Online Documentation Course Update

'Our Map' at Roscommon Arts Centre, copyright Kids' Own Publishing Partnership
The Arts in Education Portal online documentation course kicked off on January 16th. Digital artist John D’Arcy gives us an update:
“We recently had our first session of the online course ‘Documenting Projects and Events’. The course brings together artists, educators and organisations in a weekly online conversation about how we document the work we make.
During the first session the course participants introduced themselves, each waving into the webcam of their laptop, tablet or phone from a different corner of the island. We practice in a diverse range of artforms: painting, sculpture, lens-based, performance, dance, sound – some working as freelance artists and others with arts organisations.
Our conversation revealed that many of us have experience capturing documentation of our own work (and that of others) through still image, video and audio. However, many of us identified problematic aspects with these processes and are looking for alternative ways to capture documentation whilst in the flow of a workshop or event. Some of the group are particularly interested in exploring experimental techniques for documenting their work.
We also spoke about some of the issues related to presenting work online in web portfolios and on social media, with some participants hoping to discuss this further in future sessions.
As the conversation came to a close, I gave the group their task for the next session – to create a website or blog where they will host their work for the course from week to week. To kick off the conversation next time we will be discussing some examples of documentation that have particularly inspired us in the past and jump off from there”.