Children’s Books Ireland: Junior Juries’ Programme

Image credit: Children's Books Ireland
Children’s Books Ireland
Children’s Books Ireland are delighted to announce the 2024 Junior Juries’ scheme – part of the KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Awards – is now open for registration! Junior Juries is a unique programme for schools, libraries and book clubs, designed to encourage reading for pleasure and appreciation for a wide variety of books for all ages.
Participating classes make their own selection of suitable titles from the KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Awards shortlist, which will be announced on 7th February online and at Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast. Each group will be provided with a specially designed digital resource pack so participants can engage with the chosen books by taking part in quizzes, debates, discussions, research projects, creative writing, and visual art activities which will enhance their reading experience. At the end of this process, each group is asked to collectively score the books they have read.
Registration is completely free, all groups will receive:
- A digital resource pack
- Bookmarks
- Poster
As part of the Junior Juries scheme registered groups can apply for the following free opportunities*:
- An online or in-person author or illustrator visit to your school March – April 2024
- A visit from a KPMG volunteer on 21 March 2024
- Copies of the shortlisted books
- A chance to be part of a short online video about the Junior Juries
- Attending the in-person awards ceremony on 22 May 2024
*These opportunities are limited and based on need. Applications for books or author/illustrator/volunteer visits will be given to those groups who show most need.
Register online here:
2024 Junior Juries’ Registration Form
Further information about the awards and the Junior Juries scheme can be found here:
Registration for the Junior Juries is ongoing. However, if you’d like to apply for an author visit or visit from a KPMG volunteer please ensure to register your class no later than 1 March 2024.