Opportunity for Schools: Take part in SHORELINE with CoisCéim BROADREACH

Primary Schools in the Dún Laoghaire – Rathdown area are invited to apply to participate in SHORELINE
A Choral Song And Contemporary Dance Project For People Aged 8 to 80+
Led by CoisCéim BROADREACH Director Philippa Donnellan and renowned composer Denis Clohessy, in association with the DLR LexIcon Library and Pavilion Theatre, SHORELINE invites people from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown to embark on an oceanic journey of discovery – to share their stories and experiences about the sea.
The project begins in September 2018 in a creative dance/song workshop project that brings together children from 1 primary school, a local choir, and people aged 50+ and culminates in 3 sea-themed performances by participants at the DLR LexIcon Library on Saturday 25 November 2018 at 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm.
What’s Involved
The project begins at the end of September and includes:
- 1 Collaborative planning session with Project Leader Philippa Donnellan, the School Principal and selected class teachers
Led by the 2 artists | 6 weekly in-school dance/song workshops – day/time/duration tbc - 2 Rehearsals with local groups at dlr LexIcon – 23/24 November
- 3 Performances of SHORELINE at dlr LexIcon – Saturday 24 November
- 1 Feedback & evaluation session
Application Requirments
- Key to participation in SHORELINE is your school’s active support for the arts and creative learning in education including:
- Use of school hall or similar for 6-7 dance/music workshops – day/time/duration tbc
- Class teacher attendance at all planning sessions, workshops and performances.
- 2-3 adult volunteers to accompany children – dlr LexIcon rehearsals & performances
- Use of basic resources such as: percussion instruments, stationary, sound equipment etc
Selection Criteria
Selection will be made by CoisCéim BROADREACH and criteria are based on articulating a clear rationale as to why your school
would like to participate in SHORELINE – and a demonstrable ability that you are able to:
- Engage and contribute to the artistic process through – facilitating collaboration between the teachers, children and guest artists – and developing a cross-curricular approach to maximize thematic exploration and participation.
- Maintain effective communication and liaison with CoisCéim BROADREACH and Project Leaders at all stages of the project
- Provide necessary practical/logistical/administrative support as relevant to the demands of the project in your school
For further information and application form please go to coisceim.com/shoreline-2018/ or email philippa@coisceim.com