Opportunity for Artists: Funding Opportunities for Artists in Schools Announced for Cork County

Image Credit Cork County Council Arts
Cork County Council Arts Serive
Dealine : 9th January 2024
Cork County Council has announced details of its 2024 funding opportunities for the county’s arts sector. Cork County Council’s Library and Arts Service is inviting proposals for funding for arts projects, activities and events taking place in the Cork County administrative area in 2024 that may be eligible for funding under a range of grant assistance schemes available.
Schemes announced include the Arts Grants Scheme which will support arts organisations and the voluntary sector, a scheme to support artists to work in schools, support for developing arts projects through the Irish Language, and a set of bursary and residency opportunities for professional artists of all disciplines.
Announcing details of the funding, Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn, said, “Cork County Council is proud to support the arts community on an annual basis through our grants scheme. The Arts are integral to our communities, our schools, and our citizens. As well as supporting artists and arts organisations, we support festivals, performances, exhibitions, and other publicly accessible cultural programmes throughout County Cork. I look forward to seeing the joy and creativity that will emerge from the many projects who are set to benefit next year.”
Cork County Council supports artists, schools, and arts and community organisations in the Cork County administrative area annually through the following grant assistance schemes:
The Cork County Council Arts Grant Scheme provides financial or other assistance to individuals and organisations engaged in the presentation and promotion of arts activities or events in Cork County.
The Arts Grant Scheme is open to new or established arts groups, artists, festivals or other groups wishing to undertake creative artistic activity in any artform in the Cork County Council administrative area.
The Artists in Schools Scheme enables primary and post-primary students and teaching staff to work collaboratively with an artist working in any artform on a creative project.
All Department of Education and Skills-recognised primary and post-primary schools and Youthreach centres in Cork County are eligible to apply.
To remove barriers for participation, this year for the first time, Cork County Council will also accept video/audio applications through the online portal. The Arts Office will provide assistance to applicants where extra accessibility support may be required.
Applications can be made online until the 9th of January 2024. Guidelines and further information is available here: https://www.corkcoco.ie/en/resident/arts/arts-funding-opportunities
For queries, email arts@corkcoco.ie or call 021- 4346210.