Tá tú ag Amharc faoi láthair ar > Iar-Bhunscoile News
Blog 2 – Students and Staff of Marino College, Dublin 3
In the second blog in the series, students from Marino College talk about the nuts and bolts of the making and doing behind the scenes of their Creative Minds Festival of Arts and Culture, Marino 100: Back to the Future.
Opportunity for Schools: Oide Creativity Play in a Day 2025
Oide Creativity and The Creative Ireland Programme are pleased to invite schools to apply for Play in a Day, an initiative for post-primary schools.
Opportunity for Teachers: Oide Music Sessions 2025
Oide Music have released dates for a series of professional learning events for Music Teachers.
Opportunity for Schools: Creative Youth Lab 2025 at Wexford Arts Centre
Wexford Arts Centre is seeking expressions of interest from TY students who would like to participate in the Creative Youth lab 2025.
Blag 1 – Scoláirí agus Baill Foirne Choláiste Marino, Baile Átha Cliath 3
Sa chéad bhlag de shraith nua a chruthaigh scoláirí agus foireann Choláiste Marino, Baile Átha Cliath 3, roinneann siad eispéiris ón bhFéile Ealaíon agus Chultúir Creative Minds.
Opportunity for Schools: VISUAL Collective Transition Year Programme
VISUAL Collective Transition Year Work Experience Programme at VISUAL Carlow Now Open for Applications for Spring 2025
Deiseanna do Scoileanna: Duais Chumadóireachta UCD
Cuireadh do gach cumadóir óg! Tugann an comórtas deis do scoláirí iar-bhunscoile ar fud na hÉireann a gcuid ceoil a chur ar stáitse sa Cheoláras Náisiúnta, agus duaiseanna airgid á mbronnadh ar na trí phíosa is fearr.
Féile Idirnáisiúnta Scannán Chorcaí 2024, Clár na Scoileanna
Tá clár scannán éagsúil agus spreagúil á chur i láthair do dhaoine óga ag Féile Scannán Idirnáisiúnta Chorcaí mar chuid dá gClár Féile do Scoileanna i 7 - 17 mí na Samhna 2024.
Gairm Oscailte: Céatadán do Choimisiúnú Ealaíne ó Scoil Náisiúnta Phobail Iarthar na Cathrach agus Theach Sagard
Tá Meitheal Oibre Ealaíne Poiblí Scoil Náisiúnta Phobail Iarthar na Cathrach agus Theach Sagard ar lorg léirithe spéise ó ealaíontóirí a ndíríonn a gcleachtas ar shaothar buan (shaoathoir bhuana) amharc-ealaíne don taobh istigh nó don taobh amuigh dá bhfoirgneamh scoile, trí mheán amhairc.
Architects in Schools: Open Call for Architects 2024/25
Inspire the next generation of architects and creative problem solvers by leading collaborative design workshops for TY students. The Irish Architecture Foundation invites applications from architects and architectural graduates to participate in the 12th cycle of the national Architects in Schools programme. This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge of architecture with young people and teachers in a fun and engaging way. If you have good communication skills and are looking for exciting ways to expand your practice, they would love to hear from you.
Explore the Seashore-Creative Curricular Learning & Skills Development
Explorers Education Programme online at Mayo Education Centre
Fighting Words Workshops for Secondary Schools 2024-2025
Fighting Words are taking bookings for the 2024 -2025 Academic for free secondary school students creative writing workshops.