Solstice Arts Centre: School Gallery Tours using Visual Thinking Strategies

Image: Solstice Arts Centre. Gallery Tours (c) Conor Healy
Solstice Arts Centre
11th February – 31st March 2023
Solstice Arts Centre have a number of events in their spring programme for schools, teachers and artists.
Primary School Gallery Tours using Visual Thinking Strategies
Look, listen and respond to artworks by Sinéad Ní Mhaonaigh in her current exhibition ‘Deep Mapping: Unseen Landscapes ‘. Encouraging peer-to-peer discussion, this is an opportunity for children and teachers to focus and reflect on multiple perspectives, enhancing engagement and enjoyment of learning through art. To conclude, learn about the artist and her work, inspiring you to create artworks back in the classroom!
Secondary School Gallery Tours using Visual Thinking Strategies
Broaden creative thinking through oral and visual literacy by exploring works in our current exhibition by Irish artist Sinéad Ní Mhaonaigh . Using Visual Thinking Strategies, this is an opportunity for students to investigate, analyse and reflect on multiple perspectives, and assist in the development of imaginative and innovative ideas. Using cross-curricular links and learning through art, these sessions support the Junior and Senior Cycle, placing students at the centre of the learning process. Upon visiting Solstice, Senior Cycle students will receive specific information that embraces the three strands – Research, Create and Respond (visual and written responses), with particular focus on Content Area 3: Today’s World of the New Appreciating Art Visual Studies for Leaving Certificate curriculum.
For all queries and bookings email Deirdre: