Opportunity: Tipperary Artist in Primary School Scheme 2022

Gaelscoil Carrig na Siúire with artist Úna O'Grady
Tipperary County Council Arts Office
Deadline: Friday 18 February 2022
Applications are now open for Tipperary Arts Office‘s Artist in Primary School Scheme 2022. The scheme provides funding to a professional artist of any discipline to work in a school for 50 hours on a project designed collaboratively between the school and the artist. The scheme provides opportunities for children to access and to engage with an artist and the language of creativity at an early age; and for schools and teachers to work collaboratively across curriculum areas.
Projects funded in 2022 must take place within the following timeframes: March – June 2022 or September–December 2022. This scheme is open to applications from all primary schools in Tipperary. Please note that schools that have been successful in their application for the scheme in 2020 and 2021 are ineligible to apply under the 2022 scheme. Artists must be Garda Vetted by the Arts Office before projects can commence.
The scheme is open to art projects in all art forms including visual arts, music, dance, drama, literature, film, photography, architecture and new media.
Deadline: Friday 18 February 2022
For more information, see www.tipperarycoco.ie/content/artist-primary-school-scheme-2022