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We’re delighted to share the third blog in the series from the students and staff of Marino College, Dublin 3. In this post, staff and students reflect on collaboration in the planning and organising of their Creative Minds Festival of Arts and Culture, Marino 100: Back to the Future, and talk about some of the artists, groups and organisations they worked with.

Turning the idea of our Creative Minds Festival into reality took a lot of engagement, involvement and collaboration with a wide variety of groups in our community. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the people organisations we partnered with and how our collaboration enhanced the scope and ambition of what we were able to achieve.

The first, and key, partnership that led to the Festival’s success were having our Artist in Residence, Heather Gray, to work with. Heather initially came to the school as a Creative Practitioner in the pilot stages of the Arts Council’s Creative Schools Programme. She’s the creative force behind the project, guiding students, staff and community members in making and doing.

Irish teacher Joan Lyne, who first dreamt up the Festival Parade, is a constant source of great ideas and problem solving, a driving force of creativity in the school, who now coordinates the TY Creative Schools class. Our Art, Music, Home Ec., SEN and Guidance departments have collaborated extensively with visiting artists and craftspeople to facilitate opportunities for learning and fun for students. Ms French and Ms Connor’s organisational and communication skills are world class, and we’re lucky to have buy-in from all our enthusiastic and supportive staff in Marino College: all members of staff were involved in some capacity. Special mention to our Special Needs Assistants, Teresa, the two Helens, Mary, Grainne, Aisling and Tamlyn too – their indefatigable good humour and incredible way with our students made planning and organisation so much easier.

School Management, our former Principal Mary McAteer (retired) and current Principal Lisa Reid, and Deputy Principal Grainne Cullen, understood the added value creativity outside of (but linked to) the classroom brings to the school, and support Heather’s working with us in Art Club every Wednesday afternoon. Their buy-in as key stakeholders was essential, as was the support of our Board of Management. The Chair of our Board, Deputy-Lord Mayor of Dublin and local City Councillor Donna Cooney, who also helps arrange the local Welcome Fairview initiative for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, was very supportive and joined us on the day, alongside the then Deputy-Lord Mayor Cllr. Deirdre Heney.

The Welcome Fairview Group worked on creating ceramic tableware with students and parents that we used to share food from different cultures at our Global Feast and BBQ. The BBQ couldn’t have happened without the support of Swan Youth Service on Dunne Street, supportive champions of young people in our area.

We were also lucky to be accepted, along with St. Vincent’s Girl’s National School, Mount Carmel School and St. Joseph’s CBS Fairview, in our application to become a Creative Cluster, an initiative of the Department of Education. This collaboration saw secondary students work with primary pupils in making props and costumes and artists ran workshop sessions in each of the schools. For the 2025 Parade, Heather’s already run workshops in the JCSP Library in Mount Carmel making The Morrigan puppets, which the Mount Carmel students will have in this year’s parade, along with students from all the other schools.

We received generous funding from The European Cultural Foundation’s Europe Challenge Project, which allowed us to upscale and extent the festival in year two. This project saw us work in close collaboration with the Marino Resident’s Association, and in particular their Marino 100 Committee, who coordinated the local celebrations of the area’s centenary. Our school is also extremely fortunate to have one of only 30 State-funded school libraries in the country, under the Junior Cert. Schools Programme Demonstration Library Project, allowing us to place cross-curricular teaching and learning at the heart of all of our collaborations and to host workshops and sessions in the library, linking to the library’s print and digital stock.

Fairview’s Viva School of Dance taught students to dance to the tune most associated with our area, the famous Marino Waltz, through workshops in school and with local residents. RTE Junior’s Senior Producer, Nicky Coghlan, came along on the day of the Parade and recorded a podcast with students, and Irish Times photographers took fantastic shots of the Festival and Parade too, featuring in both print and digital editions of the paper.

As part of the festivities, under the theme of Diversity and Biodiversity, we worked with Easy Treesie to plant native trees in the area, hiding a forest in the city. We worked with Dublin City Council Parks and planted trees in Fairview Park as well as in the grounds of St. Joseph’s CBS and at the Mater Step-Down Unit on Phlipsburg Avenue.

A group of students from Marino College stand around an Easy Tressie sign and potted trees

Students from Marino College in Dublin planting trees with Easy Treesie as part of the Creative Minds Festival

Our goals to challenge anti-immigrant sentiment were informed and supported by AkiDwA, Black & Irish and East Wall Here for All, alongside Mud Island Community Garden. On the morning of the Festival last year, we welcomed the assessment team from Schools of Sanctuary, who met with students and staff and awarded us our School of Sanctuary status.

Roisin Lonergan, Creative Director of the Five Lamps Arts Festival, has been a constant support, sharing her extensive skills, knowledge and contacts with us. Dublin Port Company were also very generous in their support. Many visiting artists and craftspeople enhanced the skillsets that enabled our making and doing, including Samba drummers William Ribeiro and Simeon Smith, fibre artists Sinead Lynch and Helen Gaughan and artist Maddy Schmidt, to name just a few! Local artist Steven Doody can turn his hand to anything and is always reliable for help and advice.

Closing roads for the Parade required collaboration with An Garda Síochána, whose community liaison officer in Clontarf Station couldn’t have been more helpful and helped to coordinate stewards on the day. Dublin Bus allowed us hold up the 123 bus route, and Dublin City Council Arts Office, and the City Council more widely, provided great supports, funding, advice and encouragement. We had to create a detailed Event Plan and Risk Assessment to most of these organisations. We also had to create a detailed plan showing who needed to be where, when, doing what, with an assigned role for everyone in the school and plenty more people besides!

A screenshot of a spreadsheet detailing peoples roles during the festival

Marino College Festival organisation – A designated role and an individualised schedule for everyone in the building!

St. Vincent’s Infants School on Griffith Avenue and St. Vincent de Paul School North Strand welcomed Marino students into their classrooms to run creative prop- and costume- making workshops with their pupils. Cathal Brugha Further Education and Training College, North Strand Campus, were generous in allowing us to use their facilities for creativity and for storage. Music Generation’s Peter O’Toole supported the music department, and Irish teacher Niamh Murray coordinated choreography. Local Businesses proudly promoted the festivities – literally all of the community were involved!

Logos of all the groups and organisations who supported Marino Colleges Creative Minds Festival

The many groups and organisations who supported Marino College’s Creative Minds Festival

Collaboration across our community was key to the project’s success – there are so many great organisations out there working to achieve the same goals, so it’s great to discover one another and find opportunities to work together to build on our community connections. We’re gearing up for this year’s festival, with the theme of ‘Global Myths, Local Legends’, and look forward to telling you all about it in our next blog post!

We started planning for the 2024 festival and parade as soon as we came back to school in September. The festival theme was Marino 100: Back to the Future, celebrating the history of the area and because of this we started off researching the history of the residential estate beside the school with our student Creative Council and members of staff like Ms Lyne, our librarian Robin, Ms. Connor and Ms. French. We’re really lucky to have an artist-in-residence, Heather Gray, who’s a creative associate with the Arts Council and guides us in the making and doing of all the things we do. We wanted to represent the history of Marino in our parade. We decided to showcase the following key events in Marino’s history and to represent them through fun props for the Parade.

In the mid-1950s there was a massive flood in Marino, and back then people still kept farm animals in their gardens. This one local had pigs in his back garden, and we found an amazing photo of him rescuing his pigs in a currach. Inspired by this image, we decided to make a pig in a boat. We chose the name “Princess Bacon” for the pig (PB for short). We also made a huge wooden wave to represent the flood waters. PB now lives in the school library with a giant toy spider that look like Charlotte’s Web.

It wasn’t just students from Marino College making props for the parade as we’re in a Creative Cluster with some other school in the area, so the lads in Joey’s up the road made a big lion prop too. This was to celebrate a lion tamer who lived in Marino and kept lions in his back garden (seriously!) One day his lioness escaped and she ran around the Fairview/Marino area causing panic! She managed to make her way into Joey’s secondary school! So the students there made a big lion prop commemorating this.

Before Marino was developed as a housing estate, the area was all farmland, and lots of sheep were grazed here. The wool from the sheep then would have been sorted, cleaned, spun and dyed in the Liberties area of Dublin and the local people would have worn locally made clothes made from locally sourced materials. We made a giant spinning wheel to show this part of our area’s history. We also had a workshop and learned how to spin wool ourselves with spindles.

l-r A spinning wheel, drawings of a design for spinning wheel and parade ideas

Marino College students design and make a spinning wheel for their festival parade.

These are just a few of the events from our area’s history we chose to showcase in the parade.

A group of us from the school Art Club and student Creative Council went to two local primary schools and helped the little kids make costumes to go along with these props. In one school we made pigs’ ears and snouts that the kids wore to dress up as little piglets to go along with Princess Bacon, and in the other school we made little lamb costumes with them so they could go alongside the spinning wheel.

Students from Marino wearing lamb and pig head pieces for parade

A primary school student wearing a lamb costume and a cutting from The Irish Times showing a photograph of students from St. Vincent de Paul Infant School in Marino wearing pig costumes.

We wanted to make sure that different cultures and traditions were represented in the Parade, as our area and school are really multi-cultural now, so we had a huge dancing dragon that Art club originally made for our school lunar new year celebrations.

We also looked to the future too, imagining what life might be like in Marino in 2124. In planning the making of our props, we drew up a timeline of everything we wanted to include and drew a paper lineup of the order of the parade and how it was going to go. We made the props together in Art Club in the library after school on Wednesdays and in workshops with visiting artists during the school day sometimes too. Our old woodwork teacher Mr. Doody was brilliant for coming up with ways of us carrying and displaying our props once we finished them. It was really good fun but we learned a lot too, applying stuff we learned in maths, history, geography and library class to how to make the props.

Students from Marino College working on parade props

Students from Marino College working on Parade props

Marino College students prepare props for their festival parade

It was great to be able to partner up with other schools too to help with the making of the props, and students from lots of other schools came to the parade to take part or just watched alongside the local residents. We invited everyone back to the school for a festival of cultures, art exhibition and a barbeque as well as lots of other cultural foods, some made by parents. The local Youth Club, Swan, lent us their barbeque and it was great to be able to show off stuff from all the lots of different cultures in our school and community. It was good that students and staff worked together on making and planning too. We all sat down together and planned and made everything together and we were really proud of the final results. Staff made sure our voices were heard and let us take the lead as much as possible, guiding us through the process. We made so many props, but we also made friends, new connections and more of a sense of community too.

By Megi, Ayanna and Izabela, 2nd year students, Marino College, Dublin 3

The Ark, Dublin
Dates: 7 – 9 November 2024

Come along to The Ark, Dublin and enjoy a fun-filled creative imagination workshop with author and facilitator Jen Wallace inspired by her hilarious new book Dinosaur Pie.

In the book, there’s a boy called Rory. He and his mum have ADHD, but the book isn’t about that. It’s about way weirder stuff like being turned into a ridiculous little dinosaur and still having to go to school. It’s about not eating your friends and taking lots of selfies and having huge claws that make gaming difficult. It’s about friendship and family and coping when things get tough.

In the workshop, you’ll get to think about some of Rory’s adventures. Then we can explore together how to:

Tickets are free thanks to the support of UNESCO Dublin City of Literature

Schools: To make a booking for schools workshops, please use The Ark schools booking form or call 01 6707788.

Dates & Times
Public: Sat 9 November @ 11am & 2pm
Schools: Thurs 7 Nov & Fri 8 Nov @ 10.15am and 12.15pm

For Ages 5-8 (Senior to 2nd Class)

For further information go to ark.ie/events/view/school-public-workshops-dinosaur-pie-creative-writing


Booking is now open for our eleventh National Arts in Education Portal Day which will take place on Saturday 9 November 2024 at East Quad, TU Dublin, in partnership with the School of Art and Design. This free full-day event aims to bring together arts and education professionals to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired, and discuss best practices in the arts and creativity in education.

The Programme will see a mix of presentations, smaller discussion-led sessions and creative workshops each addressing the special focus of ‘Amplifying All Voices’ and how the Amplification of All Voices in creativity and education can empower, build confidence, passion, and support.

As previously announced The Portal Team is delighted to welcome guest speakers, Leon Diop, Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Arts Council of Ireland, Francesca Hutchinson, a multidisciplinary artist and post-primary teacher, Dr. Padráig Kirk, Managing Director of Oide, and Dr. Hannagh McGinley, Assistant Professor in Education at MCI Thurles for a round table discussion moderated by Jennifer Buggie, Advisor for Arts & Creativity in Education with the Department of Education and The Education Centre, Tralee.

With a closing rapporteur address from Adam Stoneman, Creative Communities Engagement Officer at Galway City Council.

View the 2024 Programme HERE.

How to Book Tickets

Tickets for the 2024 National Arts in Education Portal Day are free but pre-booking is essential as capacity is limited. 

For further enquiries please contact events@artsineducation.ie.

Book tickets HERE.

View transport and TU Dublin parking and transport  details here Travel and Parking 2024 National Portal Day

Save the date! The 2024 National Arts in Education Portal Day will be hosted at TU Dublin, School of Art and Design on Saturday, November 9, 2024, in collaboration with the School of Art and Design.

The day will kick off with a welcome address from Dr. Orla McDonagh, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at TU Dublin, and Kate Delaney, Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee Member and Assistant Principal in the Creative Ireland Programme.

Following the welcome address, there will be a panel discussion featuring guest speakers including Leon Diop, Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Arts Council of Ireland, Francesca Hutchinson, a multidisciplinary artist and educator, Dr. Padráig Kirk, Managing Director of Oide, and Dr. Hannagh McGinley, Assistant Professor in Education at MCI Thurles. The panel, moderated by Jennifer Buggie, Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee member Advisor for Arts & Creativity in Education with the Department of Education and The Education Centre, Tralee, will explore this year’s theme “Amplifying All Voices” and discuss how the Amplification of All Voices in creativity and education can empower, build confidence, passion, and support.

The event will conclude with a closing address from Adam Stoneman, Creative Communities Engagement Officer at Galway City Council, and a performance from the Marino College Guitar and Band Club with music teacher, Arjun Desai.

The full lineup for the national day will be announced on Tuesday, October 8, when ticket booking will open online. This free full-day event aims to bring together arts and education professionals to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired, and discuss best practices in the arts and creativity in education.

For further inquiries, please contact events@artsineducation.ie.


The Ark
1 Dec 2024 – 12 Jan 2025

This festive season, following its hugely successful run in 2023, The Ark is proud to present The  Giggler  Treatment, a marvellous, mischievous new musical based on the novel by Roddy Doyle.

If adults are mean to children, they get The  Giggler  Treatment. It’s smelly. It’s squishy. And it sticks to your shoe. But sometimes, just sometimes, the  Gigglers make a mistake… Can Robbie, Kayla, Jimmy and Rover the dog come to Mr Mack’s rescue before the poo hits the shoe?

Written and composed by Fionn Foley (Tonic, Fierce Notions), this glorious adaptation of the much-loved novel is teeming with Dublin wit, memorable melodies and belly laughs for children and grown-ups alike.

Jam-packed with big songs and even bigger PONGS, it’s the funniest, cheekiest, silliest show in town!

There will be relaxed performances of The Giggler Treatment on Friday 13 December @ 10.15am & 12.15pm, Saturday 14 December @ 2pm and Monday 30 December @ 4pm. Relaxed performances are aimed at families or school groups with children who are on the autism spectrum or those who have sensory sensitivities and will be tailored for the comfort of your child. The sound will be at a lower volume and the lights will be dimmed rather than completely dark, we will warn you of any loud noises and we will have a special chill-out area where your child can relax.


€17.50/€12.50* per person. (20% off for Members)
Early Bird: €15 if booked by 23 August 2024
Schools Tickets: €7 or €5 Early Bird for ArkEd members if booked by 25 October 2024. Teachers go free!
Previews: €12.50 per person / €4.50 for schools
To make a school booking, please use the schools booking form or call 01 6707788.

For further information go to the ark.ie/events/view/the-giggler-treatment-2024.



Irish Museum of Modern Art

Dates: 20 – 22 September 2024

EARTH RISING 2024, a dynamic three-day festival dedicated to addressing the climate crisis through art, creativity, and community.

EARTH RISING is where art meets activism and highlights the vital role of art and culture in driving environmental change and fostering a deep connection between people and the planet. EARTH RISING seeks to inspire collective action through creative expression, fostering a deep connection between individuals, communities, and our planet.

This year’s festival offers a rich programme of talks, exhibitions, workshops, outdoor screenings, music, live performances, and an Eco Fair—all free and open to the public. Programme highlights include an installation and talk by Sakiya, a progressive academy for experimental knowledge production and sharing around local farming in Ramallah, Palestine; a climate comedy workshop; speed dating to find your ‘Soil Mate’ to connect garden owners with gardenless growers; Project Dandelion workshops hosted by the Mary Robinson Centre; a climate-based  mixed reality experience by Andrew McSweeney; and a spoken word poetry event taking place on Culture Night, to name a few! Also back by popular demand Jennie Moran will host a convivial exchange of ideas, skills and knowledge around food where we will rethink our food practices over food demonstrations, talks and presentations.

Special collaborations include a Slow Tour Concert brought to IMMA by the Goethe Institut Ireland featuring musician LIE NING who is travelling across Europe by train and ferry, as part of a resource-efficient concert tour; Demolition Takedown, a large-scale installation, supported by Creative Ireland that aims to encourage action on reducing construction and demolition waste in Ireland

All events and experiences at EARTH RISING are free of charge. Some workshops require booking and ticket links and information can be found here.

EARTH RISING is supported by the Department of Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht.


The Ark: Autumn Drama CPD for Teachers

Date: 19 Oct 2024

Let’s plan to have fun! This workshop will explore play, humour and movement in a drama lesson using content from ‘The Giggler Treatment’ by Roddy Doyle. It will provide a step by step approach to teaching an extended drama lesson. The session will also explore drama’s potential to be integrated with other areas of the curriculum and how planning for integration can reduce your workload.

Suitable for all levels of experience.

This CPD will support you if you wish to bring your class to see The Giggler Treatment, but will also stand alone and provide you with lots of ideas to bring drama into the classroom.

Tickets: €20/€18 (For ArkEd Members)*

Dates & Times: 19 Oct @ 10.30am-12.30pm

Priority Booking for ArkEd members opens 19 August. General booking opens on 26 August.

Duration: 2 hours

Facilitated by Dave Flynn

*ArkEd is free membership scheme for teachers, principals and parents homeschooling their children which enables you to enjoy a range of benefits throughout the year. Click here for more information and booking link: https://ark.ie/events/view/teachers-summer-course-visual-arts-2024-2.

Fighting Words

Deadline: Friday 30th August 2024

Fighting Words is looking for an Irish Language Project Coordinator who will be responsible for organising and providing workshops, projects, and more through Irish outside the Gaeltacht.

Fighting Words offers free creative writing workshops through Irish for children, young people and other groups throughout the country.

Workshops are held through Irish with Irish schools, other schools, youth groups and communities.

The vast majority of demand is in Dublin with the majority of workshops being delivered at the centre on Russell Street. Travel to another location is required from time to time.

This is a full-time position on a temporary contract – September 2024 to June 2025 – with the possibility of an extension depending on funding.

€3,141.17 will be paid per month, which is €37,694 pro rata as a gross salary per year.

If you are interested in this position, and the chance to work with a great team and an exciting organisation, send a CV to info@fightingwords.ie by Friday 30th August.

Further information can be found here: https://www.fightingwords.ie/news/taimid-ag-fostu/we-are-hiring-comhordaitheoir-tionscadail-gaeilge

Fingal County, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County, South Dublin County and Dublin City Council.

Closing date for proposals: 2pm, 12 August 2024. 

A fully funded two-day residential for artists has been announced by the Exploring & Thinking Partnership – Fingal County, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County, South Dublin County and Dublin City Council. The residential is planned for 9 and 10 October 2024, in Balbriggan. The organisers are looking for 12 artists that currently work in or are interested in working in Early Childhood Arts.

Exploring & Thinking Partnership is a collaborative framework for early childhood arts in the Dublin region. Initiated in 2016 by the four Dublin Local Authority Arts Offices to collectively consider Early Childhood Arts. Since this time, the Partnership has collectively supported commissions, bursaries, research, and sector sharing days all with a view to supporting artists, the wider early years sector and developing this area of arts practice with a direct impact on the Dublin region.

The focus of the Mentorship Programme for artists is to create greater access to the arts in communities and neighbourhoods across the Dublin region that may traditionally not have these opportunities. The priority is in the capacity building of artists that work in, or are interested in working in, contexts that are an intersection of arts and health, community, and/or integration.

The Programme will include group work, workshops, and mentoring facilitated by Professor Zeedyk. The content will be tailored by Professor Zeedyk in response to the selected artists proposals and experience.  Artists do not have to be based in the Dublin region, but their application should articulate how this opportunity will impact existing early childhood arts practice in the Dublin region.

For further information and details on how to submit a proposal, see here. 

National College of Art and Design

Continuing Education in Art and Design (CEAD) at NCAD offers a range of short summer courses in art and design for adults and school leavers (16+) who want to explore their creative potential, learn new skills or develop an on-going practice. The CEAD Summer Programme 2024, continues in July. It’s an opportunity to meet other artists and students and become part of a vibrant contemporary art community. If your course is sold out, you are welcome to join the waitlist.  Courses include 3 and 5 day short courses in Art, Design and Photography and a 3 week Summer Portfolio Preparation. Summer courses are at different levels; there are introductory courses suitable for beginners or for those considering returning to or progressing within higher education. If you want to learn something new you can choose beginners courses and if you have established an arts practice and want to continue to expand and explore your options you can choose advanced courses. Portfolio Preparation courses are suitable for students applying to third level undergraduate art and design courses who are making their application portfolio. Students interested in applying to the accredited part-time autumn courses or who want to progress within art and design can consider taking summer workshops as a way of developing skills and knowledge in a subject area.

You can also learn more about Progression in art, design and photography through CEAD. From introductory summer or autumn short courses, find out how to advance to level 8 in evening school and be eligible to apply to the final year of the undergraduate BA degree course.

Some courses are only open to students who are 18 years old or over.  July courses include:

For more information and application links see here.

