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Ceardlanna Comhairliúcháin do Scoileanna le VISUAL Cheatharlach: An Corona
Fáiltíonn VISUAL Cheatharlach roimh scoláirí bunscoile, iar-bhunscoile agus mic léinn ollscoile chuig sraith de cheardlanna treoraithe trína ndánlann.
Fighting Words: Call Out for Student Submissions
Fighting Words invite submissions from post-primary students for its annual Fighting Words supplement in The Irish Times.
Turais Scoile Dánlainne ar Líne ag baint úsáid as Straitéis Amharcsmaointeoireachta ag Ionad Ealaíon Solstice
Cuireann Ionad Ealaíon Solstice fáilte roimh scoileanna trí cinn dá saothair ealaíne sa taispeántas ‘Surveyor’ a fhiosrú ó chompord an tseomra ranga.
Poetry Ireland Writers in Schools Scheme: School Applications Open
Poetry Ireland are inviting applications from primary and post-primary schools for their Writers in Schools scheme this Autumn 2021.
Imeachtaí Tairsí
Lá Náisiúnta Thairseach na nEalaíon san Oideachas 2021 – Comhdháil fhíorúil nach bhfuil a mhacasamhail ann
Is comhdháil fhíorúil é an 6ú Lá Náisiúnta bliantúil Thairseach na nEalaíon san Oideachas 2021 a bheidh ar bun ón 15-21 Samhain. Ag Comhdháil Fhíorúil Thairseach na nEalaíon san Oideachas, fáilteofar roimh na céadta gairmí ó gach réimse d’earnáil na n-ealaíon, an oideachais, na n-ealaíon san oideachas agus ón earnáil chruthaitheach, a fhreastalóidh ar imeachtaí éagsúla ar líne chun roinnt, foghlaim, labhairt, líonrú, inspioráid a fháil agus an cleachtas is fearr sa réimse a fhiosrú.
Cork International Film Festival 2021 School’s Programme
Cork International Film Festival presents 5 films for Leaving Cert students of French, German and Spanish.
The Wintry Life of Plants & Animals – Teacher’s CPD at The Ark
Using The Ark’s Winter Light exhibition as inspiration, artist Liselott Olofsson will lead the group on an exploration of the season of winter through the use of visual arts. This is an event aimed at primary school teachers or other educators at the primary level.
Early Years Workshop at The Ark – Fallen Forest
The Ark invites you to their early years workshop 'Fallen Forest' for 2 - 4 year olds with artist Jane Groves. Come explore the Fallen Forest with your grown up, discover all the colours and patterns of the forest. Make marks and curious designs with the fallen leaves, create your own squiggly roots and come dig for hidden seed treasure!
Blag 1 - an Dr Francesca La Morgia, Bunaitheoir agus Stiúrthóir Mother Tongues
Foghlaimímid sa chéad bhlag sa tsraith nua leis an Dr Francesca La Morgia, conas a spreagann taithí a leanaí ar scoil an smaoineamh do Mother Tongues agus é mar aidhm aici tacú le tuismitheoirí agus múinteoirí an leas is fearr a bhaint as éagsúlacht teanga agus chultúrtha atá i saol leanaí cheana féin.
Job Opportunity: Music Generation Development Officer (Kilkenny)
The KCETB invite applications for the role of Music Generation Development Officer in Kilkenny. Deadline: 8 November 2021.
Schools are invited to Branar Téatar do Pháistí How to Catch a Star
Branar are delighted to present a new film version of their acclaimed production of How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers.
Opportunity: The Three Muses Education Programme Art In Eduction Practitioners Call Out
The Three Muses Joint Education Programme is looking for suitably qualified individuals or teams to design, trial and evaluate teaching resources for the Clay Through the Ages digital teachers pack which they will also deliver.