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BLAST Arts & Creativity in Education Residency 2024/2025 Applications Are Now Open
Minister for Education Norma Foley, TD, has invited primary, post-primary, special schools and YouthReach to apply for the BLAST 2024/2025.
Siamsa Tíre Theatre Host Free ‘Whole Wild World Bus Tour’ Workshop for Children
As part of the Whole Wide World Bus Tour, Siamsa Tíre Theatre and Art Gallery are offering free workshops for children.
FÍS Film Project Invite Primary Schools to Enter Their Storyboard Storytelling Competition
Irish primary schools are invited to enter the 2024 FÍS Storyboard Storytelling competition. The FÍS Storyboard Storytelling Competition is open to all primary schools in the Republic of Ireland
Kids’ Own Offer Complimentary Books and Teacher Resource to Schools and Educators
Kids' Own have published two books by children and young people from the Roma and Traveller community Cork. They are offering complimentary copies of these books, together with the accompanying teacher learning resource, to schools and educators.
Opportunity For Teachers : CPD Courses with Education Support Centres Ireland
Education Support Centres Ireland are offering a selection of CPD courses for teachers.
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