The Ark

Dates: Various during July

The Ark is running Early Years workshops that will delight inquisitive minds and busy little hands. In this series of inventive and imaginative workshops, children aged 2-4 and their grown-ups will celebrate their own unique creativity to spark lots of fun!

Creatures from the Mermaid’s Purse runs from 19 – 20 Jul 2024. Visual artist Jane Groves invites very young children (Ages 2-4) and their grown-ups to meet the Beautiful Beasts of the ocean in a play-filled art workshop! Inspired by Silkie the Seal from The Ark’s sculpture collection, children will be invited to explore textures of the sea bed and create their own creatures. Through storytelling and play, they will engage in a sensory exploration of the organisms of a watery world, both macro and micro. You can book here .

I’m an Animal and You Are Too! Runs from  26 – 27 Jul 2024. In this imaginative music workshop, very young children and their grown-ups will join musician Ríona Hartman to explore all the details and textures of our voices. From clicks and snarls to fishy lip bubbles and melodious meows, children will see what noises they can make and what animals they can imitate.  Ríona will  record sounds with a loop pedal to create wild soundscapes full of all the creatures the children  conjure. You can book here .

Grace Park Educate Together National School

Deadline: 12 noon, Wednesday 26th June, 2024

Grace Park Educate Together Public Art Working Group are seeking expressions of interest from artists whose practice focuses on permanent visual artwork(s) to be sited in the foyer of their school building in a visual medium. The school is open to the idea of the artworks travelling throughout the interior of the building also once this does not impact on the budget for an engagement process with all of their students.

Grace Park ETNS is a child-centred, co-educational, equality based and democratic primary school under the patronage of Educate Together. The school has 423 students, with 16 mainstream classes from Junior Infants to 6th Class and 2 Autism Classes. There are 25 teachers and 16 additional needs assistants (ANAs) working alongside the children in our school.

The school asks that artists who apply consider the following:

The school is located at DCU All Hallows Campus, Grace Park Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

The selection process will take the form of a Two Stage Open Competition. The closing date for receipt of Stage 1 completed application form together with supporting documentation and material is 12 noon, Wednesday 26th June 2024. It is anticipated that the project would commence in Summer 2024 and be completed by June 2025.

The commission was originally posted on Visual Artists Ireland and you can read further details on the briefing document: https://visualartists.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/FINAL-2024-Apr-GP-ETNS-Stage-1-Brief.pdf

Teacher Training at The Ark

Dates: 12 – 16 August

Cultural Hub for kids, The Ark, is running this five day course over the summer from 12 – 16 August. Artist Jole Bortoli will deliver this hugely popular hands-on, creative course for teachers focusing on a visual arts approach to exploring narrative, literacy & other subjects.

This is a five-day Department of Education EPV-approved summer course for teachers.  It runs from 10 am – 3 pm each day with breaks and is suitable for all levels of experience.

The aim of the course is to enable participants to start the new school year with an enhanced toolbox of skills and knowledge, in order to effectively deliver the visual arts curriculum in the classroom. Participants will be engaged ‘hands-on’ throughout this course so learning will be through doing. Working in teams and individually, participants will cover a range of curriculum strands including drawing, painting, print, 3D construction, fabric, and fibre.

A strong emphasis will be on building skills and creative confidence. The group will also explore how visual art can be used to link with other subjects, as well as to promote visual literacy. Time will also be given for individual reflection, school self-evaluation and group discussion.

This course will appeal to teachers of all levels of experience and will be facilitated by the visual arts and education specialist and founder of Art to Heart, Jole Bortoli. This is a continuing professional development opportunity


For information and booking  see here

Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)

IMMA invites teachers and tutors from pre-primary, primary, secondary schools and colleges to bring their student groups to IMMA any time during opening hours. Teachers and tutors can book bespoke guided tours and talks focused on specific exhibitions, and can access related digital resources, such as study notes and videos.

Before the school breaks for the summer holidays, why not come and see some exciting sculpture? In IMMA’s Garden Galleries, Hilary Heron: A Retrospective celebrates the pioneering work of modernist sculptor Hilary Heron (1923 – 1977). Hilary Heron was a Dublin born sculptor who co-represented Ireland at the 1956 Venice Biennale alongside painter Louis le Brocquy (1916 – 2012).

She was a courageous sculptor who travelled extensively, absorbing cultures whilst pursing new modern ideals. She created works in wood, terracotta, steel, bronze and with welding, in this practice she was ground breaking, as there were few women welders in the 1950s.

Also on exhibition are a selection of artworks by contemporary Irish female sculptors, who like Heron, have represented Ireland in the Venice Biennale.

Book a Tour and Workshop

You can book a guided tour with a member of the Visitor Engagement Team, who will explore and tease out the artworks with your class. The tour is followed by a workshop in the Matheson Creativity Hub. A combination of both will take approximately 2 hours. To make a booking, please visit: https://immatours.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173590867/events/428615079

ZOOM Presentation

If you cannot come to see this exhibition in person, IMMA can bring it directly onto your smartboard via Zoom presentation. A member of the Visitor Engagement Team can present and host a discussion with your class group.

If you would like some more information or to book a session then contact joan.walker@imma.ie

The Portal Team are delighted to announce the second of the of the two recipients of the 2024 Arts in Education Portal Documentation Award. We are very excited to be working with each recipient in the coming months to document their projects. These projects will be showcased on the portal as the documentation progresses.

Project title
Marino 100: Back to the Future ~ Creative Minds Art + Culture Festival 2024 ~

Marino 100: Back to the Future is being organised and run by a diverse group of teenagers in North Inner City Dublin in collaboration with their teachers, local artists and the wider community. The festival includes a parade, music, dancing and food!

The project is a collaboration between Marino College, St. Joseph’s Fairview, St. Vincent’s GNS (brought together through Creative Clusters), with Marino Residents Association and various other local schools and organisations. The organisational team are teachers and artists; Joan Lyne, Heather Gray, Robin Stewart, Sarah Connor, and Cathy French. Other artists involved in the project include Steven Doody and Sinéad Lynch.

This initiative aims to change the narrative of the area, celebrating the art and culture of all residents and fostering an inclusive atmosphere all under the banner of Marino 100 – highlighting 100 years since construction started on the Marino housing development – known as the Garden City.

Artist: Heather Gray
Heather Gray is a socially engaged interdisciplinary artist based in Dublin 3. Heather’s areas of expertise are creating large scale public participatory art works as a socially engaged practice and facilitating student led approaches to co-creation.

Teacher: Joan Lyne
Joan Lyne is a Gaelgoir, musician, organiser and community builder. She teaches Irish and Chinese and has been working at Marino College since 2015. Prior to this she was working as a teacher in her native co. Kerry. Joan is passionate about collaboration, inclusion, creativity and bringing fun into the school setting.

Librarian: Robin Stewart
Robin Stewart is the Junior Cert. Schools Programme Librarian in Marino College, Dublin 3. His previous work with marginalised public library users was recognised at the Excellence in Local Government Awards. Robin has written for Inis, An Leabharlann and The School Librarian magazines and is the Treasurer of the Library Association of Ireland School Libraries Group. He was shortlisted for the national Library Staff Champion award 2023.

National Museum of Ireland

Dates: 27 May to 21 June 2024

The National Museum of Ireland has launched an exciting new workshop programme for primary school audiences to learn about global citizenship in partnership with humanitarian aid agency GOAL.

Museum Changemakers invites fourth to sixth class students to discover prominent changemakers in Ireland’s past and explore the power of Museums to inspire activism and change for the future.

The workshops will introduce pupils to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Global Goals. Children will be challenged to think creatively about their own actions and how they can promote the Global Goals and become changemakers themselves.

These engaging workshops will be held in the new contemporary exhibition space we make our own historieslocated in the historic site of Collins Barracks in the heart of Dublin 7.

Children will have the opportunity to be inspired by the ‘Young Peoples Assembly’ which is featured in the we make our own histories exhibition space.

Bookings are now open for primary school teachers to empower the next generation and help shape future leaders of Ireland!

Workshop dates are available from 27 May to 21 June 2024. Places are offered free of charge to schools but booking is essential as places are limited.

For bookings and further details, please visit https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/News/Museum-partners-with-GOAL-to-promote-global-citize

Photo Museum Ireland

Closing date: Thursday 25th April 2024

Photo Museum Ireland is hiring an Education Coordinator to work as part of a dynamic team providing essential administrative & promotional support to deliver Photo Museum Ireland’s new education programme. The Education Coordinator will work closely with the museum’s Education Curator & Curatorial Team to ensure the smooth running of their education programme which encompasses talks, evening lectures, workshops, training courses, in-house artist-led projects, community outreach projects, online resources and education toolkits.

Follow the link to read more and to apply: https://photomuseumireland.ie/we-are-hiring-education-coordinator

Mother Tongues Festival

Dates: 16th-17th Feb

Mother Tongues Festival is the largest festival celebrating linguistic diversity through the arts in Ireland. Its mission is to showcase the country’s rich artistic and cultural tapestry, and connect people through the power of language. Most of the events are designed for families with children, this year there are two exciting events which explore the intersection of multilingualism and the arts.

Creativity and Multilingualism – Panel Discussion and Workshop

Mother Tongues Festival invites the public to join an engaging exploration of Creativity and Multilingualism at the County Library, Tallaght. The event, funded by Languages Connect and organised in collaboration with Trinity College’s School of Education, will feature a panel discussion and a workshop, and will be followed by a film screening.

The afternoons activities will commence with a presentation by Dr Francesca La Morgia, continue with the participatory workshop “Living Languages: Exploring mother tongues through body and voice”, led by Miriam Stewart and finish with a discussion panel among academics Jean-Rémi Lapaire, Claire Dunne and Iseult Ní Chonchúir.

This event is free, booking required and will include an ISL interpreter.
16th February, 1-4pm
Further details: https://mothertonguesfestival.com/programme-2024/creativity-and-multilingualism/

“Go Beyond Language” Workshop on Multilingual Performance

Mother Tongues Festival continues its exploration of multilingualism with the “Go Beyond Language” workshop focused on multilingual performance. The workshop will take place at Rua Red, Tallaght, from 10 am to 6 pm.

This professional development programme aims to enhance participants’ skills in drama-based methodologies that foster language development, inclusion, and well-being. Facilitated by Teatro Multilingue coaches Flavio Marigliani and Marta Iacopini, the interdisciplinary workshop is open to all socially engaged arts practitioners interested in working in multilingual contexts.

17th February,  10am – 6pm
Booking details: https://mothertonguesfestival.com/programme-2024/go-beyond-language/

The Ark

Date: 9th March 2024 

This visual art workshop for teachers is inspired by the timeless story of the wooden puppet Pinocchio celebrating the 140th anniversary of the first publication.

Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio is one of the world’s best-loved children’s books, translated into over 280 languages and dialects, and the subject of countless films and television series.

Although Pinocchio’s story has been adapted into many media the focus of The Ark’s visual art programme is on the illustrated book, from vintage copies to modern interpretations and by various artists and illustrators.

You will be introduced to and experiment with different illustrative styles and creative solutions including pop-up book-making, collage and block printing. The aim is to create your own version of the story and produce your own Pinocchio booklet.

Attending this CPD will support you if you wish to bring your class to a workshop as part of The Ark’s Pinocchio programme later in the year, but will also stand alone and provide you with lots of ideas you can use in your own classroom.

Suitable for all levels of experience including beginners.

To book a place on the workshop and learn more about The Ark’s upcoming visual art programme ‘The Adventures of Pinnochio’ please visit https://ark.ie/events/view/teachers-cpd-pinnochio

National Museum of Ireland

Dates: various

The National Museum of Ireland is delighted to launch its latest programme of guided tours, workshops and resources for primary schools for the spring term. Available from January 2024, all activities are offered free of charge and encompass all four Museum sites in Dublin and Co. Mayo.

Each site focuses on a different part of the National Collections with a school programme to reflect the collection on display at each location offering a diverse range of activities to complement the primary curriculum.

Highlights from each location:

GUIDED TOUR: A Taste of the Past – The History of Food and Drink – Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 – 3rd-6th Class

This interactive tour will give students a flavour of the wealth of artifacts on display in the Museum. They show the continuity and change of food preparation over time.

GUIDED TOUR: The Vikings in Ireland – Kildare Street – 3rd-6th Class

The Vikings in Ireland guided tour explores the three main activities of the Vikings – raiding, trading and settling – using the Museum’s unique collection of artifacts.</p

WORKSHOP: Engineers Week: Make a Town – Turlough Park, Castlebar, Co. Mayo – 5th & 6th Class

In this virtual session construct buildings, make roads and paths, cut, colour and create each building and put them into your town layout! Participants may like to decorate with Matchbox cars or figurines and can work from their classroom to expand, make further buildings and perhaps even a whole city with Makermeet!

GUIDED TOUR: Get Stuffed! – Merrion Street, Dublin 2 –  Junior Infants-2nd Class

This session is new and specifically designed for junior primary audiences. Make some new friends as we visit the furry deer, feathery puffins, and scaly turtles on a guided tour led by a Museum Educator.

View the full schools programme for the National Museum of Ireland at:


Date: until 21st April 2024

Self -Determination: A Global Perspective is a major new exhibition at IMMA for winter and spring 23/24. The exhibition offers the opportunity to look through the eyes of the artists, while they recall Ireland’s journey to independence after the formation of the Free State.

This is not just an Irish story. Other emerging states experienced similar dramatic changes following World War I: Poland, Finland, Ukraine, Estonia, Turkey and Egypt. The exhibition includes artists from these countries and presents artworks from the time of the foundation of this state alongside newly commissioned works by contemporary artists.

Self -Determination: A Global Perspective will be of value to second level students, especially those studying art, but will also be engaging for students studying history, literature, language, economics and politics.

Exhibition Resources

The Self-Determination exhibition provides resources for students and teachers to engage with. These include:

To receive the free Timeline and the Reader as a PDF contact mark.maguire@imma.ie

To access these resources and read more about the exhibition, please visit: https://imma.ie/whats-on/self-determination-a-global-perspective/ 

Self-determinaton: A Global Perspective runs until the 21st April 2024. Book tickets to a free guided tour on immatours.ticketsolve.com.

Emma O’Kane Bursary

Deadline: 8 January 2024, 12noon

The Emma O’Kane Bursary is an award for independent artists who want to think beyond the boundaries of their art form and practice and to explore dance or a physical language in their work. It honours the exceptional ethos and artistic practice of artist Emma O’Kane who died in 2021.

The Emma O’Kane Bursary is open to artists working in any artform and at any stage in their career. Whatever your background, lived experience or artistic practice, if you have the curiosity to explore and integrate dance, movement or other forms of physical language in your work, the courage to push art form boundaries and to challenge norms and the ambition to be the best that you can be as an artist, we would love to hear from you. 

Over the course of the year, successful bursary recipients will receive a six-week residency at the Atrium at 42 Fairview Strand, Dublin along with a stipend for the duration of the residency and a research and materials budget. There will also be opportunities to avail of bespoke mentorships sessions and to attend professional morning dance classes.

To learn more about the opportunity and the application process, please visit: https://www.emmaokanebursary.ie/applynow.

The Emma O’Kane Bursary was created by Anu Productions, CoisCéim Dance Theatre, Crash Ensemble, Dublin Dance Festival, Fishamble: The New Play Company, Pavilion Theatre, Project Arts Centre The Ark, Dublin and a number of independent professionals. It was set up with a Collaborative Capacity Building Award from the The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon in 2021 and is funded entirely by donation.


National Museum of Ireland

Date: Thursday 16th November 2023
Times: 10am & 11.30am

National Museum of Ireland invite schools to join a highlights tour of the ground floor Irish Room to learn about the museum and its displays of animals and fossils. Includes a close up inspection of some of the educational handling collections in the Wonder Cabinet e.g. real and replica furs, fossils and skulls. Join this special tour in Irish for Science Week! Discover the unique stories behind a selection of 3,000 animals and fossils on display. Students will see up-close zoological and geological examples of the natural world that have been on display since we opened our doors over 166 years ago.

Includes curriculum linked themes such as biodiversity, ecology, endangerment and extinction.

On completion of this live session students should be able to:

On the tour learn about:

Level: 3rd Class – 6th Class
Duration: 45 mins
Capacity: One class per session

Before your visit

Prepare the class for the tour. Give pupils an idea of what to expect to see or have a discussion about the Museum in advance of the visit.

Why not take a 3D virtual tour of the NMI – Natural History in the classroom with your students

Places are limited. To enquire about booking a facilitated visit for your class please complete this enquiry form.

After your visit

After the session, Teachers will be sent via email a number of fun follow-up learning activities in Irish for pupils to explore in the classroom.

Please note: The teacher will remain with the class throughout the duration of the tour.

The Ark

Date: Saturday 21 Oct at 10.30am – 12.30pm

In this CPD workshop for teachers, you will enjoy: Learning some of these new songs which are simple and fun to sing. It can be difficult to find songs in Irish in genres other than traditional; these songs are new and in a variety of music styles.

Join musician Ríona Sally Hartman in discovering music in the classroom anew in this morning CPD workshop for teachers presented through Irish and English. Ríona has created a new collection of original bilingual songs written specifically for use in primary school classrooms with accompanying class activities.

Exploring links to recordings and work-pages to accompany the songs that you can photocopy for use in the classroom. Trying out sample activities to cover all three areas of the music curriculum: listening and responding, performing and composing. Discovering songs for use outside music time, such an “attention grabber” in Irish (a very short call and response song to use when you want to get the class’s attention). Ríona will also bring some examples of other books and CDs that she finds useful in the classroom. There’ll be time to look at these and time for discussion and questions also.

Overall, this fun and inspiring workshop will build your confidence in both your Irish and your singing voice. It is suitable for all levels of experience and the resources shared will work for all primary classes.

Cost: €20 (€18 for ArkEd Members)

Book your ticket here: https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873639444


Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLR)

Deadline for applications: 16th August 2023 at 12pm

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in partnership with Blackrock Education Centre, is looking for four experienced artists/creative practitioners to work with children and teachers in the classroom setting. They are also seeking two emerging artists/creative practitioners to join the programme. Applications are open to practitioners who work in any art form.  The programme runs from October 2023 to May 2024.

The purpose of the programme is to partner a Creative Practitioner with a primary school class and teacher. They will explore creativity in the classroom together. A Creative Practitioner is a professional artist/facilitator with an art form background, for example; a dancer, a visual artist, a writer, or a musician.

  • The fees are €60 per hour for facilitation; with an additional €500 payment for research and €250 for blogging about the programme. Payments will also be available for coming to three scheduled meetings with all the artists and teachers during each project. Five meetings with the teacher outside of contact hours with the class will be paid for, if these are required (these can be phone meetings or in person).
  • The two emerging creative practitioners will be expected to work with a mentor who will support and assist their development. It is envisioned that this will be four sessions, two in the classroom and two outside.

 To apply please email your application to mdavey@dlrcoco.ie with the subject line dlr Primary Arts

For further details please visit:www.dlrcoco.ie/sites/default/files/2023-07/dlr%20Primary%20Arts%20Programme%202023%20to%202024_0.pdf


Ballet Ireland

Dates: 3rd – 7th July 2023

Ballet Ireland invite primary school teachers, educational professionals and artists to sign up for their CPD course: Ballet Ireland Teachers Week: Dance In Primary Schools.  The course is approved by the Department of Education with 3 EPV days entitlement.

It takes place at DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra, in association with the School of Arts Education and Movement, DCU, 3rd-7th July 2023. The course provides participants with a secure understanding of how to teach dance, using simple, clear methods, easy steps and straightforward dance vocabulary.

Teachers are introduced to the fundamental aspects of dance education, including:

The course presents an interdisciplinary approach to teaching dance, and explores the potential for integrated curricular learning. Each day comprises a gentle Pilates-based warm-up, demonstration/lecture workshops and timetabled periods of peer and self-assessment, discussion, and reflection.

The programme employs specialists in several complementary areas, providing workshops in dance, anatomy, music and mime. Participants are supported with comprehensive course notes and access to online video resources and dedicated musical content.

Optional follow up days are held during mid-term breaks in autumn and spring (at DanceHouse, Dublin) and ongoing support is available through closed social media groups.

The week will be led by Stephen Brennan, Education Officer at Ballet Ireland, supported by Hayley Cunningham, former Ballet Ireland dancer, Stott Pilates instructor, qualified ballet teacher and a member of the Ballet Ireland educational team.

Focused workshops will be led by Nolwenn Collett, composer and musician trained at the Paris Conservatoire, and specialist in dance accompaniment, and Deirdre McKenna, a Musculoskeletal & Dance Physiotherapist specialising in sports and dance training and injury prevention.

Cost of the course: €125

For more information and to register for the course please visit: https://www.balletireland.ie/join-in/teachers-week/

The Portal Team are delighted to announce we have been documenting a third project as part of the Portal Documentation Awards: ‘Up, Up, Up’. This award was originally made in 2020 for an early years project at the Central Remedial Clinic School, Clontarf. We are very excited to be working with each recipient in the coming months to document their projects. These projects will be showcased on the portal as the documentation progresses.

Project Title: Up, Up, Up

’Up, Up, Up’ is an immersive experience for early years children with a physical disability and complex needs and is supported by the Exploring & Thinking Award, an initiative of the four Local Dublin Authorities and the Arts Council of Ireland. The project aims to provide early years children living with limited mobility and additional needs the opportunity to grab, stretch and reach into the forbidden cookie jar! Reaching, moving, creating sounds, mischief making and making marks are the tools we shall use together as we explore the dexterity of the body and creative mind whilst expanding the child’s physical literacy. 

Every child has something to say and every child has their own way of saying it.  Communication is through movement, mark making, sound generation, verbalising and vocalisations, the children initiate and together we extend their curiosity.  They choose, in their own time, their learning.  We choose, as a team, to value their choice and bounce it back and forth with them.  Our interactions are careful and balanced. Our project needed to be multisensory, to appeal to all the needs of the children in the class. The project evolved because we wanted the children to be more actively involved in their learning.  We wanted time to allow for this concentrated involvement, building on their existing interests and giving them the freedom to just be.

