Early Years Seedlings Workshops at The Ark: Howie Hedgehog Needs a Home

Image copyright - The Ark, Artist Joanna Parkes with participants in a seedling workshop
The Ark
Dates: 4 & 5 October 2019
Get cosy for the autumn in this early years drama workshop for little ones aged 2-4 led by The Ark’s Early Years Artist in Residence, Joanna Parkes.
Autumn is here, leaves are falling and the animals in the woods are preparing for their long winter sleep. But Howie Hedgehog is not ready. He has no food supplies and no shelter to sleep in. He will need some help from the wood elves to collect food and build himself a warm and cosy den.
Join in to discover, explore and find out if you can help Howie build his den in this delightful workshop adventure.
Combining drama, story, play and props, this interactive drama workshop invites little ones and their grown-ups to enjoy imagining together. So if you’re a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunty, godparent or carer, come along with a 2 to 4 year old and join in the fun.
Dates & Times:
Friday 4th October, 10.15am & 2pm
Saturday 5th October, 10.15am & 11.45am
For ages 2- 4
45 minutes
For more information and booking go to ark.ie/events/view/seedlings-howie-the-hedgehog