The National Arts in Education Portal Virtual Conference 2020 – Round Up

2020 National Arts in Education Portal Day Virtual Conference
Earlier this month over two weekends 480 artists, teachers and arts in education professionals attended our fifth annual National Arts in Education Portal Day which this year moved online with a series of virtual events.
Over the two weekends the arts in education community came together to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired and interrogate best practice in the field. Although this year we couldn’t meet in person we were overwhelmed with the response and level of engagement. We would like to thank all our guest speakers, artists and all who joined us to engage in the conversation.
Speaking at the event Roundtable Chair Professor Gary Granville said, “We talk about this concept of community, of practice and practitioners but in a very real sense I think what the Charter has facilitated and what the Arts in Education Portal provides is an opportunity to make real that notion of community”.
Video of digital artwork created by artist Julie Forrester as part of the creative workshop ‘A Dive into Digital Art’ with illustrator Wayne O’Connor.
For those who missed the discussions they will be available to watch back until the end of December on the Arts in Education Portal Facebook page.
Facebook Live Video Links
Cultural Diversity in the Arts
Quality and Access; Can you have both?
Cultural Practice and the Digital Realm
Session Resources
Cultural Diversity in the Arts – Resources & Reference Document
Quality and Access; Can you have both? –Resources & Reference Document
Cultural Practice and the Digital Realm – Resources & Reference Document
Roundtable Panel Discussion –Resources & Reference Document