Tá tú ag Amharc faoi láthair ar > Aoi-Bhlagálaí
Blog 3 – Students and Staff of Marino College, Dublin 3
In the third blog in the series, students and staff of Marino College, Dublin 3 reflect on collaboration in the planning and organising of their Creative Minds Festival of Arts and Culture, Marino 100: Back to the Future.
Blog 2 – Students and Staff of Marino College, Dublin 3
In the second blog in the series, students from Marino College talk about the nuts and bolts of the making and doing behind the scenes of their Creative Minds Festival of Arts and Culture, Marino 100: Back to the Future.
Blag 1 – Scoláirí agus Baill Foirne Choláiste Marino, Baile Átha Cliath 3
Sa chéad bhlag de shraith nua a chruthaigh scoláirí agus foireann Choláiste Marino, Baile Átha Cliath 3, roinneann siad eispéiris ón bhFéile Ealaíon agus Chultúir Creative Minds.
Blag 4 – An Dr Jo Lewis, Ealaíontóir & Faighteoir na Dámhachtana Sparánachta do Dhaoine Óga, Leanaí agus Oideachas ón gComhairle Ealaíon
Sa cheathrú blag sa tsraith ón ealaíontóir Jo Lewis, fiosraíonn Jo conas páistí a chur ag plé le géarchéim na haeráide ach tuiscint a fháil ar an éiceolaíocht trí chleachtas ealaíne.
Blag 3 – An Dr. Jo Lewis, Ealaíontóir & Faighteoir na Dámhachtana Sparánachta do Dhaoine Óga, Leanaí agus Oideachas ón gComhairle Ealaíon
Sa tríú blag den tsraith seo leis an ealaíontóir Jo Lewis, pléann Jo conas is féidir leis an gcleachtas ealaíne cabhrú linn tuiscint a fháil ar ár dtimpeallacht agus ár muintearas.
Blag 2 – An Dr. Jo Lewis, Ealaíontóir & Faighteoir na Dámhachtana Sparánachta do Dhaoine Óga, Leanaí agus Oideachas ón gComhairle Ealaíon
Sa dara blag sa tsraith ón ealaíontóir Jo Lewis, déanann Jo tuilleadh plé ar an iniúchadh a dhéanann sí ar an gcomhéadan idir an ealaín agus an eolaíocht.
Blag 1 – An Dr. Jo Lewis, Ealaíontóir & Faighteoir Dhámhachtain Sparánachta do Dhaoine Óga, Leanaí agus Oideachas ón gComhairle Ealaíon
Sparánacht do Dhaoine Óga agus Leanaí san Oideachas – Ealaín agus Éiceolaíocht do Pháistí agus Daoine Óga
Blog 4 – Lucy Davey, Educator, Farmyard Miniworld, (Ballintogher Playschool)
In her final blog post of the series, educator Lucy Davey reflects on the Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) Pilot.
Blog 3 – Lucy Davey, Educator, Farmyard Miniworld, (Ballintogher Playschool)
In her third blog post of the series, educator Lucy Davey talks about the family's experience at Farmyard Miniworld, (Ballintogher Playschool.)
Blog 2 – Lucy Davey, Educator, Farmyard Miniworld, (Ballintogher Playschool)
In her second blog post of the series, educator Lucy Davey gives her insight into the adult experience at Farmyard Miniworld, (Ballintogher Playschool).
Blog 1 – Lucy Davey, Educator, Farmyard Miniworld (Ballintogher Playschool)
In the first of her blog post series, educator Lucy Davey talks about the children at the centre of Farmyard Miniworld, (Ballintogher Playschool).
Blog 4 – Lorna Watkins, Visual Artist and TAP+ Tutor
We're delighted to bring you the fourth and final blog post from artist Lorna Watkins where she offers some end of year refections on her practice.