Over several weeks artist Helen Barry and Early Years Educator Audrey Fagan along with the team at the CRCS will create a developmental interactive experience for these early years children to engage together with their friends. The floor will be the canvas, it is what will support us, to lie, sit, roll or push against. Each element will be designed to support and enable a more equal engagement.

Artist: Helen Barry
Helen Barry is a visual artist, inventor and classically trained dancer. She has over 35 years experience working creatively and playfully with the very young to the very old. This collaborative process is what drives her work, from the initial concept through to the design, making and sharing of the creative output with her co-creators and new audiences. Since 2010 Helen has specialised in co-creating with early years and children living with mild, moderate, profound and neurodiverse needs. The synergy created by using a cross-disciplinary approach provides a sensorium palette from which Helen draws from. Everything exists on the horizon; a perpetual visual and aural palatte of sensations, frequencies and movements through which we interpretate the world around us. Helen’s ambition is to design arts experiences that allow us to explore and discover our bodies’ receptors that will stimulate growth, wellbeing and an ability to focus and thrive. Helen has been awarded several bursaries and commissions for her work with early years children. The National Concert Hall continues to support her foray into music and sculpture.

A sample of Helen’s work ‘Sculptunes’ can be found here: https://vimeo.com/368841151/4f10695b16

Early Years Educator: Audrey Fagan
Audrey Fagan is a primary school teacher who has been working in special education for over 25 years. Audrey works in the Central Remedial Clinic School, Clontarf, a school for children with physical disabilities and additional complex needs. Fourteen years ago, Audrey moved into the Preschool of the CRC, delivering a two-year cycle of early education embracing the Aistear framework, and incorporating elements of the Froebel, Reggio Emilia and Te Wháriki approaches. A kaleidoscope curriculum is in place to respond to the diverse needs and interests of the children. Audrey believes in creating a learning environment that allows all the children to be involved and included – inquiring, discovering and experiencing holistically at their level of ability. Audrey completed a self-study action research M. Ed from Maynooth University in 2021 exploring a slow pedagogy in the preschool. As part of her role as Assistant Principal, she is currently responsible for the development of multisensory experiences and a wellbeing policy in the CRC School. Working in special education, Audrey has reached out and developed important collaborative relationships with therapists, parents and artists from many disciplines – music, art and drama to consolidate and inform her love of the arts and to bring this learning to the children in preschool.

The Ark

Date: 14th – 18th August 2023

Join artist Jole Bortoli at The Ark for this hugely popular hands-on, creative course focusing on a visual arts approach to exploring narrative, literacy & other subjects.

The aim of the course is to enable participants to start the new school year with an enhanced toolbox of skills and knowledge, in order to effectively deliver the visual arts curriculum in the classroom. Participants will be engaged ‘hands-on’ throughout this course so learning will be through doing. Working in teams and individually, you will cover a range of curriculum strands including drawing, painting, print, 3D construction, fabric, and fibre.

A strong emphasis will be on building skills and confidence. The group will also explore how visual art can be used to engage with aspects of the English, SPHE, History and Maths curriculum, as well as to promote visual literacy approaches. School self-evaluation exercises will be incorporated as an integral part of the course. Time will also be given for individual reflection and learning and group discussion.

This course will appeal to teachers of all levels of experience and will be facilitated by the visual arts and education specialist and founder of Art to Heart, Jole Bortoli. This is a continuing professional development opportunity not to be missed!


€100/€90 (For ArkEd Members)


Five day course – teachers must commit to all five days.

This is a five-day Department of Education EPV-approved summer course for teachers.

Suitable for all levels of experience.

Book your tickets here: https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows

The Ark: A Cultural Centre for Children

Dates: June, various

Inspired by Cartoon Saloon’s award winning animated movies The Secret of Kells, Songs of the Sea and WolfWalkers, this visual arts workshop invites Primary school classes from 1st to 6th to delve into the rich world of Irish folk tales.

During the workshop, each child will start by creating the setting for a personal narrative by painting the backdrop for this story, as background artists do in animation studios. They will then design a character of their own invention – perhaps a creature or animal they’d love to shape-shift into, to be in their skin and take on their abilities?

In keeping with folklore traditions, children will explore the magical and mythical world of Irish stories and legends, their characters, environments and possible artefacts to see what connections can be made with real historical events.

To fuel the children’s imagination, your class will start the session by visiting Cartoon Saloon’s WolfWalkers exhibition in The Ark gallery. This exhibition contains concept art, beautiful framed artworks and panels that illustrate WolfWalkers’ production stages and teamwork.

Dates: Wed 7 – Fri 9th, Tue 13th – Fri 16th & Tue 20th – Fri 23rd June

Times: 10.15am & 12.15pm

Cost: Schools: €6.50 (€5 Early Bird*). Teachers go free.

Suitable For: 1st – 6th Classes

For more information on the workshop and to book visit: https://ark.ie/events/view/schools-my-own-folktale

The Ark

Dates: Saturday 13 May 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tickets: €20 (€18 for ArkEd Members)

In this CPD workshop for primary teachers, textile artist and educator Gabi McGrath will introduce participants to the art of felting and explore ways to bring their learning into their classroom.

A designer, craft teacher, maker and curator, Gabi will introduce her textile practice to participants and share a selection of projects that she has undertaken with schools.

You will then have the opportunity to experiment with fibres in this hands-on workshop, learning simple felting techniques and uncovering the expressive possibilities of the material. Through both 2D and 3D construction, you will explore shape, tone, texture and form.

Over the course of this two-hour workshop, Gabi will help you develop skills, techniques and processes that can be integrated into your lesson plans and adapted for students of all ages.

To Book https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873635778


The Ark

Dates: Thursday 18th May and Friday 19th May

An exciting new dance piece for children aged 4+ inspired by Aesop’s Fables, presented by The Ark, Dublin Dance Festival and Arts & Disability Ireland.

From acclaimed international choreographer, Marc Brew, The Race entwines three of Aesop’s Fables to create a fun, interactive and colourful world of animals, puppets, theatre and movement.

Cheer with the cast of animals as the Tortoise and the Hare set off for the finish line, join the Grasshopper in gazing with fascination as the Ants collect food for the winter ahead, and root for the little Mouse as she faces down the mighty Lion! Watch as their journeys unfold through beautiful movement and dance, and share in the lessons they learn along the way.

The Race will make its World Premiere as part of Dublin Dance Festival 2023. Presented by a cast of disabled and non-disabled dance artists, all performances have been created to offer an inclusive audience experience. The show is relaxed in nature and welcomes children who are neurodiverse.

School Day Performances
Previews – Thursday 18th May, 10.15am & 12.15pm and Friday 19th May, 10.15am

Fri 19 May, 12.15pm

Schools’ Tickets: €6.50 (€5 Early Bird** if booked by 21 April). Teachers go free.

Book your tickets here: https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873634148

National Museum of Ireland (NMI)

The National Museum of Ireland (NMI) is inviting schools and teachers across Ireland to spring into culture and heritage with a new programme of tours, activities and resources for onsite and online engagement.

The museum has just launched a diverse range of events across four public sites in Dublin and Mayo. Activities include virtual tours, guided tours, self-guided visits, workshops, classroom resources, video resources, wordsearches, arts and crafts and more.

The curriculum-linked programme aims to spark curiosity, stimulate discussion and encourage cultural and heritage engagement through our national collections.

All schools visits are free but must be booked in advance as capacity is limited and varies from site to site.

Here are some of the highlights of the upcoming schedule.

Orienteering Workshop / Post Primary

Learn some basic map reading and navigation skills and complete an orienteering course around the grounds of the National Museum of Ireland – Country Life at Turlough Park in Co Mayo. Booking is required.

PRIMARY / Classroom activity: Ice Age Ireland – Cool Fossils

Use these curriculum-linked activity sheets and video resource to learn more about Ice Age Ireland. In this museum activity, find out about Ice Age Ireland, learn about fossils and the different kinds of animals that lived on your doorstep thousands of years ago.

For the full programme of activities go to https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/News/Schools-programme-2023


IMMA : Irish Museum of Modern Art

In 2023, IMMA will present an exhibition spanning 20 years of Sarah Pierce’s practice, to the present. IMMA is seeking expressions of interest from Transition Year students to participate in a day-long project with the artist in April/May (date to be confirmed). Students will participate in the presentation of the artwork The Square. The Square uses Bertolt Brecht’s Lehrstück – or learning play – as a starting point for developing a new work with students. In this experimental “play without a script” the students are the authors, cast and audience. The performance takes place during the time of the exhibition in the gallery space, as the performers interact and migrate around and among the visitors. There are no characters, no plot or other narrative devices. This is a roaming set of memorised chants and gestures that speak quite abstractly to ideas of learning and gathering, and what it means to act, make and be together.

For more information please visit:


National Gallery of Ireland

Thursday, 9 Feb 2023, 6pm

Find out more about the National Gallery’s Teachers & Schools programme and network with colleagues over a glass of wine.

Jennie Taylor, curator of the Zurich Young Portrait Prize, and artist Grainne Moloney Minehan will lead a tour of the exhibition and discussion on supporting students entering the prize.

Explore My Primary School is at the Museum, our special project with 4th class students from John Scottus National School, the latest school in residence.

This is a free event hover booking is advised: https://nationalgallery.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873631124

National Gallery of Ireland Teacher Network Facebook Group

This online group is an active place for collaboration, peer learning and idea exchange. Meet teachers from across Ireland and beyond, and help shape the National Gallery’s schools programme, connect here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NationalGalleryIRLTeacherNetwork/.

Schools Programme

The National Gallery offer onsite and online experiences for schools including guided tours and online sessions. Schools can also arrange to visit the Gallery as a self-guided group. Full details on their current programme can be viewed from the following link:



National Museum of Ireland (NMI)

The National Museum of Ireland (NMI) is delighted to invite teachers and students across the country to reconnect with culture over the coming school term with an in-person visit to one of its sites.

The Museum has launched its autumn/winter 2022 programme of tours, events and activities, which educators can use to get up close to history, spark curiosity, encourage learning, and promote enjoyment of culture.

Much of the NMI’s school programme was offered virtually over the past two years due to pandemic restrictions. Many schools enjoyed engaging with the Museum online so there will also still be elements of the programme available to access directly from the classroom.

There are four public sites of the National Museum of Ireland now open to the public and available for school visits.

School visits are free but booking is essential for all school groups. Continue reading for some selected highlights from the programme:

Onsite guided tour: Recovered Voices: Stories and Experiences of the Irish at War: 1914-1915

This tour at the Museum of Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks is available at primary and post primary level, focuses on the people involved in World War One and how the war impacted their lives.

View more details here.

What’s the Sceál: Objects and Stories

A mix of traditional and contemporary stories linked to artefacts in the National Folklife Collection at the Museum of Country Life, Turlough Park with some of Ireland’s premier traditional storytellers, in collaboration with Poetry Ireland. Available online and onsite for primary and post-primary levels.

View more details here.

New Onsite Workshop: Go Extinct

Discover amazing extinct Irish animals in the Museum of Natural History, Kildare Street in this primary level workshop led by a Museum Educator.

View more details here.

Leaving Certificate Art Tours

An onsite tour at the Museum of Archaeology, Merrion Street specifically designed to cover key objects that appear on the History of Art Leaving Certificate specification and traces the development of art in Ireland from the Neolithic to the 12th century.

View more details here.

For full programme details go to www.museum.ie/en-ie/museums/archaeology/engage-and-learn

The Ark

Dates: See below

The Ark are delighted to announced their full Autumn programme for early years, schools and teachers, a jam packed programme including theatre, music shows, exhibitions and workshops. Below is a selection of some of the highlights taking place:

Museum of Languages Exhibition and Workshops

Exhibition Dates: 29 – 30 October, 1 November – Sun 6 November & 12 November
Workshop Dates: 8 & 9 November
Age Range: 4th to 6th Class

Discover the origins of languages and symbolism in this unique, interactive experience at The Ark, brought to you by Mother Tongues.

Seedlings Early Years Workshop: Incredible Ice

Dates: 4 & 10 December
Age Range: Early Years 2 – 4 years

Artist Jane Groves explores the textures of a frozen landscape through storytelling, creative play and imagination in this Early Years visual arts workshop.

FREE On Demand – Tracks in the Snow

Dates: 1 – 31 December
Age Range: All Classes

Discover the magic of winter in the much-loved winter music show, Tracks in the Snow by The Henry Girls. Schools can enjoy free access this Winter, the show links in with the Listening and Responding strand units of the Music curriculum. A free downloadable classroom pack is also available online at ark.ie/events/view/ondemand-tracks-in-the-snow-the-henry-girls-2

The full season can be viewed at ark.ie, booking is now open for all events via the simple schools booking form on each event page.

Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)

Dates: 24 September, 1 October, 12 & 19 November 2022, 21 & 28 January 2023

Enjoy a Saturday morning on IMMA’s historic site, the Royal Hospital Kilmainham; experience exhibitions and creative processes in the museum studios.

The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) are delighted to welcome Primary School teachers to a new series of in-person CPD workshops exploring links to the visual art curriculum. Led by IMMA’s Assistant Curator, Mark Maguire and teacher, Eibhlin Campbell in this series of art workshops participants will explore links to the visual art curriculum, including “slow looking” practices in the galleries, displaying artwork (curation) and developing language talking about art.

Two practical workshops will be led by artists and educator Fiona Harrington in the IMMA studios in November, exploring fabric and fibre materials and processes. Fiona is interested in combining traditional processes with imagination and encouraging both children and adults to reconnect with creativity by exploring new materials, ideas, and techniques.

The purpose of these workshops is to restart in-person workshops in IMMA’s galleries and studios, emphasizing first-hand experience of artworks as well as studio-based, artist-led engagement with creative processes and art materials, and partnership  between teachers and artists.

Duration: One/two day(s) per month, September to January.
Dates: 24 September, 1 October, 12 and 19 November 2022, 21 and 28 January 2023
Times: 10:00am – 12:30pm
No. of participants: 15

This workshop series is Free but booking essential. For more information or to book, email mark.maguire@imma.ie

The Ark
Dates: 15 – 19 August 

Join the team at The Ark, Dublin and artist Jole Bortoli for this hugely popular hands-on, creative course focusing on a visual arts approach to exploring narrative, literacy and other subjects.

This is a five-day Department of Education EPV-approved summer course for teachers. Suitable for all levels of experience.

The aim of the course is to enable participants to start the new school year with an enhanced toolbox of skills and knowledge, in order to effectively deliver the visual arts curriculum in the classroom. Participants will be engaged ‘hands-on’ throughout this course so learning will be through doing. Working in teams and individually, you will cover a range of curriculum strands including drawing, painting, print, 3D construction, fabric, and fibre.

A strong emphasis will be on building skills and confidence. The group will also explore how visual art can be used to engage with aspects of the English, SPHE, History and Maths curriculum, as well as to promote visual literacy approaches. School self-evaluation exercises will be incorporated as an integral part of the course. Time will also be given for individual reflection and learning and group discussion.

This course will appeal to teachers of all levels of experience and will be facilitated by the visual arts and education specialist and founder of Art to Heart, Jole Bortoli. This is a continuing professional development opportunity not to be missed!

Tickets: €100/€90 (For ArkEd Members)

Dates & Time: Five day course, 15-19 August at 10am-3pm (with breaks) each day

For further information and booking go to ark.ie/events/view/summer-cpd-for-teachers-a-visual-arts-approach-in-the-classroom


The Ark
Dates: 4 – 8 July 2022

The Ark are excited to present this really popular engaging arts summer course focusing on the two curriculum areas of Drama and Music.

This is a five day Department of Education and Skills and EPV-approved summer course for teachers.

Working with two outstanding creative practitioners, you will enjoy a week of experiential learning and development. Your confidence and skills in both music and drama will increase through highly participative and inspiring course content.

Using themes drawn from SPHE, English and other subjects, participants will explore a variety of imaginative approaches to integrated curriculum delivery. Teachers of all levels of experience will be able to fully engage in this rich week of professional development.

Course content and highlights will include:

Cost  – €100/€90 (For ArkEd Members)

Dates & Times – Five day course, 4-8 June @ 10am – 3pm (with breaks) each day

For further information and bookings go to ark.ie/events/view/summer-cpd-for-teachers-creative-music-drama-in-the-classroom.

The Ark
Date: 4 May 2022

Calling all primary & preschool teachers! Join The Ark team for a cup of tea and learn more about their classroom resources and our Summer CPD courses.

The Ark are delighted to be able to welcome you back! This will be an informative and relaxed chat with like-minded teachers and the Ark team. There will be a short presentation by The Ark team highlighting the classroom packs and resources available which have been designed to complement the primary school curriculum. You will also get to hear about their exciting Teacher CPD Summer Courses on offer in-person at The Ark this year.

You’ll have plenty of time to chat and catch up with colleagues and The Ark team.

This event is free to attend but we do ask that you register your attendance.

For further information and to register go to ark.ie/events/view/teachers-afternoon-tea

The Ark
Date: 14 May 2022

Celebrate the beauty of Spring through this interactive dance workshop with The Ark’s John Coolahan Early Years Artist in Residence Monica Muñoz.
Meet Blossom, she is delighted that finally spring has arrived. Join her in a sensory movement adventure around a spring day: Hopping, skipping around flowers, leaping and jumping over rivers, meeting caterpillars and butterflies and touching the most perfect sky!

This delightful interactive dance workshop invites little ones and their grown-ups to enjoy imagining and moving together. So if you’re a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunty, godparent or carer, come along with a 2 to 4 year old and join in the fun.

Reminder: Please wear comfortable clothes

Date: 14 May 2022

For further information and to book go to ark.ie/events/view/bloom-bloom-interactive-early-years-dance-workshop

The Ark & Dublin Dance Festival
Date: 24 May

Explore how to use your creativity and inspire young audiences with dance artist Takeshi Matsumoto. The Ark and Dublin Dance Festival present a dance workshop for professionals interested in working with young audiences.

Join Takeshi Matsumoto for a workshop exploring a multi-disciplinary practice in working with and making performances for children and young audiences.

Combining contemporary dance, somatics, meditation and dance movement therapy practice, participants are invited to reconnect with their own senses, creativity and playfulness through dancing, drawing, reflecting and sharing.

This workshop is suitable for professional dancers and dance students interested in creating work for young audiences.

This event is free but ticketed. Please register to attend via ark.ie/events/view/workshop-for-professionals-with-dance-artist-takeshi-matsumoto

Dates & Times
3.30pm-5pm, 24 May

For further information and booking go to ark.ie/events/view/workshop-for-professionals-with-dance-artist-takeshi-matsumoto


Dublin City Council
Deadline: 12pm, 29 March 2022

Dublin City Council wishes to invite submissions by e-tender from highly motivated and suitably qualified individuals/organisations for the programming and coordination of Children’s Art in Libraries: Creative Hubs.

The Creative Hubs initiative is delivered in partnership by Dublin City Arts Office and Dublin City Libraries. Creative Hubs sustain high quality arts experiences for children, schools and families to access in their Library and locality, through the development of enhanced educational, community and cultural partnership. In recent years, they have prioritised more engaged developmental programming in response to local need and this has led to the establishment of three Creative Hubs in Coolock, Cabra and Ballyfermot libraries.

In 2022/3 programme will be delivered live in the three libraries and their grounds and may also be delivered online or by agreement in other local locations (schools or community buildings). Commissioning processes already agreed for Autumn/Winter 2022 include a visual arts exhibition for Ballyfermot library curated by and in partnership with RHA Gallery, a dance commission with Visual Carlow/GBS Theatre and a theatre commission with The Ark.

The successful tenderer will be responsible for the development and delivery of a high quality multi-disciplinary arts programme for children in identified city libraries and localities supported by the associated development of educational, community and cultural partnerships. The tender is for a one year contract with a potential to extend up to a further 12 months. The value of the one year contract will fall within the range of €38,000 – €45,000 including expenses and excluding VAT.

Deadline: 12pm, 29 March 2022

For full details and to apply see www.etenders.gov.ie Service ID/RFT: 208073. This opportunity is open to organisations or individuals.

The Ark
Date: 12 March 2022

The Ark are delighted to announce this CPD workshop for teachers, were you will learn a range of easy, accessible skills which delve into the world of fabrics, textiles and the ways in which you can bring your learning into your classroom.

During this workshop, experienced arts educator and artist Carrie Lynam will discuss the building blocks needed for the delivery of the Fabric & Fibre and Construction strands of the visual arts curriculum. This workshop focuses on understanding the materials and tools needed for success and learning techniques that transfer to a busy classroom.

Often within the hustle and bustle of the classroom, the design process and preparation can become overlooked and focus can often lie on the finished products. This workshop will allow you to take the time to rediscover the importance of design research, experimentation and the creative process.

Attendees will explore the design process, discussing research, gathering stimuli, ideas for open ended experimentation with materials and the planning stages of creating an artwork. In this hands-on workshop participants will create their own unique samples to support in-classroom delivery.

Date & Time

Saturday 12 March at 10:30am to 12:30pm


€15 (*€13.50 for ArkEd Members)

For further information and to book go to ark.ie/events/view/teachers-cpd-explore-make-respond

National Print Museum

The National Print Museum offer a fun and interactive Mini Printer and Storytelling Workshop for pre-school/early Montessori groups. These workshops are most suitable for children aged from 3 – 5 years old.

The workshop takes place in the Museum’s Education Area, which is prepared for the children before their arrival. Children first join a storyteller who, using props and involving the children throughout, will read a fun and engaging story from the Museum’s Junior Library. The aim is that all stories are linked in some way to printing, books, museums or libraries.

Once the storytelling session is complete, children will don a mini apron and using crayons and ink stampers decorate their very own printer’s hat. Children are free to move around the Education Area to choose the items with which to decorate their hat. Once complete children become qualified mini printers!

How to book

The workshop is 45 minutes in duration and can accommodate up to 24 children. There must be a minimum of 10 children in the group and the National Print Museum require at least 1 adult per 4 children visiting. The cost per child is €2.00 and all leaders/ teachers go free. To make a booking for a pre-school visit please see www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/education/schools/preschool/ or contact the Education Officer education@nationalprintmuseum.ie.

Dublin City Council & RHA Gallery
Deadline: 12pm, 28 January 2022

Dublin City Council, in collaboration with and curated by RHA Gallery, invites submissions for its 3rd Visual Arts Exhibition Commission to be created for children, schools and families, which will be located in an exhibition room in Ballyfermot Library for 8-12 weeks in the Autumn of 2022. Dublin City Creative Hubs initiative, in collaboration with RHA, seeks to commission an engaging Visual Arts Exhibition for children that will stimulate both their curiosity and imagination and meets the following:

1. Provide children (both within and outside of school contexts) with a quality experience of Visual Arts.
2. Take cognisance of the library setting and the location of Ballyfermot.
3. Be appropriately cognisant of the needs, interests, real or imaginative lives of the target age group attending the Visual Arts Exhibition. (The age group identified can be jointly agreed between the Arts Office and the commission recipient(s) but must be under 12 years of age.
4. Be innovative in its approach and utilise the resources of its surroundings to deliver a quality artistic experience to its audience.
5. As part of the award, the successful candidate(s) will be expected to contribute to and help inform an engaging exhibition education and learning programme.

The Visual Art Exhibition Commission Award of €8500 is for research and delivery of commissioned works for exhibition. Technical support for installation will be provided by the RHA Gallery. A separate budget will be allocated for the associated education and learning programme that will take place with Primary School Children and family audiences across the 8 week term of the exhibition. This may involve additional artists as facilitators.

Deadline: 12pm, 28 January 2022

For more information, see mailchi.mp/dublincity/creative-hubs-1375478

The Ark
Dates: 10.15am & 11.45am, 7 & 14 December 2021

The Ark invites you to two Early Years workshops this December.

Little Bird
10.15am & 11.45am, 7 December
In this workshop you’ll hear the tale of a hungry little Robin who needs your help. Learn how to make a special bird feeder for Robin and his friends to hang in your garden or window box. Further details and booking information here

10.15am & 11.45am, 14 December 2021
Join artist Jane Groves and play in the light and the dark and all the shadows in between. Learn how to make a lantern to light your way. Create bright shiny stars to join our lonely star, and make the night sky dazzle and twinkle all night. Further details and booking information here.

Tickets cost €11.50/€9.50 per child with 20% off for members. These workshops are suitable for 2 – 4 year olds.

For more information, please visit www.theark.ie. 

National Gallery of Ireland
Date: 4pm, 2 February 2022

National Gallery of Ireland are delighted to announced their new online CPD workshop for teachers. Join Jennie Taylor, curator of the Zurich Young Portrait Prize, and Catherine O’Donnell, Education Officer, for a practical workshop, equipping you with tools and ideas for including portraiture in the classroom. The session will support teachers using their schools resource What is a Portrait?, and will include peer learning via group work to enable you to develop cross-curricular creative strategies.

Please note that this is an online CPD workshop via Zoom.

Date: 4pm, 2 February 2022

For more information see https://www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on/online-cpd-teachers-portraiture


The Ark
Date: 10.15am & 11.45am, 30 November 2021 

The Ark invites you to their early years workshop ‘Fallen Forest’ with artist Jane Groves. In the Fallen Forest all the trees have lost their leaves and the branches are bare. But nature is only sleeping: little seeds and big roots are buried deep down within the earth, resting through the cold winter so they’re ready to emerge in spring. Come explore the Fallen Forest with your grown up, discover all the colours and patterns of the forest. Make marks and curious designs with the fallen leaves, create your own squiggly roots and come dig for hidden seed treasure!

Artist Jane Groves loves to connect people, places, and landscapes and specialises in working with young people, inspired by her own observations of nature and informed in part by many children’s lack of interaction with and vocabulary about the natural world.

Tickets cost €11.50/€9.50 per child with 20% off for members. This workshop is suitable for 2 – 4 year olds.

Date: 10.15am & 11.45am, 30 November 2021 

For more information, please visit ark.ie/events/view/early-years-workshop-fallen-forest


Irish Architecture Foundation
Dates: 15 – 17 October 2021

Open House Dublin returns from 15-17 October with an exciting mix of over 100 FREE events happening across the city and online! This year the IAF are delighted to bring Open House back on-site, with limited building tours making a triumphant comeback! See the city from a new perspective with Open House outdoor tours by boat, bus or bike! The digital programme allows fans of Open House to bring their festival home, with films, virtual tours, live streamed events, the Open House Journal and Open House Junior events all available to enjoy from the comfort of home.

The Open House Junior programme includes workshops and activities both in person and online for junior enthusiasts. Highlights include:

For more detail and bookings go to openhousedublin.com/whats-on/strands/open-house-junior/



The National Gallery of Ireland
Deadline: 5pm, 17 Sept 2021

National Gallery of Ireland is thrilled to announce Your Gallery at School, along with the return of lots of new programmes, resources and opportunities, including the return of onsite school visits, digital sessions and teacher CPD. They are inviting post-primary schools to apply to participate in Your Gallery at School, a new holistic outreach programme that brings the Gallery directly to schools. This project builds on the success of the Gallery’s established schools programme and develops new content and partnerships outside of the Gallery walls.

Your Gallery at School aims to break down the barriers that prevent engagement with the arts through holistic programming that ensures children transition to adulthood equipped with the life-changing benefits of art. It also aims to build in students a sense of ownership of the Gallery, giving they a positive place to turn to in adulthood. Engagement occurs in three key strands: learning through and about art, wellbeing, and creative careers.

How to apply
Download and complete the short application form and email it to tours@ngi.ie. Please note that only schools who have not visited the National Gallery of Ireland in the past three years are eligible to apply. They will let you know if your application has been successful by Monday 4 October.

Deadline: 5pm, 17 Sept 2021

For more information or to apply, see www.nationalgallery.ie/explore-and-learn/schools/your-gallery-school

For more information on their onsite and digital school visits, see www.nationalgallery.ie/explore-and-learn/schools/schools-programme-autumn-2021

The Ark and Dublin Theatre Festival
Dates: 1 – 10 October, 2021

The Ark and Dublin Theatre Festival present a new show by The Ark Artist-in-Residence, Shaun Dunne. This children’s theatre piece offers a window into one child’s experience of the first lockdown of 2020.

Kyla is throwing a party on her street. Not just any party. It’s a graduation ceremony. It’ll be mad to see the kids from her old class again after so long. Summer 2020 was literally endless.

Now that they’re all in first year, Kyla wants to get the old gang back together. She’s made caps, she has gowns, and she’s even prepared a speech. But there’s one visitor she’s not expecting…

As Kyla attempts to mark an important milestone in her young life, can she and her mother learn to understand each other and bridge the divide left by lockdown?

Informed by collaborative work with The Ark Children’s Council and featuring choreography by the multi-award winning Junk Ensemble, What Did I Miss? is a story of both childhood and parenthood, about growing up, no matter what age you are.

For ages 10+

Dates: 1 & 2 October, 7pm; 3 & 10 October, 2pm & 4pm; 8 & 9 October, 7pm
Tickets: €7.50–€10

To book a ticket for this children’s theatre show, see dublintheatrefestival.ie/programme/event/what-did-i-miss-2

Dublin Fringe Festival
11-26 September

The Dublin Fringe Festival takes place this September with live events in venues across Dublin and online nationwide. Their programme features an outdoor visual art in Dublin 8 and secret locations city-wide, as well as live open-air performances at Dublin Castle and Grand Canal Dock. They will be hosting music and comedy gigs back in beloved venues. Whilst bringing cutting edge interdisciplinary performances to stages in The Abbey Theatre, Project Arts Centre, Smock Alley, Chapel Royal and Draíocht Blanchardstown – as well as events online.

Some of the highlights for children and young people include:

Dublin 8, Yer Lookin’ Great
11-26 September

Emmalene Blake is an internationally recognised street artist based in Dublin. This September, she will create a new mural on Swift’s Alley, inspired by the ideas of children from that neighbourhood. Cities change and grow to suit the people who live in them. The artist asked children from local schools to tell her what makes Dublin 8 great. Children also shared the positive changes in the area that have made life better for them and their friends.

For more information, see www.fringefest.com/festival/whats-on/dublin-8-yer-lookin-great

The Veiled Ones
Dates: 7pm on 10, 11, 12 & 13 Sept; 4pm on 10 & 13 Sept; 12 noon on 11 & 12 Sept
Tickets: €12/€8

Junk Ensemble present a dance theatre production for young audiences. This show explores witches, transformations and the powerful relationship between a grandparent and grandchild. The audience are invited on an intriguing journey through intricately designed rooms with a cast of internationally acclaimed dancers, young performers and live musicians.

To book, see www.fringefest.com/festival/whats-on/the-veiled-ones


Dublin City Council Arts Service
Throughout summer 2021

Over seven weeks of Summer, Dublin City Arts Office and Libraries are delighted to present Inside Out – a feast of free online and outdoor workshops and performances for children and families. Events are free but booking is required through Eventbrite.

Summer Programme includes:

Underwater Moves: Early Years Dance workshops with Monica Munoz
Dates: 27th July, 28th July or 29th July, 10.15 – 10.45 or 11.45 – 12.15

The Storybook Treasure Trail: Performance based, interactive, outdoor family friendly adventure with the Gaiety School of Acting
Dates: 24th July, 7th August, 14th August, 11-11.45am, 12.45-1.30pm or 2.30-3.15pm

CuriousB: A pop-up festival site that you and your family will dream up, design and play in with ReCreate.
Dates: 4th August, 11th August, 10.15 – 11.00 & 12:00 – 12: 45

Throughout summer 2021

For the full line-up of workshops and performances, see here: Inside_Out_Arts_and_Libraries_Summer_2021.pdf

Events are free but booking is required. Capacity is limited to ensure that this is a good experience for children. To book workshops, see here: www.dublincity.ie/events.

Centre for Continuing Education
Dates: 19 July – 9 August

The Centre for Continuing Education at NCAD offers a range of short summer courses in art and design for adults and school leavers (16+) who want to explore their creative potential, learn new skills, or develop an on-going practice.

Summer courses are at different levels; there are introductory courses suitable for beginners, or for those considering returning to or progressing within higher education. If you want to learn something new you can choose beginners courses, and if you have established an arts practice and want to continue to expand and explore your options you can choose advanced courses.

Portfolio preparation courses are suitable for students considering applying to third level undergraduate art and design courses and wish to complete a portfolio in preparation.

Where students are interested in applying to the accredited part-time autumn options or want to progress within art and design they can consider taking one or more summer workshops as a way of developing skills and knowledge in a subject area.

Places on summer short courses are allocated on a first come first served basis. If a course is over-subscribed it is possible to join a wait list for cancellations.

Dates: 19 July – 9 August

For more information, see https://www.ncad.ie/continuing-education/cead-apply/summer-course-descriptions/

The Gaiety School of Acting

Despite the fact that scientific developments permeate and enrich the lives of young people on a daily, or even hourly basis, studies across Europe are identifying pockets of this demographic that are struggling to relate to and engage with the science curriculum in the classroom. According to Science Foundation Ireland’s 2015 Science Barometer report, young women from less affluent backgrounds are less inclined to identify with science education at second level. This has a direct impact on the number of students from this demographic advancing to third level and ultimately working within the field.

Drilling down further into the statistics, researchers have found that young women from a cultural minority background or who identify as LGBTQIAP+ are even less likely to develop a positive scientific identity, meaning a far reduced number of people from these societal groups tend to aspire to careers in science.

With the aim to address these gaps in science engagement, The Gaiety School of Acting has teamed up with partners from Ireland, Finland, Poland and Holland to investigate ways in which performance, and specifically comedy improvisation, can be utilised by science educators to impact on their students in a new and dynamic way. The three year I-Stem  project, supported by the Erasmus Plus fund, began on September 1st 2020.

In its first publication ‘Creative Methods in Science Teaching – Ways Forward!’ an e-book resource for teachers, STEM subjects are related to arts. Use of arts in education tell us something about society: our educational systems and its angles of entry are creating the scientists of tomorrow. The combination of arts and science gives us a better starting point to develop our full potential which is needed when creating something new.

The publication has a preface video from Dr. Niamh Shaw, to view go to istem-project.eu/e-book/

This publication presents research and best practices of using arts as a means of improving pedagogy and classroom practice in STEM education. In these pages “STEAM” represents STEM plus the arts–humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design and new media. It draws on theoretical understandings of arts in STEM disciplines to illustrate how researchers and practitioners are using creative initiatives to promote inclusive teaching approaches.

The e-book is aimed at post-primary school teachers who are currently using arts within their teaching practice or have an interest in doing so in the future. Examples of STEAM teaching in Poland, the Netherlands, Ireland and Finland are given. It is not intended to provide a fully comprehensive exploration of all aspects of arts in STEM disciplines. The I-Stem Project acknowledges the necessary limitations of this resource, but trusts that it will serve its purpose of guiding you through the main relevant concepts, and that it will give you insights and inspiration for your teaching.

To download the resource go to istem-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/I-STEM_e-book.pdf

Dublin City Council
Deadline: 14 May 2021

Dublin City Council is pleased to invite outline proposals from artists and arts organisations, working across all artistic disciplines, to be part of our Children’s Art in Libraries Creative Hubs Programme July 2021 – April 2022.

Creative Hubs are an initiative of Dublin City Arts Office and Libraries, that sustain high quality arts experiences for children, schools and families to access in their Library and locality, through partnership and engagement.

In co-creating this programme, in each of our three Creative Hubs Libraries – Coolock, Cabra and Ballyfermot – artists create new opportunities for children to engage with the arts through:

Apply online through Submittable, available here: dublincityartsoffice.submittable.com/

For more information go to:

The Ark
Deadline: 5pm May 4th, 2021

The Ark is now seeking expressions of interest in the provision of Creative Hub project coordination services on a freelance contract basis to coordinate the delivery of their new strand of programming as part of the DCC Children’s Art in Libraries Creative Hubs. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who demonstrates an affinity for the values of The Ark, a talent for delivering multi-disciplinary arts programmes for children, and an ability to connect and collaborate with multiple partners to deliver both artistic and locally relevant aims.

This opportunity provides the right individual the chance to work with The Ark to deliver an exciting new programme for children in a community context working with key partners within the cultural sector for children in Dublin.

Deadline: 5pm May 4th, 2021

For more information, see ark.ie/about/work-at-the-ark/current-opportunities?fbclid=IwAR3GGiP1otV53-C7WoSR0J5wcawsO9BSlN1Io_K5T4rgWPdDGoYTjG8UgU8

Pallas Projects

Pallas Projects have produced an online resource ‘Art @ Home’ for teachers and primary school students.

This year to coincide with Pallas Projects Online Periodical Review X Exhibition, they have teamed up with artist and education curator Liliane Puthod to create an activity pack for students to do at home or in school. Each of the four activities are relevant to all ages, and relate to a work in their online exhibition.

Pallas Projects/Studios is a not-for-profit artist-run organisation dedicated to the facilitation of artistic production and discourse, via the provision of affordable artists studios in Dublin’s city centre, and curated exhibitions. Pallas Projects is dedicated to the making and showing of visual art to our peers as well as a wide and diverse audience: via exhibitions, talks and tours.

For more information and to download the activity resource, see here: pallasprojects.org/news/art-home-activity-pack-pallas-projects-resources-for-schools

The LAB Gallery, Dublin City Arts Office
Dates: Wednesdays 4-6pm, 3, 10, 24 March & 14, 21, 28 April

The Practice of Looking is a six-week, online course to learn about Visual Thinking Strategies and its use in Dublin, and to practice its facilitation. It was born out of the growing interest in the adoption of Visual Thinking Strategies at the LAB Gallery and in the partnerships and networks that have evolved around it. The LAB Gallery, Dublin City Arts Office, The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) and VTS Neighbourhood Schools are partnering to host an online course that offers the opportunity to learn from trained VTS coaches in the existing network. The course will have a strong focus on facilitation practice and reflection. You will receive a certificate of attendance after completion of the course.

Please note that to participate to the course, you need to:

For more information and to register, please see here: http://www.dublincityartsoffice.ie/the-lab/vts-projects/the-practice-of-looking



The Ark
Date: 25 February 2021

The Ark invites you to ‘Creativity in the Online Classroom Made Easy’ CPD workshop for teachers, where you will learn a range of easy, accessible skills to help you bring creativity into your online teaching. Find out how easy it can be to breathe imagination into an online class, inspiring both your students and yourself. The ideas shared will be useful for both teaching online and when you are back in the classroom.

Perhaps you are overwhelmed with the technical aspects of moving your teaching online, or feeling frustrated with the limitations and struggling to make your online lessons creative and engaging. Or perhaps you are simply looking for some fresh inspiration for ideas that can work well in the online space. Join the Ark for this morning of inspiration and art-making to help you address these challenges, led by artist Duffy Mooney-Sheppard who has been leading online classes for children for the past year.

During this session you will gain valuable time to explore various tools available on Zoom to develop, hone and gain confidence in digital art lessons. Ideas shared will be adaptable and transferrable to other online platforms you may be using also. The possibilities in virtual learning spaces are wide and we are all learning! We will ask questions, share challenges, try things out and build our knowledge as a group.

This is a free CPD event for teachers, but advance booking is essential. For more details please go to: https://ark.ie/events/view/cpd-creativity-online-classroom

Irish Film Institute

Deadline: 5pm, 12th October

The Irish Film Institute wishes to appoint two Education Officers to contribute to and develop its education programme both onsite and online.

Key Responsibilities for the roles include:

Download the full job description here – ifi.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Job-Description-Education-Officer.pdf 

Applicants should forward a cover letter and CV by email to Alicia McGivern, IFI Head of Education, at amcgivern@irishfilm.ie, or by post to Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Dublin 2.

Closing date for applications is 17.00 on Monday, October 12th.

Irish Film Institute

Date: 4 March 2020

The Irish Film Institute (IFI) and the Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival, in association with Screen Skills Ireland, will once again offer an inspiring and innovative day of events for young people interested in finding out more about working in the film and tv industries.

This event, aimed at Senior Cycle second-level students aged 15 to 18, is an opportunity for students to hear from a whole variety of film industry practitioners, to learn about their work, how they got there and what advice they might give to young people starting out. Whether it’s the craft side of the industry, working in front of the camera or behind, as well as other areas such as production or casting, there will be something for every interest.

A number of third-level institutions will also be on hand to offer guidance on the day.

Last year’s guests included director Lenny Abrahamson, producer Ed Guiney, costume designer Consolata Boyle and DOP Cathal Watters.

Booking essential. See www.ifi.ie/schools


Tell us the story of your project – What was the impetus? What was it about? Who was involved? How did you begin?

In February 2018 Landmark Productions and Everyman Theatre Cork approached us to ask what ancillary activities would we be organizing around the production of ‘Asking For It’ they were planning to stage in June and which would subsequently transfer to the Abbey in November.

We all saw the necessity to involve young people in the story and so aside from the Abbey’s usual provision of post-show talks and podcasts we decided to take the work into schools as directly as possible. We planned a structure of pre and post show workshops to support any school who was going to see the play. We also committed to the creation of a teachers study pack which could appeal to many levels of ability.

After speaking about schools visits to Louise O’Neill, the author of the novel on which the play was based, it became clear that we needed specific training in dealing with this project. Louise’s disturbing experience had been that in nearly every school she had visited herself at least one young woman had disclosed she had experienced sexual assault.

On 24th July we hosted a workshop by Tender UK a theatre company that specializes in exploring issues of abuse with post primary students. On their advice we changed the original plan of having a sole female facilitator to having workshops run by both a male and female so they could model healthy gender relationships. That’s when I stopped just managing the project and stepped in as co-facilitator.

Based on her previous work with the Abbey we contacted actor and facilitator Aoibheann McCaul and she and I planned the post-show workshop together. Aoibheann also attended a training session at the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

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!!!! Blog 3 – Students and Staff of Marino College, Dublin 3

We’re delighted to share the third blog in the series from the students and staff of Marino College, Dublin 3. In this post, staff and students reflect on collaboration in the planning and organising of their Creative Minds Festival of Arts and Culture, Marino 100: Back to the Future, and talk about some of the artists, groups and organisations they worked with.

Turning the idea of our Creative Minds Festival into reality took a lot of engagement, involvement and collaboration with a wide variety of groups in our community. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the people organisations we partnered with and how our collaboration enhanced the scope and ambition of what we were able to achieve.

The first, and key, partnership that led to the Festival’s success were having our Artist in Residence, Heather Gray, to work with. Heather initially came to the school as a Creative Practitioner in the pilot stages of the Arts Council’s Creative Schools Programme. She’s the creative force behind the project, guiding students, staff and community members in making and doing.

Irish teacher Joan Lyne, who first dreamt up the Festival Parade, is a constant source of great ideas and problem solving, a driving force of creativity in the school, who now coordinates the TY Creative Schools class. Our Art, Music, Home Ec., SEN and Guidance departments have collaborated extensively with visiting artists and craftspeople to facilitate opportunities for learning and fun for students. Ms French and Ms Connor’s organisational and communication skills are world class, and we’re lucky to have buy-in from all our enthusiastic and supportive staff in Marino College: all members of staff were involved in some capacity. Special mention to our Special Needs Assistants, Teresa, the two Helens, Mary, Grainne, Aisling and Tamlyn too – their indefatigable good humour and incredible way with our students made planning and organisation so much easier.

School Management, our former Principal Mary McAteer (retired) and current Principal Lisa Reid, and Deputy Principal Grainne Cullen, understood the added value creativity outside of (but linked to) the classroom brings to the school, and support Heather’s working with us in Art Club every Wednesday afternoon. Their buy-in as key stakeholders was essential, as was the support of our Board of Management. The Chair of our Board, Deputy-Lord Mayor of Dublin and local City Councillor Donna Cooney, who also helps arrange the local Welcome Fairview initiative for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, was very supportive and joined us on the day, alongside the then Deputy-Lord Mayor Cllr. Deirdre Heney.

The Welcome Fairview Group worked on creating ceramic tableware with students and parents that we used to share food from different cultures at our Global Feast and BBQ. The BBQ couldn’t have happened without the support of Swan Youth Service on Dunne Street, supportive champions of young people in our area.

