Draft Principles for Engaging with the Arts in Early Learning and Care

Image: Bee Creative, 2019 Documentation Award, Creative Cluster, Firies NS, Killarney
As part of actions outlined in the Creative Youth Plan the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) committed to the development of key principles underpinning young children’s quality engagement with the arts in early learning and care settings.
Draft Principles for Engaging with the Arts in Early Learning and Care were published in October 2022.
This consultation invites artists, early years educators and all early learning and care stakeholders to use and explore these draft principles and test their validity in practice.
While the draft principles were conceived from an early learning and care perspective the Department also wish to explore their relevance and the ways in which they may be adapted to better support engagement with the arts in school-age childcare. All school age childcare stakeholders are invited also to use and test these draft principles.
Findings from this consultation will inform the finalised publication of the principles, the development of practice resource materials and accompanying CPD training.
Read the discussion paper ‘ Facilitating the Arts in Early Learning and Care: Towards Best Practice Principles’ and share your comments and suggestions here.