Date Announced for the Arts in Education Portal Spring Regional Day 2022

Work created by Marie Brett during the 2021 Regional Event Series Creative Workshop ‘Stories Unfolding’ led by Artist & Bookbinder Éilís Murphy of Folded Leaf
Arts in Education Portal Events
Date: Saturday, 7th May 2022
The Portal Team is delighted to invite teachers, artists and anyone with an interest in arts in education to save the date and join us for our first in-person event in two years! The Portal Spring Regional Day will take place on Saturday, 7th May 2022 at the Kildare Education Support Centre, showcasing arts in education projects and creative practice in the Mid-East.
We invite regional audiences to connect with us during a series of events, where practitioners can learn more about the Portal and what it offers, tell us about their work, connect with the community at regional level, share practice and find out what opportunities or events are available in their local area. We welcome teachers, artists, arts managers and anyone with an interest in arts in education to join us for this free event.
This event will be live streamed to ensure accessibility and an online creative workshop will be available for our audience joining online.
Stay tuned for the full schedule and booking details which will be announced in the coming weeks. Pre booking will be essential for both in-person and online attendance.