We were also lucky to be accepted, along with St. Vincent’s Girl’s National School, Mount Carmel School and St. Joseph’s CBS Fairview, in our application to become a Creative Cluster, an initiative of the Department of Education. This collaboration saw secondary students work with primary pupils in making props and costumes and artists ran workshop sessions in each of the schools. For the 2025 Parade, Heather’s already run workshops in the JCSP Library in Mount Carmel making The Morrigan puppets, which the Mount Carmel students will have in this year’s parade, along with students from all the other schools.

We received generous funding from The European Cultural Foundation’s Europe Challenge Project, which allowed us to upscale and extent the festival in year two. This project saw us work in close collaboration with the Marino Resident’s Association, and in particular their Marino 100 Committee, who coordinated the local celebrations of the area’s centenary. Our school is also extremely fortunate to have one of only 30 State-funded school libraries in the country, under the Junior Cert. Schools Programme Demonstration Library Project, allowing us to place cross-curricular teaching and learning at the heart of all of our collaborations and to host workshops and sessions in the library, linking to the library’s print and digital stock.

Fairview’s Viva School of Dance taught students to dance to the tune most associated with our area, the famous Marino Waltz, through workshops in school and with local residents. RTE Junior’s Senior Producer, Nicky Coghlan, came along on the day of the Parade and recorded a podcast with students, and Irish Times photographers took fantastic shots of the Festival and Parade too, featuring in both print and digital editions of the paper.

As part of the festivities, under the theme of Diversity and Biodiversity, we worked with Easy Treesie to plant native trees in the area, hiding a forest in the city. We worked with Dublin City Council Parks and planted trees in Fairview Park as well as in the grounds of St. Joseph’s CBS and at the Mater Step-Down Unit on Phlipsburg Avenue.

A group of students from Marino College stand around an Easy Tressie sign and potted trees

Students from Marino College in Dublin planting trees with Easy Treesie as part of the Creative Minds Festival

Our goals to challenge anti-immigrant sentiment were informed and supported by AkiDwA, Black & Irish and East Wall Here for All, alongside Mud Island Community Garden. On the morning of the Festival last year, we welcomed the assessment team from Schools of Sanctuary, who met with students and staff and awarded us our School of Sanctuary status.

Roisin Lonergan, Creative Director of the Five Lamps Arts Festival, has been a constant support, sharing her extensive skills, knowledge and contacts with us. Dublin Port Company were also very generous in their support. Many visiting artists and craftspeople enhanced the skillsets that enabled our making and doing, including Samba drummers William Ribeiro and Simeon Smith, fibre artists Sinead Lynch and Helen Gaughan and artist Maddy Schmidt, to name just a few! Local artist Steven Doody can turn his hand to anything and is always reliable for help and advice.

Closing roads for the Parade required collaboration with An Garda Síochána, whose community liaison officer in Clontarf Station couldn’t have been more helpful and helped to coordinate stewards on the day. Dublin Bus allowed us hold up the 123 bus route, and Dublin City Council Arts Office, and the City Council more widely, provided great supports, funding, advice and encouragement. We had to create a detailed Event Plan and Risk Assessment to most of these organisations. We also had to create a detailed plan showing who needed to be where, when, doing what, with an assigned role for everyone in the school and plenty more people besides!

A screenshot of a spreadsheet detailing peoples roles during the festival

Marino College Festival organisation – A designated role and an individualised schedule for everyone in the building!

St. Vincent’s Infants School on Griffith Avenue and St. Vincent de Paul School North Strand welcomed Marino students into their classrooms to run creative prop- and costume- making workshops with their pupils. Cathal Brugha Further Education and Training College, North Strand Campus, were generous in allowing us to use their facilities for creativity and for storage. Music Generation’s Peter O’Toole supported the music department, and Irish teacher Niamh Murray coordinated choreography. Local Businesses proudly promoted the festivities – literally all of the community were involved!

Logos of all the groups and organisations who supported Marino Colleges Creative Minds Festival

The many groups and organisations who supported Marino College’s Creative Minds Festival

Collaboration across our community was key to the project’s success – there are so many great organisations out there working to achieve the same goals, so it’s great to discover one another and find opportunities to work together to build on our community connections. We’re gearing up for this year’s festival, with the theme of ‘Global Myths, Local Legends’, and look forward to telling you all about it in our next blog post!

!!!! Blog 2 – Students and Staff of Marino College, Dublin 3

We started planning for the 2024 festival and parade as soon as we came back to school in September. The festival theme was Marino 100: Back to the Future, celebrating the history of the area and because of this we started off researching the history of the residential estate beside the school with our student Creative Council and members of staff like Ms Lyne, our librarian Robin, Ms. Connor and Ms. French. We’re really lucky to have an artist-in-residence, Heather Gray, who’s a creative associate with the Arts Council and guides us in the making and doing of all the things we do. We wanted to represent the history of Marino in our parade. We decided to showcase the following key events in Marino’s history and to represent them through fun props for the Parade.

In the mid-1950s there was a massive flood in Marino, and back then people still kept farm animals in their gardens. This one local had pigs in his back garden, and we found an amazing photo of him rescuing his pigs in a currach. Inspired by this image, we decided to make a pig in a boat. We chose the name “Princess Bacon” for the pig (PB for short). We also made a huge wooden wave to represent the flood waters. PB now lives in the school library with a giant toy spider that look like Charlotte’s Web.

It wasn’t just students from Marino College making props for the parade as we’re in a Creative Cluster with some other school in the area, so the lads in Joey’s up the road made a big lion prop too. This was to celebrate a lion tamer who lived in Marino and kept lions in his back garden (seriously!) One day his lioness escaped and she ran around the Fairview/Marino area causing panic! She managed to make her way into Joey’s secondary school! So the students there made a big lion prop commemorating this.

Before Marino was developed as a housing estate, the area was all farmland, and lots of sheep were grazed here. The wool from the sheep then would have been sorted, cleaned, spun and dyed in the Liberties area of Dublin and the local people would have worn locally made clothes made from locally sourced materials. We made a giant spinning wheel to show this part of our area’s history. We also had a workshop and learned how to spin wool ourselves with spindles.

l-r A spinning wheel, drawings of a design for spinning wheel and parade ideas

Marino College students design and make a spinning wheel for their festival parade.

These are just a few of the events from our area’s history we chose to showcase in the parade.

A group of us from the school Art Club and student Creative Council went to two local primary schools and helped the little kids make costumes to go along with these props. In one school we made pigs’ ears and snouts that the kids wore to dress up as little piglets to go along with Princess Bacon, and in the other school we made little lamb costumes with them so they could go alongside the spinning wheel.

Students from Marino wearing lamb and pig head pieces for parade

A primary school student wearing a lamb costume and a cutting from The Irish Times showing a photograph of students from St. Vincent de Paul Infant School in Marino wearing pig costumes.

We wanted to make sure that different cultures and traditions were represented in the Parade, as our area and school are really multi-cultural now, so we had a huge dancing dragon that Art club originally made for our school lunar new year celebrations.

We also looked to the future too, imagining what life might be like in Marino in 2124. In planning the making of our props, we drew up a timeline of everything we wanted to include and drew a paper lineup of the order of the parade and how it was going to go. We made the props together in Art Club in the library after school on Wednesdays and in workshops with visiting artists during the school day sometimes too. Our old woodwork teacher Mr. Doody was brilliant for coming up with ways of us carrying and displaying our props once we finished them. It was really good fun but we learned a lot too, applying stuff we learned in maths, history, geography and library class to how to make the props.

Students from Marino College working on parade props

Students from Marino College working on Parade props

Marino College students prepare props for their festival parade

It was great to be able to partner up with other schools too to help with the making of the props, and students from lots of other schools came to the parade to take part or just watched alongside the local residents. We invited everyone back to the school for a festival of cultures, art exhibition and a barbeque as well as lots of other cultural foods, some made by parents. The local Youth Club, Swan, lent us their barbeque and it was great to be able to show off stuff from all the lots of different cultures in our school and community. It was good that students and staff worked together on making and planning too. We all sat down together and planned and made everything together and we were really proud of the final results. Staff made sure our voices were heard and let us take the lead as much as possible, guiding us through the process. We made so many props, but we also made friends, new connections and more of a sense of community too.

By Megi, Ayanna and Izabela, 2nd year students, Marino College, Dublin 3

!!!! School Workshops at The Ark: ‘Dinosaur Pie’ Creative Writing

The Ark, Dublin
Dates: 7 – 9 November 2024

Come along to The Ark, Dublin and enjoy a fun-filled creative imagination workshop with author and facilitator Jen Wallace inspired by her hilarious new book Dinosaur Pie.

In the book, there’s a boy called Rory. He and his mum have ADHD, but the book isn’t about that. It’s about way weirder stuff like being turned into a ridiculous little dinosaur and still having to go to school. It’s about not eating your friends and taking lots of selfies and having huge claws that make gaming difficult. It’s about friendship and family and coping when things get tough.

In the workshop, you’ll get to think about some of Rory’s adventures. Then we can explore together how to:

Tickets are free thanks to the support of UNESCO Dublin City of Literature

Schools: To make a booking for schools workshops, please use The Ark schools booking form or call 01 6707788.

Dates & Times
Public: Sat 9 November @ 11am & 2pm
Schools: Thurs 7 Nov & Fri 8 Nov @ 10.15am and 12.15pm

For Ages 5-8 (Senior to 2nd Class)

For further information go to ark.ie/events/view/school-public-workshops-dinosaur-pie-creative-writing


!!!! Ticket Booking Now Open! 2024 National Portal Day

Booking is now open for our eleventh National Arts in Education Portal Day which will take place on Saturday 9 November 2024 at East Quad, TU Dublin, in partnership with the School of Art and Design. This free full-day event aims to bring together arts and education professionals to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired, and discuss best practices in the arts and creativity in education.

The Programme will see a mix of presentations, smaller discussion-led sessions and creative workshops each addressing the special focus of ‘Amplifying All Voices’ and how the Amplification of All Voices in creativity and education can empower, build confidence, passion, and support.

As previously announced The Portal Team is delighted to welcome guest speakers, Leon Diop, Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Arts Council of Ireland, Francesca Hutchinson, a multidisciplinary artist and post-primary teacher, Dr. Padráig Kirk, Managing Director of Oide, and Dr. Hannagh McGinley, Assistant Professor in Education at MCI Thurles for a round table discussion moderated by Jennifer Buggie, Advisor for Arts & Creativity in Education with the Department of Education and The Education Centre, Tralee.

With a closing rapporteur address from Adam Stoneman, Creative Communities Engagement Officer at Galway City Council.

View the 2024 Programme HERE.

How to Book Tickets

Tickets for the 2024 National Arts in Education Portal Day are free but pre-booking is essential as capacity is limited. 

For further enquiries please contact events@artsineducation.ie.

Book tickets HERE.

View transport and TU Dublin parking and transport  details here Travel and Parking 2024 National Portal Day

!!!! Guest Speakers – 2024 National Arts in Education Portal Day

Save the date! The 2024 National Arts in Education Portal Day will be hosted at TU Dublin, School of Art and Design on Saturday, November 9, 2024, in collaboration with the School of Art and Design.

The day will kick off with a welcome address from Dr. Orla McDonagh, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at TU Dublin, and Kate Delaney, Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee Member and Assistant Principal in the Creative Ireland Programme.

Following the welcome address, there will be a panel discussion featuring guest speakers including Leon Diop, Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Arts Council of Ireland, Francesca Hutchinson, a multidisciplinary artist and educator, Dr. Padráig Kirk, Managing Director of Oide, and Dr. Hannagh McGinley, Assistant Professor in Education at MCI Thurles. The panel, moderated by Jennifer Buggie, Arts in Education Portal Editorial Committee member Advisor for Arts & Creativity in Education with the Department of Education and The Education Centre, Tralee, will explore this year’s theme “Amplifying All Voices” and discuss how the Amplification of All Voices in creativity and education can empower, build confidence, passion, and support.

The event will conclude with a closing address from Adam Stoneman, Creative Communities Engagement Officer at Galway City Council, and a performance from the Marino College Guitar and Band Club with music teacher, Arjun Desai.

The full lineup for the national day will be announced on Tuesday, October 8, when ticket booking will open online. This free full-day event aims to bring together arts and education professionals to share, learn, talk, network, get inspired, and discuss best practices in the arts and creativity in education.

For further inquiries, please contact events@artsineducation.ie.


!!!! The  Giggler  Treatment at The Ark

The Ark
1 Dec 2024 – 12 Jan 2025

This festive season, following its hugely successful run in 2023, The Ark is proud to present The  Giggler  Treatment, a marvellous, mischievous new musical based on the novel by Roddy Doyle.

If adults are mean to children, they get The  Giggler  Treatment. It’s smelly. It’s squishy. And it sticks to your shoe. But sometimes, just sometimes, the  Gigglers make a mistake… Can Robbie, Kayla, Jimmy and Rover the dog come to Mr Mack’s rescue before the poo hits the shoe?

Written and composed by Fionn Foley (Tonic, Fierce Notions), this glorious adaptation of the much-loved novel is teeming with Dublin wit, memorable melodies and belly laughs for children and grown-ups alike.

Jam-packed with big songs and even bigger PONGS, it’s the funniest, cheekiest, silliest show in town!

There will be relaxed performances of The Giggler Treatment on Friday 13 December @ 10.15am & 12.15pm, Saturday 14 December @ 2pm and Monday 30 December @ 4pm. Relaxed performances are aimed at families or school groups with children who are on the autism spectrum or those who have sensory sensitivities and will be tailored for the comfort of your child. The sound will be at a lower volume and the lights will be dimmed rather than completely dark, we will warn you of any loud noises and we will have a special chill-out area where your child can relax.


€17.50/€12.50* per person. (20% off for Members)
Early Bird: €15 if booked by 23 August 2024
Schools Tickets: €7 or €5 Early Bird for ArkEd members if booked by 25 October 2024. Teachers go free!
Previews: €12.50 per person / €4.50 for schools
To make a school booking, please use the schools booking form or call 01 6707788.

For further information go to the ark.ie/events/view/the-giggler-treatment-2024.



!!!! EARTH RISING Festival at IMMA

Irish Museum of Modern Art

Dates: 20 – 22 September 2024

EARTH RISING 2024, a dynamic three-day festival dedicated to addressing the climate crisis through art, creativity, and community.

EARTH RISING is where art meets activism and highlights the vital role of art and culture in driving environmental change and fostering a deep connection between people and the planet. EARTH RISING seeks to inspire collective action through creative expression, fostering a deep connection between individuals, communities, and our planet.

This year’s festival offers a rich programme of talks, exhibitions, workshops, outdoor screenings, music, live performances, and an Eco Fair—all free and open to the public. Programme highlights include an installation and talk by Sakiya, a progressive academy for experimental knowledge production and sharing around local farming in Ramallah, Palestine; a climate comedy workshop; speed dating to find your ‘Soil Mate’ to connect garden owners with gardenless growers; Project Dandelion workshops hosted by the Mary Robinson Centre; a climate-based  mixed reality experience by Andrew McSweeney; and a spoken word poetry event taking place on Culture Night, to name a few! Also back by popular demand Jennie Moran will host a convivial exchange of ideas, skills and knowledge around food where we will rethink our food practices over food demonstrations, talks and presentations.

Special collaborations include a Slow Tour Concert brought to IMMA by the Goethe Institut Ireland featuring musician LIE NING who is travelling across Europe by train and ferry, as part of a resource-efficient concert tour; Demolition Takedown, a large-scale installation, supported by Creative Ireland that aims to encourage action on reducing construction and demolition waste in Ireland

All events and experiences at EARTH RISING are free of charge. Some workshops require booking and ticket links and information can be found here.

EARTH RISING is supported by the Department of Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht.


!!!! Autumn Drama CPD for Teachers at The Ark

The Ark: Autumn Drama CPD for Teachers

Date: 19 Oct 2024

Let’s plan to have fun! This workshop will explore play, humour and movement in a drama lesson using content from ‘The Giggler Treatment’ by Roddy Doyle. It will provide a step by step approach to teaching an extended drama lesson. The session will also explore drama’s potential to be integrated with other areas of the curriculum and how planning for integration can reduce your workload.

Suitable for all levels of experience.

This CPD will support you if you wish to bring your class to see The Giggler Treatment, but will also stand alone and provide you with lots of ideas to bring drama into the classroom.

Tickets: €20/€18 (For ArkEd Members)*

Dates & Times: 19 Oct @ 10.30am-12.30pm

Priority Booking for ArkEd members opens 19 August. General booking opens on 26 August.

Duration: 2 hours

Facilitated by Dave Flynn

*ArkEd is free membership scheme for teachers, principals and parents homeschooling their children which enables you to enjoy a range of benefits throughout the year. Click here for more information and booking link: https://ark.ie/events/view/teachers-summer-course-visual-arts-2024-2.

!!!! Fighting Words is Hiring!

Fighting Words

Deadline: Friday 30th August 2024

Fighting Words is looking for an Irish Language Project Coordinator who will be responsible for organising and providing workshops, projects, and more through Irish outside the Gaeltacht.

Fighting Words offers free creative writing workshops through Irish for children, young people and other groups throughout the country.

Workshops are held through Irish with Irish schools, other schools, youth groups and communities.

The vast majority of demand is in Dublin with the majority of workshops being delivered at the centre on Russell Street. Travel to another location is required from time to time.

This is a full-time position on a temporary contract – September 2024 to June 2025 – with the possibility of an extension depending on funding.

€3,141.17 will be paid per month, which is €37,694 pro rata as a gross salary per year.

If you are interested in this position, and the chance to work with a great team and an exciting organisation, send a CV to info@fightingwords.ie by Friday 30th August.

Further information can be found here: https://www.fightingwords.ie/news/taimid-ag-fostu/we-are-hiring-comhordaitheoir-tionscadail-gaeilge

!!!! Artists invitation to participate in early years Mentorship Programme in Balbriggan

Fingal County, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County, South Dublin County and Dublin City Council.

Closing date for proposals: 2pm, 12 August 2024. 

A fully funded two-day residential for artists has been announced by the Exploring & Thinking Partnership – Fingal County, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County, South Dublin County and Dublin City Council. The residential is planned for 9 and 10 October 2024, in Balbriggan. The organisers are looking for 12 artists that currently work in or are interested in working in Early Childhood Arts.

Exploring & Thinking Partnership is a collaborative framework for early childhood arts in the Dublin region. Initiated in 2016 by the four Dublin Local Authority Arts Offices to collectively consider Early Childhood Arts. Since this time, the Partnership has collectively supported commissions, bursaries, research, and sector sharing days all with a view to supporting artists, the wider early years sector and developing this area of arts practice with a direct impact on the Dublin region.

The focus of the Mentorship Programme for artists is to create greater access to the arts in communities and neighbourhoods across the Dublin region that may traditionally not have these opportunities. The priority is in the capacity building of artists that work in, or are interested in working in, contexts that are an intersection of arts and health, community, and/or integration.

The Programme will include group work, workshops, and mentoring facilitated by Professor Zeedyk. The content will be tailored by Professor Zeedyk in response to the selected artists proposals and experience.  Artists do not have to be based in the Dublin region, but their application should articulate how this opportunity will impact existing early childhood arts practice in the Dublin region.

For further information and details on how to submit a proposal, see here. 

!!!! CEAD Summer Programme

National College of Art and Design

Continuing Education in Art and Design (CEAD) at NCAD offers a range of short summer courses in art and design for adults and school leavers (16+) who want to explore their creative potential, learn new skills or develop an on-going practice. The CEAD Summer Programme 2024, continues in July. It’s an opportunity to meet other artists and students and become part of a vibrant contemporary art community. If your course is sold out, you are welcome to join the waitlist.  Courses include 3 and 5 day short courses in Art, Design and Photography and a 3 week Summer Portfolio Preparation. Summer courses are at different levels; there are introductory courses suitable for beginners or for those considering returning to or progressing within higher education. If you want to learn something new you can choose beginners courses and if you have established an arts practice and want to continue to expand and explore your options you can choose advanced courses. Portfolio Preparation courses are suitable for students applying to third level undergraduate art and design courses who are making their application portfolio. Students interested in applying to the accredited part-time autumn courses or who want to progress within art and design can consider taking summer workshops as a way of developing skills and knowledge in a subject area.

You can also learn more about Progression in art, design and photography through CEAD. From introductory summer or autumn short courses, find out how to advance to level 8 in evening school and be eligible to apply to the final year of the undergraduate BA degree course.

Some courses are only open to students who are 18 years old or over.  July courses include:

For more information and application links see here.

!!!! Summer Early Years Workshops at The Ark

The Ark

Dates: Various during July

The Ark is running Early Years workshops that will delight inquisitive minds and busy little hands. In this series of inventive and imaginative workshops, children aged 2-4 and their grown-ups will celebrate their own unique creativity to spark lots of fun!

Creatures from the Mermaid’s Purse runs from 19 – 20 Jul 2024. Visual artist Jane Groves invites very young children (Ages 2-4) and their grown-ups to meet the Beautiful Beasts of the ocean in a play-filled art workshop! Inspired by Silkie the Seal from The Ark’s sculpture collection, children will be invited to explore textures of the sea bed and create their own creatures. Through storytelling and play, they will engage in a sensory exploration of the organisms of a watery world, both macro and micro. You can book here .

I’m an Animal and You Are Too! Runs from  26 – 27 Jul 2024. In this imaginative music workshop, very young children and their grown-ups will join musician Ríona Hartman to explore all the details and textures of our voices. From clicks and snarls to fishy lip bubbles and melodious meows, children will see what noises they can make and what animals they can imitate.  Ríona will  record sounds with a loop pedal to create wild soundscapes full of all the creatures the children  conjure. You can book here .

!!!! Grace Park Educate Together National School : Percent for Art Commission

Grace Park Educate Together National School

Deadline: 12 noon, Wednesday 26th June, 2024

Grace Park Educate Together Public Art Working Group are seeking expressions of interest from artists whose practice focuses on permanent visual artwork(s) to be sited in the foyer of their school building in a visual medium. The school is open to the idea of the artworks travelling throughout the interior of the building also once this does not impact on the budget for an engagement process with all of their students.

Grace Park ETNS is a child-centred, co-educational, equality based and democratic primary school under the patronage of Educate Together. The school has 423 students, with 16 mainstream classes from Junior Infants to 6th Class and 2 Autism Classes. There are 25 teachers and 16 additional needs assistants (ANAs) working alongside the children in our school.

The school asks that artists who apply consider the following:

The school is located at DCU All Hallows Campus, Grace Park Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

The selection process will take the form of a Two Stage Open Competition. The closing date for receipt of Stage 1 completed application form together with supporting documentation and material is 12 noon, Wednesday 26th June 2024. It is anticipated that the project would commence in Summer 2024 and be completed by June 2025.

The commission was originally posted on Visual Artists Ireland and you can read further details on the briefing document: https://visualartists.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/FINAL-2024-Apr-GP-ETNS-Stage-1-Brief.pdf

!!!! A Visual Arts Approach in the Classroom @ The Ark 

Teacher Training at The Ark

Dates: 12 – 16 August

Cultural Hub for kids, The Ark, is running this five day course over the summer from 12 – 16 August. Artist Jole Bortoli will deliver this hugely popular hands-on, creative course for teachers focusing on a visual arts approach to exploring narrative, literacy & other subjects.

This is a five-day Department of Education EPV-approved summer course for teachers.  It runs from 10 am – 3 pm each day with breaks and is suitable for all levels of experience.

The aim of the course is to enable participants to start the new school year with an enhanced toolbox of skills and knowledge, in order to effectively deliver the visual arts curriculum in the classroom. Participants will be engaged ‘hands-on’ throughout this course so learning will be through doing. Working in teams and individually, participants will cover a range of curriculum strands including drawing, painting, print, 3D construction, fabric, and fibre.

A strong emphasis will be on building skills and creative confidence. The group will also explore how visual art can be used to link with other subjects, as well as to promote visual literacy. Time will also be given for individual reflection, school self-evaluation and group discussion.

This course will appeal to teachers of all levels of experience and will be facilitated by the visual arts and education specialist and founder of Art to Heart, Jole Bortoli. This is a continuing professional development opportunity


For information and booking  see here

!!!! Hilary Heron at IMMA – free guided tours and workshops for schools

Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)

IMMA invites teachers and tutors from pre-primary, primary, secondary schools and colleges to bring their student groups to IMMA any time during opening hours. Teachers and tutors can book bespoke guided tours and talks focused on specific exhibitions, and can access related digital resources, such as study notes and videos.

Before the school breaks for the summer holidays, why not come and see some exciting sculpture? In IMMA’s Garden Galleries, Hilary Heron: A Retrospective celebrates the pioneering work of modernist sculptor Hilary Heron (1923 – 1977). Hilary Heron was a Dublin born sculptor who co-represented Ireland at the 1956 Venice Biennale alongside painter Louis le Brocquy (1916 – 2012).

She was a courageous sculptor who travelled extensively, absorbing cultures whilst pursing new modern ideals. She created works in wood, terracotta, steel, bronze and with welding, in this practice she was ground breaking, as there were few women welders in the 1950s.

Also on exhibition are a selection of artworks by contemporary Irish female sculptors, who like Heron, have represented Ireland in the Venice Biennale.

Book a Tour and Workshop

You can book a guided tour with a member of the Visitor Engagement Team, who will explore and tease out the artworks with your class. The tour is followed by a workshop in the Matheson Creativity Hub. A combination of both will take approximately 2 hours. To make a booking, please visit: https://immatours.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173590867/events/428615079

ZOOM Presentation

If you cannot come to see this exhibition in person, IMMA can bring it directly onto your smartboard via Zoom presentation. A member of the Visitor Engagement Team can present and host a discussion with your class group.

If you would like some more information or to book a session then contact joan.walker@imma.ie

!!!! Part 2 – Announcing the 2024 Arts in Education Portal Documentation Award Recipients

The Portal Team are delighted to announce the second of the of the two recipients of the 2024 Arts in Education Portal Documentation Award. We are very excited to be working with each recipient in the coming months to document their projects. These projects will be showcased on the portal as the documentation progresses.

Project title
Marino 100: Back to the Future ~ Creative Minds Art + Culture Festival 2024 ~

Marino 100: Back to the Future is being organised and run by a diverse group of teenagers in North Inner City Dublin in collaboration with their teachers, local artists and the wider community. The festival includes a parade, music, dancing and food!

The project is a collaboration between Marino College, St. Joseph’s Fairview, St. Vincent’s GNS (brought together through Creative Clusters), with Marino Residents Association and various other local schools and organisations. The organisational team are teachers and artists; Joan Lyne, Heather Gray, Robin Stewart, Sarah Connor, and Cathy French. Other artists involved in the project include Steven Doody and Sinéad Lynch.

This initiative aims to change the narrative of the area, celebrating the art and culture of all residents and fostering an inclusive atmosphere all under the banner of Marino 100 – highlighting 100 years since construction started on the Marino housing development – known as the Garden City.

Artist: Heather Gray
Heather Gray is a socially engaged interdisciplinary artist based in Dublin 3. Heather’s areas of expertise are creating large scale public participatory art works as a socially engaged practice and facilitating student led approaches to co-creation.

Teacher: Joan Lyne
Joan Lyne is a Gaelgoir, musician, organiser and community builder. She teaches Irish and Chinese and has been working at Marino College since 2015. Prior to this she was working as a teacher in her native co. Kerry. Joan is passionate about collaboration, inclusion, creativity and bringing fun into the school setting.

Librarian: Robin Stewart
Robin Stewart is the Junior Cert. Schools Programme Librarian in Marino College, Dublin 3. His previous work with marginalised public library users was recognised at the Excellence in Local Government Awards. Robin has written for Inis, An Leabharlann and The School Librarian magazines and is the Treasurer of the Library Association of Ireland School Libraries Group. He was shortlisted for the national Library Staff Champion award 2023.

!!!! Museum Changemakers – workshops for primary schools

National Museum of Ireland

Dates: 27 May to 21 June 2024

The National Museum of Ireland has launched an exciting new workshop programme for primary school audiences to learn about global citizenship in partnership with humanitarian aid agency GOAL.

Museum Changemakers invites fourth to sixth class students to discover prominent changemakers in Ireland’s past and explore the power of Museums to inspire activism and change for the future.

The workshops will introduce pupils to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Global Goals. Children will be challenged to think creatively about their own actions and how they can promote the Global Goals and become changemakers themselves.

These engaging workshops will be held in the new contemporary exhibition space we make our own historieslocated in the historic site of Collins Barracks in the heart of Dublin 7.

Children will have the opportunity to be inspired by the ‘Young Peoples Assembly’ which is featured in the we make our own histories exhibition space.

Bookings are now open for primary school teachers to empower the next generation and help shape future leaders of Ireland!

Workshop dates are available from 27 May to 21 June 2024. Places are offered free of charge to schools but booking is essential as places are limited.

For bookings and further details, please visit https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/News/Museum-partners-with-GOAL-to-promote-global-citize

!!!! Opportunity: Photo Museum Ireland Seek Education Coordinator

Photo Museum Ireland

Closing date: Thursday 25th April 2024

Photo Museum Ireland is hiring an Education Coordinator to work as part of a dynamic team providing essential administrative & promotional support to deliver Photo Museum Ireland’s new education programme. The Education Coordinator will work closely with the museum’s Education Curator & Curatorial Team to ensure the smooth running of their education programme which encompasses talks, evening lectures, workshops, training courses, in-house artist-led projects, community outreach projects, online resources and education toolkits.

Follow the link to read more and to apply: https://photomuseumireland.ie/we-are-hiring-education-coordinator

!!!! Highlights at Mother Tongues Festival for artists and creative practitioners

Mother Tongues Festival

Dates: 16th-17th Feb

Mother Tongues Festival is the largest festival celebrating linguistic diversity through the arts in Ireland. Its mission is to showcase the country’s rich artistic and cultural tapestry, and connect people through the power of language. Most of the events are designed for families with children, this year there are two exciting events which explore the intersection of multilingualism and the arts.

Creativity and Multilingualism – Panel Discussion and Workshop

Mother Tongues Festival invites the public to join an engaging exploration of Creativity and Multilingualism at the County Library, Tallaght. The event, funded by Languages Connect and organised in collaboration with Trinity College’s School of Education, will feature a panel discussion and a workshop, and will be followed by a film screening.

The afternoons activities will commence with a presentation by Dr Francesca La Morgia, continue with the participatory workshop “Living Languages: Exploring mother tongues through body and voice”, led by Miriam Stewart and finish with a discussion panel among academics Jean-Rémi Lapaire, Claire Dunne and Iseult Ní Chonchúir.

This event is free, booking required and will include an ISL interpreter.
16th February, 1-4pm
Further details: https://mothertonguesfestival.com/programme-2024/creativity-and-multilingualism/

“Go Beyond Language” Workshop on Multilingual Performance

Mother Tongues Festival continues its exploration of multilingualism with the “Go Beyond Language” workshop focused on multilingual performance. The workshop will take place at Rua Red, Tallaght, from 10 am to 6 pm.

This professional development programme aims to enhance participants’ skills in drama-based methodologies that foster language development, inclusion, and well-being. Facilitated by Teatro Multilingue coaches Flavio Marigliani and Marta Iacopini, the interdisciplinary workshop is open to all socially engaged arts practitioners interested in working in multilingual contexts.

17th February,  10am – 6pm
Booking details: https://mothertonguesfestival.com/programme-2024/go-beyond-language/

!!!! Pinocchio: Teachers’ Visual Art CPD at The Ark

The Ark

Date: 9th March 2024 

This visual art workshop for teachers is inspired by the timeless story of the wooden puppet Pinocchio celebrating the 140th anniversary of the first publication.

Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio is one of the world’s best-loved children’s books, translated into over 280 languages and dialects, and the subject of countless films and television series.

Although Pinocchio’s story has been adapted into many media the focus of The Ark’s visual art programme is on the illustrated book, from vintage copies to modern interpretations and by various artists and illustrators.

You will be introduced to and experiment with different illustrative styles and creative solutions including pop-up book-making, collage and block printing. The aim is to create your own version of the story and produce your own Pinocchio booklet.

Attending this CPD will support you if you wish to bring your class to a workshop as part of The Ark’s Pinocchio programme later in the year, but will also stand alone and provide you with lots of ideas you can use in your own classroom.

Suitable for all levels of experience including beginners.

To book a place on the workshop and learn more about The Ark’s upcoming visual art programme ‘The Adventures of Pinnochio’ please visit https://ark.ie/events/view/teachers-cpd-pinnochio

!!!! National Museum of Ireland: New School Programmes

National Museum of Ireland

Dates: various

The National Museum of Ireland is delighted to launch its latest programme of guided tours, workshops and resources for primary schools for the spring term. Available from January 2024, all activities are offered free of charge and encompass all four Museum sites in Dublin and Co. Mayo.

Each site focuses on a different part of the National Collections with a school programme to reflect the collection on display at each location offering a diverse range of activities to complement the primary curriculum.

Highlights from each location:

GUIDED TOUR: A Taste of the Past – The History of Food and Drink – Collins Barracks, Dublin 7 – 3rd-6th Class

This interactive tour will give students a flavour of the wealth of artifacts on display in the Museum. They show the continuity and change of food preparation over time.

GUIDED TOUR: The Vikings in Ireland – Kildare Street – 3rd-6th Class

The Vikings in Ireland guided tour explores the three main activities of the Vikings – raiding, trading and settling – using the Museum’s unique collection of artifacts.</p

WORKSHOP: Engineers Week: Make a Town – Turlough Park, Castlebar, Co. Mayo – 5th & 6th Class

In this virtual session construct buildings, make roads and paths, cut, colour and create each building and put them into your town layout! Participants may like to decorate with Matchbox cars or figurines and can work from their classroom to expand, make further buildings and perhaps even a whole city with Makermeet!

GUIDED TOUR: Get Stuffed! – Merrion Street, Dublin 2 –  Junior Infants-2nd Class

This session is new and specifically designed for junior primary audiences. Make some new friends as we visit the furry deer, feathery puffins, and scaly turtles on a guided tour led by a Museum Educator.

View the full schools programme for the National Museum of Ireland at:

!!!! Self-Determination: A Global Perspective exhibition and resources at IMMA


Date: until 21st April 2024

Self -Determination: A Global Perspective is a major new exhibition at IMMA for winter and spring 23/24. The exhibition offers the opportunity to look through the eyes of the artists, while they recall Ireland’s journey to independence after the formation of the Free State.

This is not just an Irish story. Other emerging states experienced similar dramatic changes following World War I: Poland, Finland, Ukraine, Estonia, Turkey and Egypt. The exhibition includes artists from these countries and presents artworks from the time of the foundation of this state alongside newly commissioned works by contemporary artists.

Self -Determination: A Global Perspective will be of value to second level students, especially those studying art, but will also be engaging for students studying history, literature, language, economics and politics.

Exhibition Resources

The Self-Determination exhibition provides resources for students and teachers to engage with. These include:

To receive the free Timeline and the Reader as a PDF contact mark.maguire@imma.ie

To access these resources and read more about the exhibition, please visit: https://imma.ie/whats-on/self-determination-a-global-perspective/ 

Self-determinaton: A Global Perspective runs until the 21st April 2024. Book tickets to a free guided tour on immatours.ticketsolve.com.

!!!! Opportunity for Artists: Emma O’Kane Award

Emma O’Kane Bursary

Deadline: 8 January 2024, 12noon

The Emma O’Kane Bursary is an award for independent artists who want to think beyond the boundaries of their art form and practice and to explore dance or a physical language in their work. It honours the exceptional ethos and artistic practice of artist Emma O’Kane who died in 2021.

The Emma O’Kane Bursary is open to artists working in any artform and at any stage in their career. Whatever your background, lived experience or artistic practice, if you have the curiosity to explore and integrate dance, movement or other forms of physical language in your work, the courage to push art form boundaries and to challenge norms and the ambition to be the best that you can be as an artist, we would love to hear from you. 

Over the course of the year, successful bursary recipients will receive a six-week residency at the Atrium at 42 Fairview Strand, Dublin along with a stipend for the duration of the residency and a research and materials budget. There will also be opportunities to avail of bespoke mentorships sessions and to attend professional morning dance classes.

To learn more about the opportunity and the application process, please visit: https://www.emmaokanebursary.ie/applynow.

The Emma O’Kane Bursary was created by Anu Productions, CoisCéim Dance Theatre, Crash Ensemble, Dublin Dance Festival, Fishamble: The New Play Company, Pavilion Theatre, Project Arts Centre The Ark, Dublin and a number of independent professionals. It was set up with a Collaborative Capacity Building Award from the The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon in 2021 and is funded entirely by donation.

!!!! Opportunity for Schools: On-site Tour of The Dead Zoo in Irish


National Museum of Ireland

Date: Thursday 16th November 2023
Times: 10am & 11.30am

National Museum of Ireland invite schools to join a highlights tour of the ground floor Irish Room to learn about the museum and its displays of animals and fossils. Includes a close up inspection of some of the educational handling collections in the Wonder Cabinet e.g. real and replica furs, fossils and skulls. Join this special tour in Irish for Science Week! Discover the unique stories behind a selection of 3,000 animals and fossils on display. Students will see up-close zoological and geological examples of the natural world that have been on display since we opened our doors over 166 years ago.

Includes curriculum linked themes such as biodiversity, ecology, endangerment and extinction.

On completion of this live session students should be able to:

On the tour learn about:

Level: 3rd Class – 6th Class
Duration: 45 mins
Capacity: One class per session

Before your visit

Prepare the class for the tour. Give pupils an idea of what to expect to see or have a discussion about the Museum in advance of the visit.

Why not take a 3D virtual tour of the NMI – Natural History in the classroom with your students

Places are limited. To enquire about booking a facilitated visit for your class please complete this enquiry form.

After your visit

After the session, Teachers will be sent via email a number of fun follow-up learning activities in Irish for pupils to explore in the classroom.

Please note: The teacher will remain with the class throughout the duration of the tour.

!!!! Teachers’s CPD: Úlla Buaille – New Songs for the Classroom in Irish at The Ark

The Ark

Date: Saturday 21 Oct at 10.30am – 12.30pm

In this CPD workshop for teachers, you will enjoy: Learning some of these new songs which are simple and fun to sing. It can be difficult to find songs in Irish in genres other than traditional; these songs are new and in a variety of music styles.

Join musician Ríona Sally Hartman in discovering music in the classroom anew in this morning CPD workshop for teachers presented through Irish and English. Ríona has created a new collection of original bilingual songs written specifically for use in primary school classrooms with accompanying class activities.

Exploring links to recordings and work-pages to accompany the songs that you can photocopy for use in the classroom. Trying out sample activities to cover all three areas of the music curriculum: listening and responding, performing and composing. Discovering songs for use outside music time, such an “attention grabber” in Irish (a very short call and response song to use when you want to get the class’s attention). Ríona will also bring some examples of other books and CDs that she finds useful in the classroom. There’ll be time to look at these and time for discussion and questions also.

Overall, this fun and inspiring workshop will build your confidence in both your Irish and your singing voice. It is suitable for all levels of experience and the resources shared will work for all primary classes.

Cost: €20 (€18 for ArkEd Members)

Book your ticket here: https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873639444


!!!! Opportunity for Creative Practitioners: Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (DLR)

Deadline for applications: 16th August 2023 at 12pm

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, in partnership with Blackrock Education Centre, is looking for four experienced artists/creative practitioners to work with children and teachers in the classroom setting. They are also seeking two emerging artists/creative practitioners to join the programme. Applications are open to practitioners who work in any art form.  The programme runs from October 2023 to May 2024.

The purpose of the programme is to partner a Creative Practitioner with a primary school class and teacher. They will explore creativity in the classroom together. A Creative Practitioner is a professional artist/facilitator with an art form background, for example; a dancer, a visual artist, a writer, or a musician.

  • The fees are €60 per hour for facilitation; with an additional €500 payment for research and €250 for blogging about the programme. Payments will also be available for coming to three scheduled meetings with all the artists and teachers during each project. Five meetings with the teacher outside of contact hours with the class will be paid for, if these are required (these can be phone meetings or in person).
  • The two emerging creative practitioners will be expected to work with a mentor who will support and assist their development. It is envisioned that this will be four sessions, two in the classroom and two outside.

 To apply please email your application to mdavey@dlrcoco.ie with the subject line dlr Primary Arts

For further details please visit:www.dlrcoco.ie/sites/default/files/2023-07/dlr%20Primary%20Arts%20Programme%202023%20to%202024_0.pdf


!!!! Teacher’s CPD: Dance in Primary Schools with Ballet Ireland

Ballet Ireland

Dates: 3rd – 7th July 2023

Ballet Ireland invite primary school teachers, educational professionals and artists to sign up for their CPD course: Ballet Ireland Teachers Week: Dance In Primary Schools.  The course is approved by the Department of Education with 3 EPV days entitlement.

It takes place at DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra, in association with the School of Arts Education and Movement, DCU, 3rd-7th July 2023. The course provides participants with a secure understanding of how to teach dance, using simple, clear methods, easy steps and straightforward dance vocabulary.

Teachers are introduced to the fundamental aspects of dance education, including:

The course presents an interdisciplinary approach to teaching dance, and explores the potential for integrated curricular learning. Each day comprises a gentle Pilates-based warm-up, demonstration/lecture workshops and timetabled periods of peer and self-assessment, discussion, and reflection.

The programme employs specialists in several complementary areas, providing workshops in dance, anatomy, music and mime. Participants are supported with comprehensive course notes and access to online video resources and dedicated musical content.

Optional follow up days are held during mid-term breaks in autumn and spring (at DanceHouse, Dublin) and ongoing support is available through closed social media groups.

The week will be led by Stephen Brennan, Education Officer at Ballet Ireland, supported by Hayley Cunningham, former Ballet Ireland dancer, Stott Pilates instructor, qualified ballet teacher and a member of the Ballet Ireland educational team.

Focused workshops will be led by Nolwenn Collett, composer and musician trained at the Paris Conservatoire, and specialist in dance accompaniment, and Deirdre McKenna, a Musculoskeletal & Dance Physiotherapist specialising in sports and dance training and injury prevention.

Cost of the course: €125

For more information and to register for the course please visit: https://www.balletireland.ie/join-in/teachers-week/

!!!! Part 3: Announcing the Arts in Education Portal Documentation Award Recipients

The Portal Team are delighted to announce we have been documenting a third project as part of the Portal Documentation Awards: ‘Up, Up, Up’. This award was originally made in 2020 for an early years project at the Central Remedial Clinic School, Clontarf. We are very excited to be working with each recipient in the coming months to document their projects. These projects will be showcased on the portal as the documentation progresses.

Project Title: Up, Up, Up

’Up, Up, Up’ is an immersive experience for early years children with a physical disability and complex needs and is supported by the Exploring & Thinking Award, an initiative of the four Local Dublin Authorities and the Arts Council of Ireland. The project aims to provide early years children living with limited mobility and additional needs the opportunity to grab, stretch and reach into the forbidden cookie jar! Reaching, moving, creating sounds, mischief making and making marks are the tools we shall use together as we explore the dexterity of the body and creative mind whilst expanding the child’s physical literacy. 

Every child has something to say and every child has their own way of saying it.  Communication is through movement, mark making, sound generation, verbalising and vocalisations, the children initiate and together we extend their curiosity.  They choose, in their own time, their learning.  We choose, as a team, to value their choice and bounce it back and forth with them.  Our interactions are careful and balanced. Our project needed to be multisensory, to appeal to all the needs of the children in the class. The project evolved because we wanted the children to be more actively involved in their learning.  We wanted time to allow for this concentrated involvement, building on their existing interests and giving them the freedom to just be.

Over several weeks artist Helen Barry and Early Years Educator Audrey Fagan along with the team at the CRCS will create a developmental interactive experience for these early years children to engage together with their friends. The floor will be the canvas, it is what will support us, to lie, sit, roll or push against. Each element will be designed to support and enable a more equal engagement.

