where we looked for common interests in our chosen locations and recordings, we decided on what other footage we might need for our film. We all went to Lahinch with a film crew and equipment to record. We took film footage of the rocks, sand etc. We all had a go at filming and holding the recording equipment. This was a really fun day as we finally got to see a vision for what the finished project would become. 

The next week in the classroom we received our first draft for the audio of our short film. It included all the sounds that we hand recorded earlier in the year as well as nostalgic music. The artists explained that our footage would be laid down after the soundtrack.

A few weeks later, we finally got to see our first draft of the whole film. Each scene was numbered. We got to say what we liked and didn’t like, by taking notes on each scene. It was such a great feeling to finally see what we had been working on for so long. Our feedback was sent back to the artists and videographer, where they would edit and tweak the footage to align with what our class wanted. 

Participating in this project was such a great experience.  We got to be part of a huge collaboration where all student voices were heard. It felt great knowing that my own ideas would impact the project. I’m grateful for this opportunity, as I got to learn more about collaborative artwork which is something I would love to continue exploring. Thanks to Jennie, Mitch, James, Fiona and everyone involved for this fantastic opportunity.  

Deadline: 24 February 2023

The Arts in Education Portal editorial team are pleased to invite applications for a documentation award. Through the award, successful applicants will receive services to the value of €5,000 that will support them in the documentation of a current or upcoming project and a €500 stipend.

The purpose of the award is to support the development of documented outcomes from Arts in Education initiatives in Ireland, which can be shared with the arts in the education community and give insights into different processes of engagement. This is part of the Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee’s commitment to supporting and recognising the value of documentation and reflection as key components within arts in education initiatives.

Two awards will be offered through this opportunity.

Outcomes of the documentation process will include: a project video, a project feature to be showcased on the Portal’s Projects/Partnerships, and the option of a critical essay, with a view to also presenting the work as part of the Arts in Education Portal National Day in 2023.

The process will involve meetings with the Portal Team and a schedule of up to 2 visits over the course of the project to capture video and photographic documentation and support reflective processes among participants. These visits and meetings can be conducted virtually if required. The portal team will work closely with the recipients to ensure all restrictions and protocols in terms of COVID-19 are adhered to during the process to ensure safety for all involved.

The portal team will edit and produce a project video and will liaise closely with the project partners to develop the content for the project feature. The critical essay would be cited in the Portal’s Reading Room and is optional. The author and focus of the essay can be decided by the project organisers in collaboration with the Portal Team.


To be considered for this opportunity, projects must:

Additional criteria

Successful applicants will be asked to ensure that relevant permissions/consent have been sought for the documentation of participants.
Please ensure your application has been approved by all project partners prior to submission.

How to make a submission:

!!!! Part 1 – Announcing the 2024 Arts in Education Portal Documentation Award Recipients

The Portal Team are delighted to announce the first of the of the two recipients of the 2024 Arts in Education Portal Documentation Award. We are very excited to be working with each recipient in the coming months to document their projects. These projects will be showcased on the portal as the documentation progresses.

Project title: Let’s Get Real

The project “Let’s Get Real” consists of creating an advocacy multimedia film with animated elements to share the learner’s ideas of home life, work life, relationships, health, and education and explore how laws and society is changing to make these human rights prevalent. There are five learners, working with Streetwise staff Ruth O’ Keeffe and Patricia Dooley under the guidance of artist Ana Colomer. The sound design is the result of a partnership piece with Oisín Ó Cualáin from Music Generation inspired by the learners’ work.

Using green screen technology and stop motion animation, they are trying to deliver an honest, personal message about themselves. There is nothing strange or supernatural in our film but quite the opposite, we just point and enumerate the small things that make us who we are. What we enjoy, what we do in our day-to-day routines, and our dreams and hopes for the future, simple things that others might take for granted, like going to work or enjoying a meal with friends.

The process consists of:

Storyboarding, green screen video telling the viewer about us and then creating animations to match the autobiographical video bites. These animations are made with tablets and stop motion studio, but each scene has a different background, elements, and props to accompany the narrative.

This specific creative & educational process has been led by the learners at their pace, to convey the message that is paramount to them & their peers.

Artist: Ana Colomer

Ana Colomer is a visual artist based in Ennis Co. Clare. Ana works as a community artist and arts educator. She is a tutor for LCYP, LCETB, a Creative Associate for Creative Schools, Arts Council, and an Associate Artist for Helium Arts. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts by Seville University and a H Dip.

Ana is a firm believer in the importance of a holistic approach when educating at any level, such as primary, post primary or in adult education settings. This holistic approach should have the arts at the centre of it, promoting different ways of learning and prioritising the wellbeing and the joy of creative thinking.

This is Ana’s third collaborative project with Streetwise. “This project is truly special, there is so much effort and love put into it through collaborative learning, and it offers an intimate insight into the lives of people currently living in Ireland with intellectual disabilities.”

!!!! 2023 National Portal Day – Programme Announced

Unveiling the 2023 National Arts in Education Portal Day Programme.

Ticket Booking Now Open!

We’re excited to be back with our 2023 conference taking place at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick on Saturday, 11 November 2023 in partnership with the Department of Arts Education & Physical Education. The event aims to bring together members of the arts in education and creative practice community from all across Ireland, to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired and continue interrogating best practice in the field.

The Programme will see a mix of presentations, smaller discussion-led sessions and creative workshops each addressing the special focus of ‘Seldom Heard Voices’ reflecting diversity and inclusion across school communities.

As previously announced The Portal Team is delighted to welcome guest speaker, artist/researcher Dr. Jill Goodwin, highly respected for her practice working with children labelled as having profound and multiple learning disabilities, who will deliver the conference keynote address.

View the 2023 Programme HERE


How to Book Tickets

Tickets for the 2023 National Arts in Education Portal Day are free but pre-booking is essential as capacity is limited. 

For further enquiries please contact events@artsineducation.ie.

Book Tickets HERE

!!!! Blog 4 – Coláiste Muire (Ennis) and Scoil Mhuire (Ennistymon), Co. Clare

Our Voices

During 2023 I took part in the Keystone art project. Once a week, Mitch and James, two successful artists, came to our school for a discussion, which later became activities and progress on the actual project. For the first few weeks we all got to know each other by chatting and discussing our favourite art forms. Something that stood out for me during these chats was our discussion of collaboration and what it meant to us. We all got to say what we thought, making the classroom environment very collaborative. We discussed whether people should have different roles within the project. I loved having these discussions and getting to know the artists, as it made the project a lot easier to work on.

Our first task was to write about somewhere special to us. I chose Lahinch as it is where I’m from and where I have spent many happy memories with my friends. We all shared our work with the class which gave us insight into our favourite places around the local area. Our second task was to record audio from somewhere in our area or community. I recorded the sounds of waves crashing on the beach as it is a sound that relaxes me, and I associate it with fond memories. We shared our sound recordings in class. After more discussion, where we looked for common interests in our chosen locations and recordings, we decided on what other footage we might need for our film. We all went to Lahinch with a film crew and equipment to record. We took film footage of the rocks, sand etc. We all had a go at filming and holding the recording equipment. This was a really fun day as we finally got to see a vision for what the finished project would become. 

The next week in the classroom we received our first draft for the audio of our short film. It included all the sounds that we hand recorded earlier in the year as well as nostalgic music. The artists explained that our footage would be laid down after the soundtrack.

A few weeks later, we finally got to see our first draft of the whole film. Each scene was numbered. We got to say what we liked and didn’t like, by taking notes on each scene. It was such a great feeling to finally see what we had been working on for so long. Our feedback was sent back to the artists and videographer, where they would edit and tweak the footage to align with what our class wanted. 

Participating in this project was such a great experience.  We got to be part of a huge collaboration where all student voices were heard. It felt great knowing that my own ideas would impact the project. I’m grateful for this opportunity, as I got to learn more about collaborative artwork which is something I would love to continue exploring. Thanks to Jennie, Mitch, James, Fiona and everyone involved for this fantastic opportunity.  

!!!! Opportunity: Portal Documentation Award 2023

Deadline: 24 February 2023

The Arts in Education Portal editorial team are pleased to invite applications for a documentation award. Through the award, successful applicants will receive services to the value of €5,000 that will support them in the documentation of a current or upcoming project and a €500 stipend.

The purpose of the award is to support the development of documented outcomes from Arts in Education initiatives in Ireland, which can be shared with the arts in the education community and give insights into different processes of engagement. This is part of the Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee’s commitment to supporting and recognising the value of documentation and reflection as key components within arts in education initiatives.

Two awards will be offered through this opportunity.

Outcomes of the documentation process will include: a project video, a project feature to be showcased on the Portal’s Projects/Partnerships, and the option of a critical essay, with a view to also presenting the work as part of the Arts in Education Portal National Day in 2023.

The process will involve meetings with the Portal Team and a schedule of up to 2 visits over the course of the project to capture video and photographic documentation and support reflective processes among participants. These visits and meetings can be conducted virtually if required. The portal team will work closely with the recipients to ensure all restrictions and protocols in terms of COVID-19 are adhered to during the process to ensure safety for all involved.

The portal team will edit and produce a project video and will liaise closely with the project partners to develop the content for the project feature. The critical essay would be cited in the Portal’s Reading Room and is optional. The author and focus of the essay can be decided by the project organisers in collaboration with the Portal Team.


To be considered for this opportunity, projects must:

Additional criteria

Successful applicants will be asked to ensure that relevant permissions/consent have been sought for the documentation of participants.
Please ensure your application has been approved by all project partners prior to submission.

How to make a submission: