!!!! FÍS Film Project Invite Primary Schools to Enter Storyboard Storytelling Competition
FÍS FILM Project
Deadline: Friday 11th April 2025 at 5pm
Irish primary schools are invited to enter the 2025 FÍS Storyboard Storytelling competition. The FÍS Storyboard Storytelling Competition is open to all primary schools in the Republic of Ireland. Only storyboards created and produced by primary school pupils and their teacher(s) will be eligible, i.e., the storyboard must be the school’s own original work.
To enter schools should create a storyboard that is a visual interpretation of a story, a concept, a topic, a poem or nursery rhyme. Suggested themes are as follows but not limited to:
- Everyday heroes, e.g. ‘a day-in-the-life of someone in your community who supports others
- Staycation
- Local History / Folklore
- As Gaeilge
- Curriculum relevant topic, e.g. environmental exploration, climate change, history, science, etc.
- Time capsule, e.g. school of the future, letters to grandchildren, a snapshot of time
- An adaptation of a traditional story / fairytale with a modern day twist
- FÍS film making in schools – what would that be like in the future?
- The pupils own original story
Judging Critera Highlights:
When reviewing storyboards submitted to the competition, judges will consider the following:
- Excellence in visual interpretation of a story or concept or topic
- Excellence in the use of artistic media e.g. a variety of art materials, copyright free images, etc.
- Imagination and creativity
- Curricular relevance
- Support of pupils’ literacy skills development and enhanced learning
- Use of different types of shots, i.e. close-ups, mid-shots, long-shots, etc. that help to convey the story
- Evidence that the Storyboards could be developed in the future by the class or group into a FÍS film or stop-motion animation project for entry into the 19th Annual FÍS Film Awards competition 2024.
Read more and enter here: fisfilmproject.ie/competition/storyboard-storytelling-competition/
!!!! Catalyst International Film Festival Hosts Screening The Future Student Day
Catalyst International Film Festival
Date: 18th April 2024
Booking is now open for Catalyst International Film Festival’s Screening The Future Student Day. The event will include a full day of film for Second Level Students plus:
With Screenwriter & Director Laura O’Shea and Editor & Educator Phil Shanahan (plus Actor)
Venue: Engine – Innovate Limerick, Cecil Street, Limerick
Time: 9am and 11am
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: €10 per student (€15 for Masterclass + Afternoon in The Belltable)
Irish Shorts Taster Programme
Vote for your favourite Short
Meet the Industry Panel and Q+A
Nextgen perspectives shorts programme and award presentation
Venue: Belltable Theatre, 69 O’Connell Street, Limerick
Time: 1.15pm – 4pm with short interval
Price: €7 per student (€15 for Masterclass + Afternoon in The Belltable)
Read more and book tickets here: https://catalystinternationalfilmfestival.com/student-day-2024
!!!! The FÍS Film Project Awards 2023 – Winners Announced
FÍS Film Awards 2023
Cappawhite National School in Tipperary have been crowned winners of ‘FÍS Film of the Year’ at the FÍS Film Awards 2023, which have taken place at The Helix, DCU, Dublin.
The movie, entitled ‘The Christmas Truce of 1914’ recounts the fabled ceasefire between British and German soldiers on the Western Front during World War I. It also scooped the Outstanding Cinematography prize. The FÍS Film Awards 2023 recognises the creative talents of primary school children across Ireland.
The Awards, hosted by RTE’s Sinead Kennedy, is a collaboration between the Institute of Art, Design and Technology and the Professional Development Service for Teachers It was devised as a grassroots initiative to nurture Ireland’s future moviemaking talent by encouraging them to devise, develop, produce, and submit their short films for consideration in a range of categories. The event was co-produced by students of IADT’s National Film School and streamed live on the official FÍS website.
Some other 2023 winners include :
- Lackamore NS, Tipperary – Outstanding Achievement in Filmmaking – Adaptation – Na Trí Mhuc
- Carrig N.S, Offaly – Award for Best Comedy – The Villains
- Strawberry Hill NS, Cork – Outstanding Achievement in Filmmaking – Production Design – The Normans
- Gaelscoil Riabhach, Galway – An Scannán Is Fearr as Gaeilge – Fáilte go dtí An Córas Díleá
Commenting on this year’s awards, FÍS Manager from The Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bernadette Meagher said: “The judges had a tough task at this year’s event, the standard and ambition of the entries was so high, not to mention the creativity. We congratulate every one of the children involved, along with their teachers, on their well-deserved awards……”
!!!! IFI Schools Programme 2022/23
Irish Film Institute School Programme 2022/23
The Irish Film Institute is delighted to offer a brand new programme of films selected for students across primary and post-primary levels, available in-cinema at IFI Dublin or regional venue and online through IFI@Schools. This year includes exciting collaborations with the Irish National Opera, IMMA, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland/BAI and An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta & Gaelscolaíochta/COGG.
IFI@Schools supplements the in-cinema programme, offering further ways of incorporating film into your teaching, including rewatching key scenes or choosing from a wider range of content for other subjects such as history, geography, music, art, Gaeilge, English and more.
Screenings for the French language selection include Mes Fréres et moi (My Brothers and I) and King in partnership with the Ambassade De France en Irelande. Screenings for the German language selection includes Der Pfad (The Path) and Klammer in partnership with GEOTHE Institut.
Details of the full programme list and regional venue screenings can be found here.
To book tickets visit the Irish Film Institute at Irish Film Institute (ifi.ie) or contact Amy Louise or Holly at schools@irishfilm.ie