Artist: Helen Barry
Helen Barry is a visual artist, inventor and classically trained dancer. She has over 35 years experience working creatively and playfully with the very young to the very old. This collaborative process is what drives her work, from the initial concept through to the design, making and sharing of the creative output with her co-creators and new audiences. Since 2010 Helen has specialised in co-creating with early years and children living with mild, moderate, profound and neurodiverse needs. The synergy created by using a cross-disciplinary approach provides a sensorium palette from which Helen draws from. Everything exists on the horizon; a perpetual visual and aural palatte of sensations, frequencies and movements through which we interpretate the world around us. Helen’s ambition is to design arts experiences that allow us to explore and discover our bodies’ receptors that will stimulate growth, wellbeing and an ability to focus and thrive. Helen has been awarded several bursaries and commissions for her work with early years children. The National Concert Hall continues to support her foray into music and sculpture.

A sample of Helen’s work ‘Sculptunes’ can be found here: https://vimeo.com/368841151/4f10695b16

Early Years Educator: Audrey Fagan
Audrey Fagan is a primary school teacher who has been working in special education for over 25 years. Audrey works in the Central Remedial Clinic School, Clontarf, a school for children with physical disabilities and additional complex needs. Fourteen years ago, Audrey moved into the Preschool of the CRC, delivering a two-year cycle of early education embracing the Aistear framework, and incorporating elements of the Froebel, Reggio Emilia and Te Wháriki approaches. A kaleidoscope curriculum is in place to respond to the diverse needs and interests of the children. Audrey believes in creating a learning environment that allows all the children to be involved and included – inquiring, discovering and experiencing holistically at their level of ability. Audrey completed a self-study action research M. Ed from Maynooth University in 2021 exploring a slow pedagogy in the preschool. As part of her role as Assistant Principal, she is currently responsible for the development of multisensory experiences and a wellbeing policy in the CRC School. Working in special education, Audrey has reached out and developed important collaborative relationships with therapists, parents and artists from many disciplines – music, art and drama to consolidate and inform her love of the arts and to bring this learning to the children in preschool.

!!!! Summer CPD for Teachers: A Visual Arts Approach in the Classroom with The Ark

The Ark

Date: 14th – 18th August 2023

Join artist Jole Bortoli at The Ark for this hugely popular hands-on, creative course focusing on a visual arts approach to exploring narrative, literacy & other subjects.

The aim of the course is to enable participants to start the new school year with an enhanced toolbox of skills and knowledge, in order to effectively deliver the visual arts curriculum in the classroom. Participants will be engaged ‘hands-on’ throughout this course so learning will be through doing. Working in teams and individually, you will cover a range of curriculum strands including drawing, painting, print, 3D construction, fabric, and fibre.

A strong emphasis will be on building skills and confidence. The group will also explore how visual art can be used to engage with aspects of the English, SPHE, History and Maths curriculum, as well as to promote visual literacy approaches. School self-evaluation exercises will be incorporated as an integral part of the course. Time will also be given for individual reflection and learning and group discussion.

This course will appeal to teachers of all levels of experience and will be facilitated by the visual arts and education specialist and founder of Art to Heart, Jole Bortoli. This is a continuing professional development opportunity not to be missed!


€100/€90 (For ArkEd Members)


Five day course – teachers must commit to all five days.

This is a five-day Department of Education EPV-approved summer course for teachers.

Suitable for all levels of experience.

Book your tickets here: https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows

!!!! The Ark Presents A Schools Visual Art Workshop: My Own Folktale

The Ark: A Cultural Centre for Children

Dates: June, various

Inspired by Cartoon Saloon’s award winning animated movies The Secret of Kells, Songs of the Sea and WolfWalkers, this visual arts workshop invites Primary school classes from 1st to 6th to delve into the rich world of Irish folk tales.

During the workshop, each child will start by creating the setting for a personal narrative by painting the backdrop for this story, as background artists do in animation studios. They will then design a character of their own invention – perhaps a creature or animal they’d love to shape-shift into, to be in their skin and take on their abilities?

In keeping with folklore traditions, children will explore the magical and mythical world of Irish stories and legends, their characters, environments and possible artefacts to see what connections can be made with real historical events.

To fuel the children’s imagination, your class will start the session by visiting Cartoon Saloon’s WolfWalkers exhibition in The Ark gallery. This exhibition contains concept art, beautiful framed artworks and panels that illustrate WolfWalkers’ production stages and teamwork.

Dates: Wed 7 – Fri 9th, Tue 13th – Fri 16th & Tue 20th – Fri 23rd June

Times: 10.15am & 12.15pm

Cost: Schools: €6.50 (€5 Early Bird*). Teachers go free.

Suitable For: 1st – 6th Classes

For more information on the workshop and to book visit: https://ark.ie/events/view/schools-my-own-folktale

!!!! The Ark is hosting CPD Courses for Teachers

The Ark

Dates: Saturday 13 May 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tickets: €20 (€18 for ArkEd Members)

In this CPD workshop for primary teachers, textile artist and educator Gabi McGrath will introduce participants to the art of felting and explore ways to bring their learning into their classroom.

A designer, craft teacher, maker and curator, Gabi will introduce her textile practice to participants and share a selection of projects that she has undertaken with schools.

You will then have the opportunity to experiment with fibres in this hands-on workshop, learning simple felting techniques and uncovering the expressive possibilities of the material. Through both 2D and 3D construction, you will explore shape, tone, texture and form.

Over the course of this two-hour workshop, Gabi will help you develop skills, techniques and processes that can be integrated into your lesson plans and adapted for students of all ages.

To Book https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873635778


!!!! Schools are invited to The Race – a new theatre show at The Ark

The Ark

Dates: Thursday 18th May and Friday 19th May

An exciting new dance piece for children aged 4+ inspired by Aesop’s Fables, presented by The Ark, Dublin Dance Festival and Arts & Disability Ireland.

From acclaimed international choreographer, Marc Brew, The Race entwines three of Aesop’s Fables to create a fun, interactive and colourful world of animals, puppets, theatre and movement.

Cheer with the cast of animals as the Tortoise and the Hare set off for the finish line, join the Grasshopper in gazing with fascination as the Ants collect food for the winter ahead, and root for the little Mouse as she faces down the mighty Lion! Watch as their journeys unfold through beautiful movement and dance, and share in the lessons they learn along the way.

The Race will make its World Premiere as part of Dublin Dance Festival 2023. Presented by a cast of disabled and non-disabled dance artists, all performances have been created to offer an inclusive audience experience. The show is relaxed in nature and welcomes children who are neurodiverse.

School Day Performances
Previews – Thursday 18th May, 10.15am & 12.15pm and Friday 19th May, 10.15am

Fri 19 May, 12.15pm

Schools’ Tickets: €6.50 (€5 Early Bird** if booked by 21 April). Teachers go free.

Book your tickets here: https://ark.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873634148

!!!! National Museum of Ireland: Schools Spring 2023 Programme

National Museum of Ireland (NMI)

The National Museum of Ireland (NMI) is inviting schools and teachers across Ireland to spring into culture and heritage with a new programme of tours, activities and resources for onsite and online engagement.

The museum has just launched a diverse range of events across four public sites in Dublin and Mayo. Activities include virtual tours, guided tours, self-guided visits, workshops, classroom resources, video resources, wordsearches, arts and crafts and more.

The curriculum-linked programme aims to spark curiosity, stimulate discussion and encourage cultural and heritage engagement through our national collections.

All schools visits are free but must be booked in advance as capacity is limited and varies from site to site.

Here are some of the highlights of the upcoming schedule.

Orienteering Workshop / Post Primary

Learn some basic map reading and navigation skills and complete an orienteering course around the grounds of the National Museum of Ireland – Country Life at Turlough Park in Co Mayo. Booking is required.

PRIMARY / Classroom activity: Ice Age Ireland – Cool Fossils

Use these curriculum-linked activity sheets and video resource to learn more about Ice Age Ireland. In this museum activity, find out about Ice Age Ireland, learn about fossils and the different kinds of animals that lived on your doorstep thousands of years ago.

For the full programme of activities go to https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/News/Schools-programme-2023


!!!! IMMA: Call for Transition Year Participants

IMMA : Irish Museum of Modern Art

In 2023, IMMA will present an exhibition spanning 20 years of Sarah Pierce’s practice, to the present. IMMA is seeking expressions of interest from Transition Year students to participate in a day-long project with the artist in April/May (date to be confirmed). Students will participate in the presentation of the artwork The Square. The Square uses Bertolt Brecht’s Lehrstück – or learning play – as a starting point for developing a new work with students. In this experimental “play without a script” the students are the authors, cast and audience. The performance takes place during the time of the exhibition in the gallery space, as the performers interact and migrate around and among the visitors. There are no characters, no plot or other narrative devices. This is a roaming set of memorised chants and gestures that speak quite abstractly to ideas of learning and gathering, and what it means to act, make and be together.

For more information please visit:


!!!! National Gallery of Ireland: Teacher Network Evening

National Gallery of Ireland

Thursday, 9 Feb 2023, 6pm

Find out more about the National Gallery’s Teachers & Schools programme and network with colleagues over a glass of wine.

Jennie Taylor, curator of the Zurich Young Portrait Prize, and artist Grainne Moloney Minehan will lead a tour of the exhibition and discussion on supporting students entering the prize.

Explore My Primary School is at the Museum, our special project with 4th class students from John Scottus National School, the latest school in residence.

This is a free event hover booking is advised: https://nationalgallery.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873631124

National Gallery of Ireland Teacher Network Facebook Group

This online group is an active place for collaboration, peer learning and idea exchange. Meet teachers from across Ireland and beyond, and help shape the National Gallery’s schools programme, connect here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NationalGalleryIRLTeacherNetwork/.

Schools Programme

The National Gallery offer onsite and online experiences for schools including guided tours and online sessions. Schools can also arrange to visit the Gallery as a self-guided group. Full details on their current programme can be viewed from the following link:



!!!! National Museum of Ireland: Schools Autumn/Winter 2022 Programme

National Museum of Ireland (NMI)

The National Museum of Ireland (NMI) is delighted to invite teachers and students across the country to reconnect with culture over the coming school term with an in-person visit to one of its sites.

The Museum has launched its autumn/winter 2022 programme of tours, events and activities, which educators can use to get up close to history, spark curiosity, encourage learning, and promote enjoyment of culture.

Much of the NMI’s school programme was offered virtually over the past two years due to pandemic restrictions. Many schools enjoyed engaging with the Museum online so there will also still be elements of the programme available to access directly from the classroom.

There are four public sites of the National Museum of Ireland now open to the public and available for school visits.

School visits are free but booking is essential for all school groups. Continue reading for some selected highlights from the programme:

Onsite guided tour: Recovered Voices: Stories and Experiences of the Irish at War: 1914-1915

This tour at the Museum of Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks is available at primary and post primary level, focuses on the people involved in World War One and how the war impacted their lives.

View more details here.

What’s the Sceál: Objects and Stories

A mix of traditional and contemporary stories linked to artefacts in the National Folklife Collection at the Museum of Country Life, Turlough Park with some of Ireland’s premier traditional storytellers, in collaboration with Poetry Ireland. Available online and onsite for primary and post-primary levels.

View more details here.

New Onsite Workshop: Go Extinct

Discover amazing extinct Irish animals in the Museum of Natural History, Kildare Street in this primary level workshop led by a Museum Educator.

View more details here.

Leaving Certificate Art Tours

An onsite tour at the Museum of Archaeology, Merrion Street specifically designed to cover key objects that appear on the History of Art Leaving Certificate specification and traces the development of art in Ireland from the Neolithic to the 12th century.

View more details here.

For full programme details go to www.museum.ie/en-ie/museums/archaeology/engage-and-learn

!!!! The Ark’s Autumn Schools Programme Announced

The Ark

Dates: See below

The Ark are delighted to announced their full Autumn programme for early years, schools and teachers, a jam packed programme including theatre, music shows, exhibitions and workshops. Below is a selection of some of the highlights taking place:

Museum of Languages Exhibition and Workshops

Exhibition Dates: 29 – 30 October, 1 November – Sun 6 November & 12 November
Workshop Dates: 8 & 9 November
Age Range: 4th to 6th Class

Discover the origins of languages and symbolism in this unique, interactive experience at The Ark, brought to you by Mother Tongues.

Seedlings Early Years Workshop: Incredible Ice

Dates: 4 & 10 December
Age Range: Early Years 2 – 4 years

Artist Jane Groves explores the textures of a frozen landscape through storytelling, creative play and imagination in this Early Years visual arts workshop.

FREE On Demand – Tracks in the Snow

Dates: 1 – 31 December
Age Range: All Classes

Discover the magic of winter in the much-loved winter music show, Tracks in the Snow by The Henry Girls. Schools can enjoy free access this Winter, the show links in with the Listening and Responding strand units of the Music curriculum. A free downloadable classroom pack is also available online at ark.ie/events/view/ondemand-tracks-in-the-snow-the-henry-girls-2

The full season can be viewed at ark.ie, booking is now open for all events via the simple schools booking form on each event page.

!!!! CPD For Teachers: IMMA’s Intertwined Workshop Series

Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)

Dates: 24 September, 1 October, 12 & 19 November 2022, 21 & 28 January 2023

Enjoy a Saturday morning on IMMA’s historic site, the Royal Hospital Kilmainham; experience exhibitions and creative processes in the museum studios.

The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) are delighted to welcome Primary School teachers to a new series of in-person CPD workshops exploring links to the visual art curriculum. Led by IMMA’s Assistant Curator, Mark Maguire and teacher, Eibhlin Campbell in this series of art workshops participants will explore links to the visual art curriculum, including “slow looking” practices in the galleries, displaying artwork (curation) and developing language talking about art.

Two practical workshops will be led by artists and educator Fiona Harrington in the IMMA studios in November, exploring fabric and fibre materials and processes. Fiona is interested in combining traditional processes with imagination and encouraging both children and adults to reconnect with creativity by exploring new materials, ideas, and techniques.

The purpose of these workshops is to restart in-person workshops in IMMA’s galleries and studios, emphasizing first-hand experience of artworks as well as studio-based, artist-led engagement with creative processes and art materials, and partnership  between teachers and artists.

Duration: One/two day(s) per month, September to January.
Dates: 24 September, 1 October, 12 and 19 November 2022, 21 and 28 January 2023
Times: 10:00am – 12:30pm
No. of participants: 15

This workshop series is Free but booking essential. For more information or to book, email mark.maguire@imma.ie

!!!! Summer CPD for Teachers: A Visual Arts Approach in the Classroom

The Ark
Dates: 15 – 19 August 

Join the team at The Ark, Dublin and artist Jole Bortoli for this hugely popular hands-on, creative course focusing on a visual arts approach to exploring narrative, literacy and other subjects.

This is a five-day Department of Education EPV-approved summer course for teachers. Suitable for all levels of experience.

The aim of the course is to enable participants to start the new school year with an enhanced toolbox of skills and knowledge, in order to effectively deliver the visual arts curriculum in the classroom. Participants will be engaged ‘hands-on’ throughout this course so learning will be through doing. Working in teams and individually, you will cover a range of curriculum strands including drawing, painting, print, 3D construction, fabric, and fibre.

A strong emphasis will be on building skills and confidence. The group will also explore how visual art can be used to engage with aspects of the English, SPHE, History and Maths curriculum, as well as to promote visual literacy approaches. School self-evaluation exercises will be incorporated as an integral part of the course. Time will also be given for individual reflection and learning and group discussion.

This course will appeal to teachers of all levels of experience and will be facilitated by the visual arts and education specialist and founder of Art to Heart, Jole Bortoli. This is a continuing professional development opportunity not to be missed!

Tickets: €100/€90 (For ArkEd Members)

Dates & Time: Five day course, 15-19 August at 10am-3pm (with breaks) each day

For further information and booking go to ark.ie/events/view/summer-cpd-for-teachers-a-visual-arts-approach-in-the-classroom


!!!! Summer CPD for Teachers: Creative Music & Drama in the Classroom with The Ark

The Ark
Dates: 4 – 8 July 2022

The Ark are excited to present this really popular engaging arts summer course focusing on the two curriculum areas of Drama and Music.

This is a five day Department of Education and Skills and EPV-approved summer course for teachers.

Working with two outstanding creative practitioners, you will enjoy a week of experiential learning and development. Your confidence and skills in both music and drama will increase through highly participative and inspiring course content.

Using themes drawn from SPHE, English and other subjects, participants will explore a variety of imaginative approaches to integrated curriculum delivery. Teachers of all levels of experience will be able to fully engage in this rich week of professional development.

Course content and highlights will include:

Cost  – €100/€90 (For ArkEd Members)

Dates & Times – Five day course, 4-8 June @ 10am – 3pm (with breaks) each day

For further information and bookings go to ark.ie/events/view/summer-cpd-for-teachers-creative-music-drama-in-the-classroom.

!!!! Join The Ark Team For Teacher’s Afternoon Tea

The Ark
Date: 4 May 2022

Calling all primary & preschool teachers! Join The Ark team for a cup of tea and learn more about their classroom resources and our Summer CPD courses.

The Ark are delighted to be able to welcome you back! This will be an informative and relaxed chat with like-minded teachers and the Ark team. There will be a short presentation by The Ark team highlighting the classroom packs and resources available which have been designed to complement the primary school curriculum. You will also get to hear about their exciting Teacher CPD Summer Courses on offer in-person at The Ark this year.

You’ll have plenty of time to chat and catch up with colleagues and The Ark team.

This event is free to attend but we do ask that you register your attendance.

For further information and to register go to ark.ie/events/view/teachers-afternoon-tea

!!!! Bloom Bloom! Interactive Early Years Dance Workshop

The Ark
Date: 14 May 2022

Celebrate the beauty of Spring through this interactive dance workshop with The Ark’s John Coolahan Early Years Artist in Residence Monica Muñoz.
Meet Blossom, she is delighted that finally spring has arrived. Join her in a sensory movement adventure around a spring day: Hopping, skipping around flowers, leaping and jumping over rivers, meeting caterpillars and butterflies and touching the most perfect sky!

This delightful interactive dance workshop invites little ones and their grown-ups to enjoy imagining and moving together. So if you’re a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunty, godparent or carer, come along with a 2 to 4 year old and join in the fun.

Reminder: Please wear comfortable clothes

Date: 14 May 2022

For further information and to book go to ark.ie/events/view/bloom-bloom-interactive-early-years-dance-workshop

!!!! Workshop for Professionals with Dance Artist Takeshi Matsumoto

The Ark & Dublin Dance Festival
Date: 24 May

Explore how to use your creativity and inspire young audiences with dance artist Takeshi Matsumoto. The Ark and Dublin Dance Festival present a dance workshop for professionals interested in working with young audiences.

Join Takeshi Matsumoto for a workshop exploring a multi-disciplinary practice in working with and making performances for children and young audiences.

Combining contemporary dance, somatics, meditation and dance movement therapy practice, participants are invited to reconnect with their own senses, creativity and playfulness through dancing, drawing, reflecting and sharing.

This workshop is suitable for professional dancers and dance students interested in creating work for young audiences.

This event is free but ticketed. Please register to attend via ark.ie/events/view/workshop-for-professionals-with-dance-artist-takeshi-matsumoto

Dates & Times
3.30pm-5pm, 24 May

For further information and booking go to ark.ie/events/view/workshop-for-professionals-with-dance-artist-takeshi-matsumoto


!!!! Programming and Coordination of Children’s Art in Libraries: Creative Hubs

Dublin City Council
Deadline: 12pm, 29 March 2022

Dublin City Council wishes to invite submissions by e-tender from highly motivated and suitably qualified individuals/organisations for the programming and coordination of Children’s Art in Libraries: Creative Hubs.

The Creative Hubs initiative is delivered in partnership by Dublin City Arts Office and Dublin City Libraries. Creative Hubs sustain high quality arts experiences for children, schools and families to access in their Library and locality, through the development of enhanced educational, community and cultural partnership. In recent years, they have prioritised more engaged developmental programming in response to local need and this has led to the establishment of three Creative Hubs in Coolock, Cabra and Ballyfermot libraries.

In 2022/3 programme will be delivered live in the three libraries and their grounds and may also be delivered online or by agreement in other local locations (schools or community buildings). Commissioning processes already agreed for Autumn/Winter 2022 include a visual arts exhibition for Ballyfermot library curated by and in partnership with RHA Gallery, a dance commission with Visual Carlow/GBS Theatre and a theatre commission with The Ark.

The successful tenderer will be responsible for the development and delivery of a high quality multi-disciplinary arts programme for children in identified city libraries and localities supported by the associated development of educational, community and cultural partnerships. The tender is for a one year contract with a potential to extend up to a further 12 months. The value of the one year contract will fall within the range of €38,000 – €45,000 including expenses and excluding VAT.

Deadline: 12pm, 29 March 2022

For full details and to apply see www.etenders.gov.ie Service ID/RFT: 208073. This opportunity is open to organisations or individuals.

!!!! Teachers’ CPD: Explore, Make & Respond with The Ark

The Ark
Date: 12 March 2022

The Ark are delighted to announce this CPD workshop for teachers, were you will learn a range of easy, accessible skills which delve into the world of fabrics, textiles and the ways in which you can bring your learning into your classroom.

During this workshop, experienced arts educator and artist Carrie Lynam will discuss the building blocks needed for the delivery of the Fabric & Fibre and Construction strands of the visual arts curriculum. This workshop focuses on understanding the materials and tools needed for success and learning techniques that transfer to a busy classroom.

Often within the hustle and bustle of the classroom, the design process and preparation can become overlooked and focus can often lie on the finished products. This workshop will allow you to take the time to rediscover the importance of design research, experimentation and the creative process.

Attendees will explore the design process, discussing research, gathering stimuli, ideas for open ended experimentation with materials and the planning stages of creating an artwork. In this hands-on workshop participants will create their own unique samples to support in-classroom delivery.

Date & Time

Saturday 12 March at 10:30am to 12:30pm


€15 (*€13.50 for ArkEd Members)

For further information and to book go to ark.ie/events/view/teachers-cpd-explore-make-respond

!!!! National Print Museum Mini Printer and Storytelling Workshop

National Print Museum

The National Print Museum offer a fun and interactive Mini Printer and Storytelling Workshop for pre-school/early Montessori groups. These workshops are most suitable for children aged from 3 – 5 years old.

