Early Years Seedlings Workshops at The Ark: Saving Selma the Seal

Image copyright The Ark
The Ark
Dates: 2 & 3 August 2019
The Ark continue our monthly early-years programme Seedlings with a special workshop perfect for children ages 2-4 to get creative with their older relatives.
We’re heading to the sea this August in this early years drama workshop for little ones led by The Ark’s Early Years Artist in Residence Joanna Parkes.
Come on an imaginative journey to the beach! It’s a fine sunny day and the children are having fun playing in the sand. Then some unexpected visitors arrive and seem to behaving in a suspicious manner.
What is going on? Join in and explore what happens in this delightful workshop adventure by the sea.
Combining drama, story, play and props, this interactive drama workshop invites little ones and their grown-ups to enjoy imagining together. So if you’re a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunty, godparent or carer, come along with a 2 to 4 year old and join in the fun.
Dates & Times
For further information and ticket bookings go toark.ie/events/view/seedlings-early-years-workshops-aug19