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Online Summer Early Years Art Workshops with The Ark
Check out The Ark's series of Early Years Art workshops held online through summer 2021. Create sounds and sculptures from found objects.
Arts Council of Ireland Young People, Children and Education Project Award 2022
The Arts Council of Ireland has opened applications for their Young People, Children and Education Project Award 2022 (YPCE). The award supports artists to develop and deliver ambitious and original projects with and for children and young people.
Part-Time Accredited Courses at the Centre for Continuing Education in Art & Design at NCAD
The Centre for Continuing Education in Art and Design at NCAD provides opportunities for part time study accredited courses in Visual Arts Practice, Drawing and Visual Investigation and Photography and Digital Imaging.
Opportunity to be Part of The Ark’s Children’s Council 2021/22
Would you like to be part of The Ark Children's Council? Are you a creative young person who loves drama, music, dance or art? If you are going into 4th or 5th Class in September then this could be right up your street!
Architects in Schools Programme: Call for Architects & Architectural Graduates
The Irish Architecture Foundation invites applications from architects and architectural graduates to participate in the 2021/22 Architects in Schools initiative.
Blog 2 – Third Class Pupils, Scoil Mhichil Naofa, Co. Kildare
Ba phlé a chuir tús lenár dtionscadal. Bhí plé againn le linn an chéad seisiúin a bhí againn lenár n-ealaíontóir i bpearsa.
Gort River Geolocated Sound Walk Created by Young Musicians
Visit the Gort River Sound Walk created by young musicians at Coole Music & Arts. Sound walk available until July 26th July. Free e-book of original compositions inspired by musician Turlough Carolan created by young musicians downloadable from Coole Music and Arts website.
Children’s Summer Programme: ‘Inside Out’ with Dublin City Arts Office & Libraries
Over seven weeks of Summer, Dublin City Arts Office and Libraries are delighted to present Inside Out – a feast of free online and outdoor workshops and performances for children and families. Events are free but booking is required through Eventbrite.
Blag 1 – Daltaí Rang a Trí, Scoil Mhichíl Naofa, Co. Chill Dara
An tús... Cuireadh tús lenár dtionscadal i mí an Mhárta le linn na dianghlasála. Chas muid lenár n-ealaíontóir, Tunde, den chéad uair...
Centre for Continuing Education in Art & Design at NCAD: Summer School
The Centre for Continuing Education at NCAD offers a range of short summer courses in art and design for adults and school leavers (16+) who want to explore their creative potential, learn new skills, or develop an on-going practice.
National Museum of Ireland Call Out for Artists & Educators
The Education Department of the National Museum of Ireland is looking for artists working in visual arts, design, drama, film, storytelling, architecture, craft and/or other arts disciplines with experience of designing and delivering workshops to meet the learning styles and needs of a range of audiences, including adults, schools and intergenerational groups such as families.
I-Stem Project Teacher Resource – The Gaiety School of Acting
The Gaiety School of Acting has teamed up with partners from Ireland, Finland, Poland and Holland to investigate ways in which performance, and specifically comedy improvisation, can be utilised by science educators to impact on their students in a new and dynamic way.