Bloom Bloom! Interactive Early Years Dance Workshop

Image: The Ark, Dublin Japanese Cherry
The Ark
Date: 14 May 2022
Celebrate the beauty of Spring through this interactive dance workshop with The Ark’s John Coolahan Early Years Artist in Residence Monica Muñoz.
Meet Blossom, she is delighted that finally spring has arrived. Join her in a sensory movement adventure around a spring day: Hopping, skipping around flowers, leaping and jumping over rivers, meeting caterpillars and butterflies and touching the most perfect sky!
This delightful interactive dance workshop invites little ones and their grown-ups to enjoy imagining and moving together. So if you’re a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunty, godparent or carer, come along with a 2 to 4 year old and join in the fun.
Reminder: Please wear comfortable clothes
Date: 14 May 2022
For further information and to book go to