‘It’s the Taking Part That Counts’ – Celebrating Ireland’s School Choirs & the Feis Ceoil

13th December 2017
On December 13th The Mansion House will play host to celebrate 120 years of school choirs in a special event ‘It’s the Taking Part that Counts’.
The event will celebrate and highlight the positive impact of school-based choral participation on both choir members and the wider school community and will feature prize-winning Irish school choirs alongside a community outreach school choir formed ‘from scratch’ specially for the celebration. This ‘scratch choir’ involves one of Ireland’s DEIS schools – St. Vincent’s GNS, Dublin who is being trained by Wesley College choral conductor Helen Doyle for this their debut concert, and beyond. Joining them will be the Feis Ceoil prize-winning school choirs, along with members of two of Ireland’s leading professional choirs.
Additional choirs ‘from scratch’ will attend the event as they begin their year-long journey, culminating in the celebration of Christmas in their own schools in 2018. With a keynote address from Assistant Professor in Education Marita Kerin, Trinity College, the event will celebrate school-based choral activity while demonstrating its powerfully transformative effects on school communities, thus encouraging every school in Ireland to get involved in choral singing.
The Mansion House event, ‘It’s the Taking Part that Counts’, takes place on Wednesday, 13th December at 2.30pm. Please lend your support to this project and attend this choral celebration of our school choirs.
For more information find go to @schoolchoirs120 on Facebook or email schoolchoirs120@gmail.com
To book tickets go to www.eventbrite.ie/e/its-the-taking-part-that-counts-tickets