Opportunities to be part of the Creative Schools’ Creative Associate Team

YOUR SAY/YOUR WAY, Creative Ireland and Draíocht, Young people's arts and creativity consultation day, Draíocht, Blanchardstown.
The Arts Council’s Creative Schools Initiative
Deadline: 1st April 2019
The Arts Council of Ireland is seeking to expand its panel of Creative Associates to support the delivery of the Scoileanna Ildánacha/Creative Schools initiative. Creative Associates are artists, creative practitioners and teachers with a deep understanding of creativity and its potential to transform the lives of children and young people. They come from a range of creative professions, such as artists, designers, teachers and craftspeople. Whether from the arts, culture, heritage, creative industries, education, science or other sectors, they challenge, support and sustain new practice in schools in the field of the arts, culture and creative learning.
Creative Associates will match the needs of schools to arts and creative opportunities in their locality. They will identify potential areas for improvement and will inspire, energise and drive schools forward in addressing these. Through this pioneering initiative Creative Associates will have the chance to shape the place of the arts and creativity in Irish schools.
Creative Associates can be:
- Creative Associates – Individuals engaged by the Arts Council as individual artists or creative practitioners in the arts, culture, heritage, creative industries, science or other sectors.
- Creative Associates – Organisations in the arts, culture, heritage, creative industries, science of other sectors. They are engaged by the Arts Council with named nominees, who have an arts or creative practice and are employ by the organisation.
- or Teacher Creative Associates selected by the Arts Council to work on a part-time basis with Creative Schools. These applicants will be fully qualified and registered teachers who are working in a Department of Education and Skills recognised post.
Creative Associates work in partnership with participating schools/Youthreach centres to understand, develop and celebrate the arts and creativity in their schools, putting the arts and creativity at the heart of the lives of children and young people.
How to apply:
Step 1 – Visit our website and read their relevant Information Booklet today
Step 2 – Check if you are eligible as an individual artist, organisation nominee or teacher working in school
Step 3 – Complete and return the correct application form by 5pm on Monday April 1st 2019.
For more information and application details go to www.artscouncil.ie/Creative-Schools/Creative-Associate-Opportunities/
Creative Schools is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme to enable the creative potential of every child. Creative Schools is led by the Arts Council in partnership with the Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Creative Schools, formerly Arts Rich Schools/Arís, draws on the commitments set out in the Arts in Education Charter.