Opportunity for Schools: Fighting Words Workshop for Schools At Riverbank Arts Centre

Image Credit: Fighting Words
Riverbank Arts Centre
Secondary Schools – Monday 6th November, Monday 4th December 2023 at 10.30am
Primary Schools – 27th November, 11th December 2023 at 10.30am
Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge is the Kildare Partner of Fighting Words. They are hosting creative writing workshops for primary and secondary schools. Fighting Words workshops are always free of charge to the participating schools.
Their volunteer mentors work with the young writers to identify key elements of a story and help them write the first half of their story together as a group. The students work together to choose their characters and plot the group story sentence by sentence, editing as they go. In the second half of the workshop, students can opt to continue the group story or write a new story of their own.
These workshops will be conducted in Riverbank Arts Centre by an experienced Fighting Words Kildare coordinator, Pierina Campbell, and supported by 2-3 writing mentors from Riverbank’s Fighting Words team. The workshop will last 2 hours and they require that the teacher is present throughout.
Please contact Theresa 045 448327, or email boxoffice@riverbank.ie to book your workshop.