Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre: Art encounters for primary school teachers

Image: Gallery tour of exhibition ‘La Place des Grands Abysses' by Stephen Brandes
Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre
Deadline: 4 March 2023
Public Engagement Artist Kate McElroy invites primary school teachers to take part in a tour and workshop at Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre.
This will include:
– An exhibition tour of The Most Recent Forever an exhibition by Brian Fay
– A visit to an artist’s studio to see the process of making
– An art workshop exploring creativity – No art experience necessary
– A small take home ‘goody bag’ of materials
The aim of this tour and workshop is to help facilitate effective strategies for teaching art in the classroom through looking, talking and making. Kate will guide teachers through a tour of the artworks and a workshop, modelling methods that can effectively be incorporated into Art lessons in the classroom.
The tour and workshop will take and hour and a half, break included, Tea and coffee provided.
Booking is via Eventbrite, which can made using the following link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/