The workshop takes place in the Museum’s Education Area, which is prepared for the children before their arrival. Children first join a storyteller who, using props and involving the children throughout, will read a fun and engaging story from the Museum’s Junior Library. The aim is that all stories are linked in some way to printing, books, museums or libraries.

Once the storytelling session is complete, children will don a mini apron and using crayons and ink stampers decorate their very own printer’s hat. Children are free to move around the Education Area to choose the items with which to decorate their hat. Once complete children become qualified mini printers!

How to book

The workshop is 45 minutes in duration and can accommodate up to 24 children. There must be a minimum of 10 children in the group and the National Print Museum require at least 1 adult per 4 children visiting. The cost per child is €2.00 and all leaders/ teachers go free. To make a booking for a pre-school visit please see www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/education/schools/preschool/ or contact the Education Officer education@nationalprintmuseum.ie.

!!!! Opp: Visual Arts Exhibition for Children, Schools and Families at Ballyfermot Library Creative Hub

Dublin City Council & RHA Gallery
Deadline: 12pm, 28 January 2022

Dublin City Council, in collaboration with and curated by RHA Gallery, invites submissions for its 3rd Visual Arts Exhibition Commission to be created for children, schools and families, which will be located in an exhibition room in Ballyfermot Library for 8-12 weeks in the Autumn of 2022. Dublin City Creative Hubs initiative, in collaboration with RHA, seeks to commission an engaging Visual Arts Exhibition for children that will stimulate both their curiosity and imagination and meets the following:

1. Provide children (both within and outside of school contexts) with a quality experience of Visual Arts.
2. Take cognisance of the library setting and the location of Ballyfermot.
3. Be appropriately cognisant of the needs, interests, real or imaginative lives of the target age group attending the Visual Arts Exhibition. (The age group identified can be jointly agreed between the Arts Office and the commission recipient(s) but must be under 12 years of age.
4. Be innovative in its approach and utilise the resources of its surroundings to deliver a quality artistic experience to its audience.
5. As part of the award, the successful candidate(s) will be expected to contribute to and help inform an engaging exhibition education and learning programme.

The Visual Art Exhibition Commission Award of €8500 is for research and delivery of commissioned works for exhibition. Technical support for installation will be provided by the RHA Gallery. A separate budget will be allocated for the associated education and learning programme that will take place with Primary School Children and family audiences across the 8 week term of the exhibition. This may involve additional artists as facilitators.

Deadline: 12pm, 28 January 2022

For more information, see mailchi.mp/dublincity/creative-hubs-1375478

!!!! Early Years Workshop at The Ark: Little Bird & Shadowlands

The Ark
Dates: 10.15am & 11.45am, 7 & 14 December 2021

The Ark invites you to two Early Years workshops this December.

Little Bird
10.15am & 11.45am, 7 December
In this workshop you’ll hear the tale of a hungry little Robin who needs your help. Learn how to make a special bird feeder for Robin and his friends to hang in your garden or window box. Further details and booking information here

10.15am & 11.45am, 14 December 2021
Join artist Jane Groves and play in the light and the dark and all the shadows in between. Learn how to make a lantern to light your way. Create bright shiny stars to join our lonely star, and make the night sky dazzle and twinkle all night. Further details and booking information here.

Tickets cost €11.50/€9.50 per child with 20% off for members. These workshops are suitable for 2 – 4 year olds.

For more information, please visit www.theark.ie. 

!!!! National Gallery of Ireland Online CPD for Teachers: Portraiture

National Gallery of Ireland
Date: 4pm, 2 February 2022

National Gallery of Ireland are delighted to announced their new online CPD workshop for teachers. Join Jennie Taylor, curator of the Zurich Young Portrait Prize, and Catherine O’Donnell, Education Officer, for a practical workshop, equipping you with tools and ideas for including portraiture in the classroom. The session will support teachers using their schools resource What is a Portrait?, and will include peer learning via group work to enable you to develop cross-curricular creative strategies.

Please note that this is an online CPD workshop via Zoom.

Date: 4pm, 2 February 2022

For more information see https://www.nationalgallery.ie/whats-on/online-cpd-teachers-portraiture


!!!! Early Years Workshop at The Ark – Fallen Forest

The Ark
Date: 10.15am & 11.45am, 30 November 2021 

The Ark invites you to their early years workshop ‘Fallen Forest’ with artist Jane Groves. In the Fallen Forest all the trees have lost their leaves and the branches are bare. But nature is only sleeping: little seeds and big roots are buried deep down within the earth, resting through the cold winter so they’re ready to emerge in spring. Come explore the Fallen Forest with your grown up, discover all the colours and patterns of the forest. Make marks and curious designs with the fallen leaves, create your own squiggly roots and come dig for hidden seed treasure!

Artist Jane Groves loves to connect people, places, and landscapes and specialises in working with young people, inspired by her own observations of nature and informed in part by many children’s lack of interaction with and vocabulary about the natural world.

Tickets cost €11.50/€9.50 per child with 20% off for members. This workshop is suitable for 2 – 4 year olds.

Date: 10.15am & 11.45am, 30 November 2021 

For more information, please visit ark.ie/events/view/early-years-workshop-fallen-forest


!!!! Irish Architecture Foundation: Open House Junior

Irish Architecture Foundation
Dates: 15 – 17 October 2021

Open House Dublin returns from 15-17 October with an exciting mix of over 100 FREE events happening across the city and online! This year the IAF are delighted to bring Open House back on-site, with limited building tours making a triumphant comeback! See the city from a new perspective with Open House outdoor tours by boat, bus or bike! The digital programme allows fans of Open House to bring their festival home, with films, virtual tours, live streamed events, the Open House Journal and Open House Junior events all available to enjoy from the comfort of home.

The Open House Junior programme includes workshops and activities both in person and online for junior enthusiasts. Highlights include:

For more detail and bookings go to openhousedublin.com/whats-on/strands/open-house-junior/



!!!! Opportunity for Schools: Your Gallery at School with the National Gallery of Ireland

The National Gallery of Ireland
Deadline: 5pm, 17 Sept 2021

National Gallery of Ireland is thrilled to announce Your Gallery at School, along with the return of lots of new programmes, resources and opportunities, including the return of onsite school visits, digital sessions and teacher CPD. They are inviting post-primary schools to apply to participate in Your Gallery at School, a new holistic outreach programme that brings the Gallery directly to schools. This project builds on the success of the Gallery’s established schools programme and develops new content and partnerships outside of the Gallery walls.

Your Gallery at School aims to break down the barriers that prevent engagement with the arts through holistic programming that ensures children transition to adulthood equipped with the life-changing benefits of art. It also aims to build in students a sense of ownership of the Gallery, giving they a positive place to turn to in adulthood. Engagement occurs in three key strands: learning through and about art, wellbeing, and creative careers.

How to apply
Download and complete the short application form and email it to tours@ngi.ie. Please note that only schools who have not visited the National Gallery of Ireland in the past three years are eligible to apply. They will let you know if your application has been successful by Monday 4 October.

Deadline: 5pm, 17 Sept 2021

For more information or to apply, see www.nationalgallery.ie/explore-and-learn/schools/your-gallery-school

For more information on their onsite and digital school visits, see www.nationalgallery.ie/explore-and-learn/schools/schools-programme-autumn-2021

!!!! The Ark & Dublin Theatre Festival Present ‘What Did I Miss?’

The Ark and Dublin Theatre Festival
Dates: 1 – 10 October, 2021

The Ark and Dublin Theatre Festival present a new show by The Ark Artist-in-Residence, Shaun Dunne. This children’s theatre piece offers a window into one child’s experience of the first lockdown of 2020.

Kyla is throwing a party on her street. Not just any party. It’s a graduation ceremony. It’ll be mad to see the kids from her old class again after so long. Summer 2020 was literally endless.

Now that they’re all in first year, Kyla wants to get the old gang back together. She’s made caps, she has gowns, and she’s even prepared a speech. But there’s one visitor she’s not expecting…

As Kyla attempts to mark an important milestone in her young life, can she and her mother learn to understand each other and bridge the divide left by lockdown?

Informed by collaborative work with The Ark Children’s Council and featuring choreography by the multi-award winning Junk Ensemble, What Did I Miss? is a story of both childhood and parenthood, about growing up, no matter what age you are.

For ages 10+

Dates: 1 & 2 October, 7pm; 3 & 10 October, 2pm & 4pm; 8 & 9 October, 7pm
Tickets: €7.50–€10

To book a ticket for this children’s theatre show, see dublintheatrefestival.ie/programme/event/what-did-i-miss-2

!!!! Dublin Fringe Festival: Theatre Events For Children & Young People

Dublin Fringe Festival
11-26 September

The Dublin Fringe Festival takes place this September with live events in venues across Dublin and online nationwide. Their programme features an outdoor visual art in Dublin 8 and secret locations city-wide, as well as live open-air performances at Dublin Castle and Grand Canal Dock. They will be hosting music and comedy gigs back in beloved venues. Whilst bringing cutting edge interdisciplinary performances to stages in The Abbey Theatre, Project Arts Centre, Smock Alley, Chapel Royal and Draíocht Blanchardstown – as well as events online.

Some of the highlights for children and young people include:

Dublin 8, Yer Lookin’ Great
11-26 September

Emmalene Blake is an internationally recognised street artist based in Dublin. This September, she will create a new mural on Swift’s Alley, inspired by the ideas of children from that neighbourhood. Cities change and grow to suit the people who live in them. The artist asked children from local schools to tell her what makes Dublin 8 great. Children also shared the positive changes in the area that have made life better for them and their friends.

For more information, see www.fringefest.com/festival/whats-on/dublin-8-yer-lookin-great

The Veiled Ones
Dates: 7pm on 10, 11, 12 & 13 Sept; 4pm on 10 & 13 Sept; 12 noon on 11 & 12 Sept
Tickets: €12/€8

Junk Ensemble present a dance theatre production for young audiences. This show explores witches, transformations and the powerful relationship between a grandparent and grandchild. The audience are invited on an intriguing journey through intricately designed rooms with a cast of internationally acclaimed dancers, young performers and live musicians.

To book, see www.fringefest.com/festival/whats-on/the-veiled-ones


!!!! Children’s Summer Programme: ‘Inside Out’ with Dublin City Arts Office & Libraries

Dublin City Council Arts Service
Throughout summer 2021

Over seven weeks of Summer, Dublin City Arts Office and Libraries are delighted to present Inside Out – a feast of free online and outdoor workshops and performances for children and families. Events are free but booking is required through Eventbrite.

Summer Programme includes:

Underwater Moves: Early Years Dance workshops with Monica Munoz
Dates: 27th July, 28th July or 29th July, 10.15 – 10.45 or 11.45 – 12.15

The Storybook Treasure Trail: Performance based, interactive, outdoor family friendly adventure with the Gaiety School of Acting
Dates: 24th July, 7th August, 14th August, 11-11.45am, 12.45-1.30pm or 2.30-3.15pm

CuriousB: A pop-up festival site that you and your family will dream up, design and play in with ReCreate.
Dates: 4th August, 11th August, 10.15 – 11.00 & 12:00 – 12: 45

Throughout summer 2021

For the full line-up of workshops and performances, see here: Inside_Out_Arts_and_Libraries_Summer_2021.pdf

Events are free but booking is required. Capacity is limited to ensure that this is a good experience for children. To book workshops, see here: www.dublincity.ie/events.

!!!! Centre for Continuing Education in Art & Design at NCAD: Summer School

Centre for Continuing Education
Dates: 19 July – 9 August

The Centre for Continuing Education at NCAD offers a range of short summer courses in art and design for adults and school leavers (16+) who want to explore their creative potential, learn new skills, or develop an on-going practice.

Summer courses are at different levels; there are introductory courses suitable for beginners, or for those considering returning to or progressing within higher education. If you want to learn something new you can choose beginners courses, and if you have established an arts practice and want to continue to expand and explore your options you can choose advanced courses.

Portfolio preparation courses are suitable for students considering applying to third level undergraduate art and design courses and wish to complete a portfolio in preparation.

Where students are interested in applying to the accredited part-time autumn options or want to progress within art and design they can consider taking one or more summer workshops as a way of developing skills and knowledge in a subject area.

Places on summer short courses are allocated on a first come first served basis. If a course is over-subscribed it is possible to join a wait list for cancellations.

Dates: 19 July – 9 August

For more information, see https://www.ncad.ie/continuing-education/cead-apply/summer-course-descriptions/

!!!! I-Stem Project Teacher Resource – The Gaiety School of Acting

The Gaiety School of Acting

Despite the fact that scientific developments permeate and enrich the lives of young people on a daily, or even hourly basis, studies across Europe are identifying pockets of this demographic that are struggling to relate to and engage with the science curriculum in the classroom. According to Science Foundation Ireland’s 2015 Science Barometer report, young women from less affluent backgrounds are less inclined to identify with science education at second level. This has a direct impact on the number of students from this demographic advancing to third level and ultimately working within the field.

Drilling down further into the statistics, researchers have found that young women from a cultural minority background or who identify as LGBTQIAP+ are even less likely to develop a positive scientific identity, meaning a far reduced number of people from these societal groups tend to aspire to careers in science.

With the aim to address these gaps in science engagement, The Gaiety School of Acting has teamed up with partners from Ireland, Finland, Poland and Holland to investigate ways in which performance, and specifically comedy improvisation, can be utilised by science educators to impact on their students in a new and dynamic way. The three year I-Stem  project, supported by the Erasmus Plus fund, began on September 1st 2020.

In its first publication ‘Creative Methods in Science Teaching – Ways Forward!’ an e-book resource for teachers, STEM subjects are related to arts. Use of arts in education tell us something about society: our educational systems and its angles of entry are creating the scientists of tomorrow. The combination of arts and science gives us a better starting point to develop our full potential which is needed when creating something new.

The publication has a preface video from Dr. Niamh Shaw, to view go to istem-project.eu/e-book/

This publication presents research and best practices of using arts as a means of improving pedagogy and classroom practice in STEM education. In these pages “STEAM” represents STEM plus the arts–humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design and new media. It draws on theoretical understandings of arts in STEM disciplines to illustrate how researchers and practitioners are using creative initiatives to promote inclusive teaching approaches.

The e-book is aimed at post-primary school teachers who are currently using arts within their teaching practice or have an interest in doing so in the future. Examples of STEAM teaching in Poland, the Netherlands, Ireland and Finland are given. It is not intended to provide a fully comprehensive exploration of all aspects of arts in STEM disciplines. The I-Stem Project acknowledges the necessary limitations of this resource, but trusts that it will serve its purpose of guiding you through the main relevant concepts, and that it will give you insights and inspiration for your teaching.

To download the resource go to istem-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/I-STEM_e-book.pdf

!!!! Call to Artists & Art Organisations: Children’s Art in Libraries Creative Hubs Programme

Dublin City Council
Deadline: 14 May 2021

Dublin City Council is pleased to invite outline proposals from artists and arts organisations, working across all artistic disciplines, to be part of our Children’s Art in Libraries Creative Hubs Programme July 2021 – April 2022.

Creative Hubs are an initiative of Dublin City Arts Office and Libraries, that sustain high quality arts experiences for children, schools and families to access in their Library and locality, through partnership and engagement.

In co-creating this programme, in each of our three Creative Hubs Libraries – Coolock, Cabra and Ballyfermot – artists create new opportunities for children to engage with the arts through:

Apply online through Submittable, available here: dublincityartsoffice.submittable.com/

For more information go to:

!!!! Opportunity: Creative Hub Project Coordinator at The Ark

The Ark
Deadline: 5pm May 4th, 2021

The Ark is now seeking expressions of interest in the provision of Creative Hub project coordination services on a freelance contract basis to coordinate the delivery of their new strand of programming as part of the DCC Children’s Art in Libraries Creative Hubs. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who demonstrates an affinity for the values of The Ark, a talent for delivering multi-disciplinary arts programmes for children, and an ability to connect and collaborate with multiple partners to deliver both artistic and locally relevant aims.

This opportunity provides the right individual the chance to work with The Ark to deliver an exciting new programme for children in a community context working with key partners within the cultural sector for children in Dublin.

Deadline: 5pm May 4th, 2021

For more information, see ark.ie/about/work-at-the-ark/current-opportunities?fbclid=IwAR3GGiP1otV53-C7WoSR0J5wcawsO9BSlN1Io_K5T4rgWPdDGoYTjG8UgU8

!!!! For Schools: Art @ Home Activity Pack for Primary Schools

Pallas Projects

Pallas Projects have produced an online resource ‘Art @ Home’ for teachers and primary school students.

This year to coincide with Pallas Projects Online Periodical Review X Exhibition, they have teamed up with artist and education curator Liliane Puthod to create an activity pack for students to do at home or in school. Each of the four activities are relevant to all ages, and relate to a work in their online exhibition.

Pallas Projects/Studios is a not-for-profit artist-run organisation dedicated to the facilitation of artistic production and discourse, via the provision of affordable artists studios in Dublin’s city centre, and curated exhibitions. Pallas Projects is dedicated to the making and showing of visual art to our peers as well as a wide and diverse audience: via exhibitions, talks and tours.

For more information and to download the activity resource, see here: pallasprojects.org/news/art-home-activity-pack-pallas-projects-resources-for-schools

!!!! Opportunity: The Practice of Looking, Visual Thinking Strategies Course

The LAB Gallery, Dublin City Arts Office
Dates: Wednesdays 4-6pm, 3, 10, 24 March & 14, 21, 28 April

The Practice of Looking is a six-week, online course to learn about Visual Thinking Strategies and its use in Dublin, and to practice its facilitation. It was born out of the growing interest in the adoption of Visual Thinking Strategies at the LAB Gallery and in the partnerships and networks that have evolved around it. The LAB Gallery, Dublin City Arts Office, The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) and VTS Neighbourhood Schools are partnering to host an online course that offers the opportunity to learn from trained VTS coaches in the existing network. The course will have a strong focus on facilitation practice and reflection. You will receive a certificate of attendance after completion of the course.

Please note that to participate to the course, you need to:

For more information and to register, please see here: http://www.dublincityartsoffice.ie/the-lab/vts-projects/the-practice-of-looking



!!!! Opportunity: Teachers’ CPD: Creativity in the Online Classroom Made Easy

The Ark
Date: 25 February 2021

The Ark invites you to ‘Creativity in the Online Classroom Made Easy’ CPD workshop for teachers, where you will learn a range of easy, accessible skills to help you bring creativity into your online teaching. Find out how easy it can be to breathe imagination into an online class, inspiring both your students and yourself. The ideas shared will be useful for both teaching online and when you are back in the classroom.

Perhaps you are overwhelmed with the technical aspects of moving your teaching online, or feeling frustrated with the limitations and struggling to make your online lessons creative and engaging. Or perhaps you are simply looking for some fresh inspiration for ideas that can work well in the online space. Join the Ark for this morning of inspiration and art-making to help you address these challenges, led by artist Duffy Mooney-Sheppard who has been leading online classes for children for the past year.

During this session you will gain valuable time to explore various tools available on Zoom to develop, hone and gain confidence in digital art lessons. Ideas shared will be adaptable and transferrable to other online platforms you may be using also. The possibilities in virtual learning spaces are wide and we are all learning! We will ask questions, share challenges, try things out and build our knowledge as a group.

This is a free CPD event for teachers, but advance booking is essential. For more details please go to: https://ark.ie/events/view/cpd-creativity-online-classroom

!!!! Job Opportunity: IFI Education Officer

Irish Film Institute

Deadline: 5pm, 12th October

The Irish Film Institute wishes to appoint two Education Officers to contribute to and develop its education programme both onsite and online.

Key Responsibilities for the roles include:

Download the full job description here – ifi.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Job-Description-Education-Officer.pdf 

Applicants should forward a cover letter and CV by email to Alicia McGivern, IFI Head of Education, at amcgivern@irishfilm.ie, or by post to Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Dublin 2.

Closing date for applications is 17.00 on Monday, October 12th.

!!!! Students are invited to the Careers in Screen Day 2020

Irish Film Institute

Date: 4 March 2020

The Irish Film Institute (IFI) and the Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival, in association with Screen Skills Ireland, will once again offer an inspiring and innovative day of events for young people interested in finding out more about working in the film and tv industries.

This event, aimed at Senior Cycle second-level students aged 15 to 18, is an opportunity for students to hear from a whole variety of film industry practitioners, to learn about their work, how they got there and what advice they might give to young people starting out. Whether it’s the craft side of the industry, working in front of the camera or behind, as well as other areas such as production or casting, there will be something for every interest.

A number of third-level institutions will also be on hand to offer guidance on the day.

Last year’s guests included director Lenny Abrahamson, producer Ed Guiney, costume designer Consolata Boyle and DOP Cathal Watters.

Booking essential. See www.ifi.ie/schools


!!!! ‘Asking For It’

Tell us the story of your project – What was the impetus? What was it about? Who was involved? How did you begin?

In February 2018 Landmark Productions and Everyman Theatre Cork approached us to ask what ancillary activities would we be organizing around the production of ‘Asking For It’ they were planning to stage in June and which would subsequently transfer to the Abbey in November.

We all saw the necessity to involve young people in the story and so aside from the Abbey’s usual provision of post-show talks and podcasts we decided to take the work into schools as directly as possible. We planned a structure of pre and post show workshops to support any school who was going to see the play. We also committed to the creation of a teachers study pack which could appeal to many levels of ability.

After speaking about schools visits to Louise O’Neill, the author of the novel on which the play was based, it became clear that we needed specific training in dealing with this project. Louise’s disturbing experience had been that in nearly every school she had visited herself at least one young woman had disclosed she had experienced sexual assault.

On 24th July we hosted a workshop by Tender UK a theatre company that specializes in exploring issues of abuse with post primary students. On their advice we changed the original plan of having a sole female facilitator to having workshops run by both a male and female so they could model healthy gender relationships. That’s when I stopped just managing the project and stepped in as co-facilitator.

Based on her previous work with the Abbey we contacted actor and facilitator Aoibheann McCaul and she and I planned the post-show workshop together. Aoibheann also attended a training session at the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.

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