Opportunity for Young People: Source Arts Centre Online Workshops

Image credit: Emily Matthews
Source Arts Centre
Date: 24 April
The Source Arts Centre is hosting a series of online workshops until June as part of their ‘Y’ Arts Programme. The ‘Y’ Arts Programme encourages young people aged between 13 and 18 to create new works of art using a task and challenge based approach. The programme aims to encourage an understanding of contemporary art and avant-garde art.
Workshop : Dream Like Maya Deren
12pm-1pm, 24th April 2021
Maya Deren was a Ukrainian-born American experimental filmmaker in the 1940s and 1950s. In this workshop, participants will look at her most famous film ‘Meshes Of The Afternoon’ and examine how dream states or the subconscious are depicted in art.
For more information, see here: www.thesourceartscentre.ie/events/info/dream-like-maya-deren-workshop