!!!! TULCA Festival of Visual Arts
!!!! RoolaBoola Festival, Co Mayo
This annual festival is held each Autumn at The Linenhall, Castlebar Co. Mayo.
RoolaBoola is one of the leading children’s arts festivals in Ireland. The celebrations include a selection of the highest calibre national and international children’s theatre, music and dance shows as well as other arts events, including children’s book readings, films, exhibitions, street performances and a multitude of hands-on arts workshops in a range of media for children and their families.
!!!! Cork Midsummer Festival
Cork Midsummer Festival is an annual multi-disciplinary arts festival that uses the city as its backdrop and inspiration. It provides high-quality arts events, both national and international, for audiences of all ages including a dedicated family programme. Its programme provides opportunities for significant public participation and engagement, supports the development of emerging artists across all artforms, and provides a unique platform for work by local and national artists.
!!!! SprÓg Childrens Festival at Spraoi Waterford
SprÓg Childrens Festival at Spraoi.
SprÓg continues to be the best fun in Waterford for children and their families in the week before and during the Spraoi Festival, generously supported by Sanofi & Calmast at the Science Outreach Centre at Wateford Institute of Technology.
!!!! Clonmel Junction Festival
An annual celebration of theatre, music, performing arts, family arts, street performance and visual arts.
The Clonmel Junction Festival offers a number of participatory projects each year to primary schools, secondary schools, community groups and various other local organisations. These projects can range from visual art to spoken word, dance, theatre etc.
!!!! Eigse – Carlow Arts Festival
Carlow Arts Festival marks a special time in the town’s annual calendar, providing an opportunity for everyone to experience something out of the ordinary, soak up the celebratory atmosphere and be part of the thrill of knowing that in the hands of exceptional artists anything is possible.
!!!! Fresh Film Festival, Limerick
Fresh Film Festival works in film provision for children & young people aged 7 – 18 years. As a national organisation based in Limerick it:
- Encourages children & young people to engage with cinema as an art form through screening age appropriate classic, foreign language and independent films,
- Promotes the work made by Irish young filmmakers regionally, nationally and internationally through regional screenings and international Distribution.
- Fresh contextualises film as a medium and form through study guides, discussions, introductions and workshops and thereby enriches screenings and supports the curriculum. Additional programmes are offered in cooperation with industry partners, international festivals and teachers.
- Supports film provision in schools with online resources including Fresh Film School tutorials, study guides and an extensive collection of youth produced films.
- Prompts critical engagement with youth produced films though primary and secondary school jury programmes
- Celebrates the achievements of young filmmakers though the annual Young Filmmaker of the Year Awards
- Encourages young people to share short films with their peers through the Junior Cert Short Course in film with Film In Schools and the Irish Film Institute
!!!! Clifden Arts Festival, Co. Galway
The longest running community arts festival in Ireland, Clifden Arts Festival takes place each Autumn and includes a dedicated programme of events for children and families.
Community Arts Week began life as a week-long celebration of the arts for the children of Clifden Community School – helping to develop artistic and social skills, and provide an outlet for self-expression and development. Over the years Arts Week at the school gave such pleasure to the greater community that an encompassing and fervent support network grew around it, allowing it to develop.
Audiences can expect a very high quality artistic programme with a superb literary, musical and visual art content with the community arts of Clifden and the surrounding hinterland as a central focus. With creative writing, music, theatre and film workshops and performances taking place in the local schools during the festival.
!!!! Baboró International Arts Festival for Children
Baboró International Arts Festival for Children is Ireland’s flagship international arts festival devoted exclusively to children and families. Its multidisciplinary arts extravaganza takes place every October in Galway, Ireland. Baboró’s mission is to inspire children to engage with the world through their experience of the creative arts.
Baboró aims to ensure that each festival experience is a rich cultural encounter for its young audience members, inspiring them to engage, to question and to have fun and memorable experiences. This is achieved through Baboró’s arts-in-education strategy, which includes pre and post engagement activities, an annual CPD for teachers and much more.
Baboró aims to support artists and educators in their endeavours to inspire children through their creative arts experiences.
Baboró’s Aims:
- Artists and educators in their endeavours to inspire children through their creative arts experiences
- New audiences and communities so that all children enjoy equal access to high-quality creative arts programming, in and out of school
- Children through respect and recognition of their differing needs and wants in order
to provide enriching opportunities
- Educators in conversations with their students through opportunities surrounding the festival for critical and creative thinking
- Students by creating spaces for creative exploration before, during, and after the festival
- Communities in supporting young learners by presenting festival events that produce child-forward thinking
- Education communities through providing programmes for children and their creative education
- Appreciation and understanding of all forms of the creative arts throughout Ireland and the world to children, enabling them to develop frameworks for engaging with the creative arts
- A diverse, ambitious and high-quality creative programme from Ireland and around the world at annual one-week festival in Galway
!!!! Junior Galway Film Fleadh
The Junior Galway Film Fleadh which is part of the Galway Film Fleadh is a innovative film festival aimed at young people of all ages and abilities. We screen films made by young people for young people alongside an extensive programme of eductional screenings (Irish language features, shorts, world cinema in French, German and Spanish, animation and coming of age dramas) plus workshops and a storytelling competition.
Running for 4 days in November, the festival is curated with young people in mind and celebrates the magic and power of cinema in educating, entertaining and informing. Collaboration with Schools – The Junior Film Fleadh runs an programme of schools outreach screenings in German and Irish language specifically targeted to rural and disadvantaged schools. The films are chosen in association with Goethe Institut Irland and Foras na Gaeilge and discussion and workshops are offered after each screenings. Resource (study guides) are also produced to support the outreach programme. The outreach programme is aimed at secondary school students (ages 13 – 17 yrs old) and takes place from November to January each year. In the past we have also run week long filmmaking workshops in city and county schools with professional tutors in which a short animation, drama or documentary is produced. Each year the festival is put together in association with our Youth Council – a group of young people attending schools in Galway and the surrounding area. Their input is highly valued in creating our festival.
!!!! Galway International Arts Festival
Programmes across all art forms featuring theatre, music, visual arts, opera, street spectacle, dance, discussion and comedy
!!!! Earagail Arts Festival – Donegal
Earagail Arts Festival is a bilingual (Irish and English language), multidisciplinary summer festival which takes place each July throughout County Donegal along the Wild Atlantic Way on the north-west coast of Ireland. The festival brings inspiring performers to this captivating European frontier, showcases artists native to the area and provides opportunities for cultural exchange, in venues from purpose built theatres and galleries, to village halls, forests and beaches, creating a unique cultural experience in the most unlikely of magical places.
Each year the festival programme includes family and children-centred events and workshops