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What does Arts in Education practice look like? Read about the processes and partnerships behind current projects happening around Ireland.

A Sensory Experience of Place

Tell us the story of your project – What was it about? Who was involved? How did you begin?

Leanne Kyle, Teacher

We were working with Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership on a project called Virtually There. In this project the artist doesn’t actually come into the classroom. We correspond mostly via the interactive whiteboard. I was ICT coordinator and this project really appealed to me. It was different and offered  a new experience for me and the children.

Initially the artist (Lisa) came to meet us at the school. It was great day because we were able to chat and have a planning session. We went on a walk around the school. We decided to use nature and the actual school environment as a beginning point. I wanted to use the school garden and create links to the eco-school ethos. We tied this all together into a project which focused on the topic of ‘senses’. This topic is very popular and suitable for P2 and 3. Later we narrowed this down further to the sense of touch with many trips outside working with the trees. It was Autumn time so we began to focus on the leaves. Lisa taught a ‘leaf dance’. From here, it just took off with a focus on nature and touch.

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Lisa Cahill


Lisa Cahill


Leanne Kyle


Dance & Movement

Music & Sound

Visual Arts

School Level


Participant Group

Aughnacloy Primary School, Co. Tyrone

No. Participants



Northern Ireland


P2 & 3


September 2016 to May 2017


Leading Agency

Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership

Key themes/ lines of enquiry

The sensory body – senses

Sensory experience of our place


The intention Leanne [the teacher] and I brought to the development of our work together was to listen to each other and the children.

Lisa Cahill, Artist

BeFunky CollageBeFunky Collage

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(c) Vanya Lambrecht Ward. Courtesy of Kids' Own

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