Job Opportunity: Creative Schools Programme Manager

Copyright Creative Schools - Actress Cathy Belton & pupils from Central Model Senior School at the launch of the Creative Schools initiative.
The Arts Council’s Creative Schools Initiative
Deadline: 12noon Friday 18th January 2019
The Arts Council of Ireland is seeking to engage the services of a suitably qualified Programme Manager for the Creative Schools Initiative.
Scoileanna Ildánacha/Creative Schools is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme to enable the creative potential of every child. Creative Schools is led by the Arts Council in partnership with the Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Creative Schools draws on the commitments set out in the Arts in Education Charter. Creative Schools will give expression to this goal as part of an integrated implementation plan for arts in education. Drawing on the commitments set out in the Arts in Education Charter, Creative Schools (formerly ARIS/Arts Rich Schools) aims to understand, develop and celebrate the arts, as a core aspect of school life, and to foster children and young people’s creativity and participation in the arts as an integral part of their education in Ireland.
It will establish a range of collaborative opportunities for schools and will develop and strengthen the relationships between schools and the broader cultural and community infrastructure within which they operate. The long-term aim is for every school to be supported to fully embrace the arts and creativity, ensuring a positive experience and strong outcomes for children and young people.
The initiative is informed by research that tells us that young people’s participation in the artsleads to a range of positive outcomes for children with regard to their cognitive development, socio-emotional wellbeing and attitudes to school. Children who participate in the arts in school are more likely to participate outside of school, including reading for pleasure. (Arts Council/ESRI, 2016)
The Arts Council is seeking to engage the services of a suitably qualified Programme Manager.
The Programme Manager will be engaged on a full-time basis and will work as part of a core team, made up of two full-time Education Advisors seconded to the programme and the Creative Schools Project Leads. The Programme Manager will be responsible for policy alignment, project planning and delivery, to ensure the effective management of all key policy, operational and logistical elements of the initiative, liaising internally to ensure effective integration with Arts Council systems, policies and procedures where required; as well as assisting with the design and implementation of new systems and processes specific to Creative Schools. The Programme Manager will work with the Creative Schools Project Leads and will report to the Arts Director, Performing Arts.
Full details and application available through etenders at the direct link below: