Opportunity: Musicians / Music Tutors with Music Generation Kilkenny

Image copyright - Music Generation Kilkenny
Music Generation
Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board
Deadline: 12 noon, Friday 27 September 2019
Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board wishes to recruit and place on a panel suitably qualified and experienced part-time musicians/music tutors to deliver the following Music Generation Kilkenny programmes:
- Small group tuition in vocal (including choral) or instrumental learning (any music genre)
- Large-group tuition (vocal and/or instrumental) in early years and primary school settings
- Ensemble (instrumental/vocal), band facilitation, mentoring in any genre of music, including, where applicable, song-writing/creative composition, music technology etc.
Musicians/music tutors will work with children and young people in group/classroom contexts and may work on one or more programmes at any given time. A willingness to deliver programmes in more than one location in County Kilkenny would be desirable.
The closing date for receipt of applications is: 12 noon, Friday 27th September 2019
Late applications will not be considered.
Provisional interview date: Week commencing 7th October 2019
For further information and application forms go to www.kcetb.ie