Explore the Seashore-Creative Curricular Learning & Skills Development

Mayo Education Support Centre
Dates and Deadlines: Registration open. Last date for registration is Wednesday 14th August. Access to the course closes at 5pm on 16th August for all participants
The Explorers Education Programme online course aims to provide engaging activities, resources, and support for teachers to incorporate Marine Content through Science, Maths, English, Geography, and the Arts into the class curriculum. Launched in 2006, the Explorers Education Programme, funded and supported by the Marine Institute promotes ocean awareness, knowledge, and engagement, as well as supports ocean literacy and marine education in primary schools in Ireland.
By learning about the ocean literacy concepts; enabling us to understand the influence of the ocean on us and our influence on the ocean; as well as supporting engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 12 and 14, teachers will be able to incorporate marine themes with a range of primary subjects and learning methodologies. Through a series of seashore focuses videos and activities participants will explore
• Biodiversity, and adaptation to the life on the shore,
• Sustainability fisheries and future of our coastal ecosystems
• Environmental awareness and care, and design and make
• Outdoor learning and planning fieldwork
• Using ICT to bring the Ocean into the classroom
• Methods for SSE and exploring work samples and self-reflection tools
The course provides teachers the opportunity to develop their individual and collective skills through the delivery of ocean literacy concepts and learning about the seashore online as well as through nature. The teachers will become proactive in:
• Assessing their own abilities as well as positively contributing to understanding the importance of the ocean
• Being able to communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way
• Using these skills to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources in line with SDG14
Based over 5 modules, participants will use a range of pre-recorded video content, teacher resources, workbooks, and lesson plans to complete tasks. On completion participants can request a pack of Explorers Educational Resources to be sent to their school. This course is approved for E.P.V. certification by the Department of Education
For more information see here.