Creative Schools Update – Training

Image copyright - The Arts Council of Ireland - Creative School Programme
The Arts Council’s Creative Schools Initiative
Autumn has been a busy time for Creative Schools with lots of focus on training and development. The team have been meeting with and training 47 Creative Associates and over 350 representatives from the 150 pilot schools. The commitment shown by schools in the training to putting the arts and creativity at the heart of school life was very obvious and they are excited about the possibilities that learning in and through the arts will bring to their respective school communities. A key aim of the initiative is to give children and young people a central role in the process, to support this Creative Associates were given a day of training from the amazing team at Hub na nÓg – Young Voices in Decision-making, Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Over the coming weeks Creative Associates will meet with their schools and begin the first stages of their work together.
For more information go to
To view the full list of the 150 schools selected to participate in the pilot phase of Creative Schools go to