Solstice Arts Centre: Gallery engagement & resource for students & teachers

Image credit: Solstice Arts Centre
Solstice Arts Centre
Resource Supporting Content Area 3: Today’s World – Senior Cycle New Appreciating Art Visual Studies
Using cross-curricular links, and learning through art, this resource supports students completing their Junior and Senior Cycle studies. Designed to assist teachers and students in how to assess and evaluate an exhibition in the Solstice Arts Centre gallery, it includes:
- Background information on Solstice Arts Centre and its functions;
- The technical and curatorial requirements of the exhibition including display, layout, lighting, and the gallery’s role in interpreting an exhibition for visitors.
- An in-depth look at the current exhibition SURVEYOR 2022 and three of the artworks
Assisting Senior Cycle students to investigate, analyse and reflect on multiple perspectives, this information embraces the three strands – Research, Create and Respond, with particular focus on Unit 14 in Content Area 3: Today’s World of the New Appreciating Art Visual Studies for Leaving Certificate curriculum.
The resource can be found here:
To help students understand and analyse the work of other artists and assist in their development of imaginative and innovative ideas, students and teachers are encouraged to combine this resource with –
- A Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) tour of the exhibition Surveyor 2022 in the gallery. Booking required
- Viewing the individual artworks on our website
Solstice Gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday 11am-4pm.
This exhibition runs until 21 Dec 2022.
For more information or to make a booking please contact Deirdre Rogers, Solstice Visual Arts Facilitation & Public Engagement Coordinator