Kate Heffernan

photo by Senija Topcic
Kate Heffernan is a writer who hasn’t always been a writer. She has worked as an independent producer, a designer, and an editor, and these things shape and inform her work. Her first play, In Dog Years I’m Dead (MIRARI Productions) was a winner of the 2013 Stewart Parker Trust’s Emerging Playwright Award. An Associate Artist and close collaborator with Theatre Lovett, she is also the writer, designer and editor of their acclaimed show programme series for young audiences. Kate is currently under commission with Mermaid Arts Centre, writing Live at The Montague, a new performance that explores the histories of a former hotel and country-music venue in her hometown now turned Direct Provision centre. Kate is an Arts Council Next Generation Artist 2017. In 2015, Kate received a bursary from the Arts Council to research and explore her project Peat with young audiences, a performance text for 9-12 year olds, which began as an exploration of the extinct giant Irish deer. You can follow the progress of Peat and Kate’s other work at www.kateheffernan.ie