Opportunity for Schools: Contemporary print exhibition available for loan to schools

Tipperary County Council Arts Service
Dates: Ongoing
Tipperary County Council Arts Service offers schools in Tipperary the opportunity to borrow and display an exhibition of thirty-two contemporary prints by Irish artists. The prints from twenty two artists include works by Cecil King, Alice Hanratty, Patrick Hickey, Gene Lambert, Suzannah O’Reilly and Des McMahon. Print mediums include monoprint, relief print, etching, silkscreen, lithograph, collograph, and dry point. An informative exhibition catalogue for educational purposes is included with the print exhibition.
A one-day printmaking workshop in the school is also available as part of this opportunity. The prints are specially packed for easy handling and transport.
Teachers and schools can arrange to borrow the exhibition by contacting the Tipperary Arts Office by phone at 0761 06 5000 or by email at artsoffice@tipperarycoco.ie.