Opportunity for Schools: The Safer Internet Day Awards Art Competition
Image Credit : Web Wise
Webwise / PDST Technology in Education
Deadline: Friday, 21st April
The Safer Internet Day Awards are back and this year a special new category has been added for budding creatives.
NEW: Art Competition with special guest judge; Irish artist – Maser. Be in with a chance to have your work exhibited in a gallery! Simply design a poster under the Safer Internet Day theme Respect and Empathy Online.
- Entries will be judged by International Irish Artist Maser.
- Open to Primary and Post-Primary Schools.
- Closing date March 31st.
Categories for Primary:
1st and 2nd Class | 3rd and 4th Class | 5th and 6th Class
Categories for Post-Primary:
1st and 2nd Year | Transition Year | 5th and 6th Year
How to submit your entry:
Post your entry to: Webwise / PDST Technology in Education, Innovation House DCU Alpha, Old Finglas Rd, Dublin 11, D11 KXN4
Include the following information: Name, school, teacher’s contact details, category you are entering, and a brief description of the poster.
For full details on the competition see https://www.webwise.ie/saferinternetday/competition/art-competition/