Arts and Cultural Participation among Children and Young People – Dr. Emer Smyth

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This report collates insights from the Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) survey to look at arts and cultural participation among three, five, nine and 13 year olds, addressing the following research questions:
1. What groups of children are more likely to engage in (different forms of) cultural activities?
2. What schools and classrooms place greater emphasis on cultural activities, and how does this potentially influence children’s engagement outside school?
3. How is participation in cultural activities related to other child outcomes, including academic skills and socio-emotional wellbeing? .
The Arts Council commissioned this research to improve our knowledge and understanding of children’s participation in cultural life and the arts in Ireland, the report is written by Emer Smyth, Research Professor at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Adjunct Professor at Trinity College Dublin.
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